《中国古典园林大观 下》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:17 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:蓝先琳编著
  • 出 版 社:天津:天津大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7561816715
  • 页数:551 页

1.隩Cove 246

2.黄石类Yellow Rock 272

3.剑石、笋石类Straight Rock and Stalagmite 273

4.英石类Quartzite 273

5.灵璧石Lingbi Rock 274

6.宣石类Xuan Rock 274

7.卵圆石类Cobble 276

8.其他石类Other Rocks 278

二.赏石Rock Appreciation 278

1.赏石标准Appreciation Standard 280

2.石的寓意美Pregnancy with Meaning 280

三.置石Rock Placing 290

3.名峰赏析Appreciation of Famous Peaks 290

1.特置Special Placing 292

2.散置Scattered Placing 298

四.叠山Rockery Piling 298

1.叠山技艺Rockery Piling Skill 306

2.假山的类型Types of Rockery 320

3.磴道、路径与铺地Rocky Mountain Path,Route and Paving 326

2.池 Pool 330

3.河流River 334

二.岸型Bank Classifying 334

4.溪涧Mountain Stream 336

5.瀑Fall 338

6.泉Spring 340

7.曲水Crooked River 342

2.矶Rocky Cliff on Water's Edge 348

3.汀石 Spit ofRock 350

4.滩Beach 352

5.堤Dyke 354

6.岛Island 358

7.洲、渚Sand Bar or Islet in River 360

8.水洞Water Cave 362

三.理水手法Skill of Water Arranging 364

1.聚散Separating 365

2.曲折Winding 370

3.掩映Setting off One Another 372

4.临近Neighboring 374

5.静与动 Still and Move 376

第五章 园林花木配置Chapter 5.Plant Arranging 378

一.花木类别Plants Classifying 380

1.乔木 Tree 380

2.灌木Bush 388

3.藤本植物Vine 394

4.花卉 Flower 398

5.竹类Bamboo 402

6.水生植物Water Plants 406

3.赏花 Flower 414

4.赏香Smell 418

5.赏古木Appreciation Old Trees 420

6.赏季相 Appreciating Plants in Different Seasons 426

三.花木种植Different Methods of Plant Growing 428

1.孤植Solitary Growing 429

2.对植Opposite Growing 430

3.丛植Growing in Clumps 432

4.群植Growing in Groups 433

四.花木配置Plant Arranging 434

1.花木间配置Among Plants 434

2.花木与建筑配置Between Plants and Buildings 436

3.花木与已石配置Between Plants and Rockery 440

4.花木与水配置Between Plants and Water 446

第六章 中国古典园林的基本特征与造园手法 448

Chapter 6. The Basic Features and Construction Skill of the Classical Chinese Gardens一.中国园林的基本特征Basic Features 450

1.源于自然高于自然Originating from Nature and Higher than Nature 451

2.诗的情境Situation of Poetry 454

3.画的意趣Interest and Charm of Picture 460

二.中国园林的造园手法Skill of Garden Construction 472

1.卜筑相地Geomancy Practising 472

2.经营位置Location 474

3.曲折幽深Winding,Deep and Quiet 478

4.步移景异(移步换景)Sights Changing with One’s Steps 482

8 5.大中见小小中见大To See the Little in the Large and To See the Large in the Little 488

6.虚实相生Feints and Ambushes 490

三.中国园林的成景类型Scene Classifying 494

1.借景Borrowed Scene 494

2.主景Main Scene 498

3.点景Dotted Scene 500

4.引景Leading Scene 504

5.对景与夹景Opposite and Sandwiched Scenes 508

6.分景与隔景Divided and Separated Scenes 512

7.漏景Hollowed Scene 516

8.障景Blocked Scene 518

9.框景Frame Scene 522

10.天景Sky Scene 526

11.影景Shadow Scene 532

12.色景Color Scene 536

13.声景Sound Scene 540

盆景Potted Landscape 542