《声屏史苑探索录 赵玉明自选集》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:赵玉明著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京广播学院出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7810853848
  • 页数:245 页

目录 1

史实求真 Seeking Facts 1

更改人民广播创建纪念日的回忆和启示 Memory and Revelation on Change of Commemoration Day for People s Radio 1

延安新华广播电台筹建和试播始末(调查报告) Preparation and Trial Radio of Yan an Xinhua Radio Station(Survey Report) 11

[附]温济泽:关于新华社和延安新华广播电台的诞生日期 Attachment:On the Birthday of Xinhua News Agency and Yan an Radio Sta-tion by Wen Jize 17

发扬光荣传统 再创世纪辉煌——纪念中国人民广播事业创建60周年 Carry forward Glorious Tradition and Reach New Heights over Century 17

开拓进取60载 改革开放谱新篇——祝中国人民对外广播创建60周年 Sixty Years of Enterprising Trail-blazing,New Accomplishments Following Reform and Opening up 22

毛泽东同志与广播电视 Comrade Mao zedong and Radio Television 27

史事纪实 Historical Records 27

周恩来同志与广播电视 Comrade Zhou Enlai and Radio Television 63

刘少奇同志与广播电视 Comrade Liu Shaoqi and Radio Television 98

邓小平同志与广播电视 Comrade Deng Xiaoping and Radio Television 110

史论纵横 Free Thoughts 124

《中国广播电视通史》前言、结束语和后记 Foreword,Conclusion and Postscript of General History of China s Radio Television 124

广播学院和广播电视史学建设 Beijing Broadcasting Institute and Radio Television History 145

广播电视史学研究的新成果——第七届广播电视学术论文评选史学类获奖论文评述 Fresh Results from Radio Television History Research 152

中国新闻学教育和研究八十年 80 Year s Education Studies on China s Journalism 156

史文选萃 Handpicked Articles 156

中国大陆广播电视教育的回顾与前瞻 Review and Prospectation of Radio Television Education in Mainland China 172

海外华语广播电视的现状与未来 Present and Future of Overseas Chinese Language Radio Television 185

史学争鸣 My Opinions 193

准确、完整地理解和传播邓小平新闻宣传思想——兼与《邓小平论新闻宣传》编者商榷 Learn and Promulgate Deng Xiaoping s Conception of News Media in an Ac-curate and Complete Way 193

中国现代广播史研究中的若干问题——兼答陈尔泰同志 Some Issues on China Modern Radio Television Research 199

【附】陈尔泰:奥斯邦台不是中国的广播电台 Attachment:Osborn Radio Station is not China s National Radio Station by Chen Ertai 215

谁是最早评述广播节目的中国作家——致《学刊》编辑部的信 Who are the First Chinese Authors Commenting Radio Programs 215

【附一】王友枚:中国作家最早评述广播节目的论文 Attachment I:Essays on First Chinese Authors Commenting Radio Programsby Wang Youmei 224

【附二】何涛涛:最早评述广播节目的中国作家之我见 Attachment Ⅱ:My Point of View on First Chinese Authors Commenting Ra-dio Programs 224

商榷与补充——罗弘道《讨论广播电视产业属性的历史回顾及点评》读后 Discussion and Addition 224

对《周恩来手迹选》(题词题字卷)编注工作的几点意见——与编者商榷 Opinions on Compilation and Footnoting of Zhou Enlai s Autography(inscrip-tion version) 227

广播电视语言文字规范化浅谈 A Few Words about Standardization of Broadcasting Language 231

【附录】 Appendix 236

两个二十年 前后不一般——赵玉明教授访问记(赵琳琳 薛文婷) Two Twenty-Years See the Difference 236

后记 Postscript 244