《故宫 中英文本》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:寒布编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京美术摄影出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7805012733
  • 页数:147 页

目录CONTENTS一、宫殿建筑的集大成者/ 8

The Highest Achievement of Chinese Ancient Palaces二、防卫严密的城垣体系/ 24

The Well-Fortified City Wall and Moat System三、宏伟壮丽的外朝宫殿/ 34

The Grand and Glorious Outer Court1.皇权至尊——三大殿/ 36

Three Great Halls2.左辅右弼——文华武英/ 64

The Hall of Literary Brilliance and the Hall of Military Glory四、布局严谨的内廷宫苑/ 68

The Tightly Packed and Carefully Designed Inner Court1.乾清坤宁——后三宫/ 70

The Three Rear Palaces2.聚灵堆秀——御花园/ 86

The Imperial Garden3.宫壶深帷——东西六宫/ 96

Six Eastern Palaces and Six Western Palaces4.勤政亲贤——养心殿/ 112

The Hall of Mental Cultivation5.养性颐和——宁寿宫、慈宁宫/ 120

The Hall of Tranquil Longevity and the Hall of Benevolent Tranquility五、举世闻名的故宫博物院/ 128

The Palace Museum of the World Renown■ 附录 Appendix/ 146