
  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:潘正风等编著
  • 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7307043114
  • 页数:372 页


Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Preface 1

Foreword 1

目 录 1

§1.1测绘学的任务及作用 1

序 1

前言 1

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 Tasks and functions of Geomatics 2

1.2 Overview of digital mapping 3

§1.2数字测图的发展概况 3

1.3 Purposes and requirements for studying the course 4

§1.3 学习数字测图原理与方法的目的和要求 4

2.1 The shape and size of the earth 6

Chapter 2 Basic Knowledge of Surveys 6

第二章测量的基本知识 6

§2.1地球形状和大小 6

2.2 Common surveying coordinate systems and orientation of reference ellipsoid 8

§2.2测量常用坐标系和参考椭球定位 8

2.3 Map projection and Gauss plane rectangular coordinate system 12

§2.3地图投影和高斯平面直角坐标系 12

§2.4高程 19

2.4 Elevation 19

2.5 Limit of replacing level surface with horizontal plane 20

§2.5用水平面代替水准面的限度 20

§2.6方位角 22

2.6 Azimuth 22

§2.7地形图的基本知识 24

2.7 Basic knowledge of topographic map 24

§2.8地形图的分幅与编号 31

2.8 Sheet line system and sheet number of topographic map 31

3.1 Classification of observation errors 42

§3.1观测误差的分类 42

第三章测量误差基本知识 42

Chapter 3 Basic Knowledge of Errors 42

§3.2衡量精度的标准 45

3.2 Criterion for evaluating precision 45

3.3 Arithmetic mean and root mean square error of observations 48

§3.3算术平均值及观测值的中误差 48

3.4 The law of error propagation 51

§3.4误差传播定律 51

3.5 Weighted mean and precision evaluation 55

§3.5加权平均值及其精度评定 55

3.6 Principles of adjustment of observation equations 58

§3.6间接平差原理 58

第四章 水准测量和水准仪 62

§4.1水准测量原理与方法 62

Chapter 4 Leveling and Level 62

4.1 Principles and methods of leveling 62

4.2 Levels and leveling rods 65

§4.2水准仪和水准尺 65

4.3 Field works of leveling 81

§4.3水准测量外业施测 81

§4.4水准测量的误差分析 88

4.4 Error analysis in leveling 88

§4.5 水准仪的检验与校正 90

4.5 Test and adjustment of levels 90

§5.1角度测量原理 103

第五章 角度、距离测量与全站仪 103

Chapter 5 Angle Measurement, Distance Measurement and 103

Total Station 103

5.1 Principles of angle measurement 103

§5.2经纬仪 104

5.2 Theodolite 104

5.3 Methods of determining angles 115

§5.3 角度观测方法 115

5.4 Errors sources and precision in determining horizontal angles 123

§5.4水平角观测的误差和精度 123

5.5 Test and adjustment of the theodolite 132

§5.5 经纬仪的检验和校正 132

5.6 Distance measurement 137

§5.6 距离测量 137

5.7 Error analysis of electro-optical distance measurement 154

§5.7光电测距误差分析 154

5.8 Test of electro-optical distance measuring instruments 158

§5.8光电测距仪的检验 158

5.9 Total station and automatic total station system 162

§5.9全站仪和自动全站仪 162

5.10 Trigonometric leveling 166

§5.10三角高程测量 166

第六章控制测量 172

§6.1控制测量概述 172

Chapter 6 Control Survey 172

6.1 Overview 172

§6.2导线测量 181

6.2 Traverse survey 181

6.3 Intersection 195

§6.3交会测量 195

6.4 Triangulation 204

§6.4三角网测量 204

§6.5高程控制测量 210

6.5 Vertical control survey 210

6.6 Applications of Global Positioning System(GPS) in control survey 219

§6.6全球定位系统(GPS)在控制测量中的应用 219

Chapter 7 Detail Survey 226

7.1 Methods of detail mapping 226

第七章碎部测量 226

§7.1碎部测图方法 226

§7.2测定碎部点的基本方法 230

7.2 Basic methods of determining detail points 230

7.3 Location and depiction of planimetric feature 235

§7.3地物测绘 235

7.4 Determination and depiction of relief 239

§7.4地貌测绘 239

8.1 Basic graphic display 248

第八章计算机地图绘图基础 248

§8.1基本图形显示 248

Chapter 8 Fundamentals of Computer Plotting 248

8. 2 Automatic plotting of planimetric feature symbols 252

§8.2地形图地物符号的自动绘制 252

§8.3曲线光滑的数学方法 257

8.3 Mathematical smoothing methods for curves 257

§8.4等高线的自动绘制 260

8.4 Automatic plotting of contour 260

§9.1地形图手扶跟踪数字化 267

第九章地形图的数字化 267

Chapter 9 Topographic Map Digitizing 267

9.1 Digitizing of topographic map by manual tracing 267

9.2 Digital image and raster data operation 274

§9.2数字图像概念和栅格数据的运算 274

§9.3地形图的扫描屏幕数字化 278

9.3 Digitizing of topographic map by scanning and screen manual editing 278

10.1 Technical design for large-scale digital mapping 282

§10.1 大比例尺测图的技术设计 282

第十章大比例尺数字地形图测绘 282

Topographic Map 282

Chapter 10 Surveying and Mapping of Large-Scale Digital 282

10.2 Mapping control survey and station determination 283

§10.2 图根控制测量和测站点测定 283

10.3 Field data collection 285

§10.3野外采集数据 285

10.4 Editing and output of digital topographic map 288

§10.4数字地形图编辑和输出 288

10.5 Quality control of large-scale digital topographic map 291

§10.5大比例尺数字地形图质量控制 291

§10.6地形图数据库 293

10.6 Topographic map database 293

Chapter 11 Applications of Digital Topographic Map 299

11.1 Overview 299

第十一章数字地形图的应用 299

§11.1 概述 299

11.2 Applications of paper topographic map 300

§11.2纸质地形图的应用 300

11.3 Computation of areas and volumes 304

§11.3面积和体积计算 304

§11.4格网数字高程模型 308

11.4 Grid digital elevation model 308

§11.5地面模型透视图 313

11.5 Perspective view of terrain model 313

第十二章地籍图和房产图测绘 318

§12.1概述 318

Chapter 12 Surveying and Mapping of Cadastral Map and 318

Real Estate Map 318

12.1 Overview 318

§12.2地籍调查 320

12.2 Cadastral inventory 320

§12.3地籍图测绘 325

12.3 Surveying and mapping of cadastral map 325

12.4 Real estate investigation 331

§12.4房产调查 331

12.5 Surveying and mapping of real estate map 335

§12.5房产图测绘 335

第十三章地下管线图测绘 342

§13.1地下管线探测 342

13. 1 Underground pipeline probing 342

Chapter 13 Surveying and Mapping of Underground Pipeline Map 342

§13.2地下管线物理探查 345

13.2 Physical sounding of underground pipeline 345

§13.3地下管线测量 347

13.3 Underground pipeline survey 347

Chapter 14 Route Surveys 353

14. 1 Surveying and mapping of strip topographic map 353

第十四章路线测量 353

§14.1带状地形图测绘 353

§14.2路线中线测量 355

14.2 Center line survey 355

14. 3 Profile survey 362

§14.3断面图测量 362

14.4 Profile plotting 369

§14.4断面图绘制 369