《中国人想要什么样民主 英文》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:张明澍著;裴荻菲译
  • 出 版 社:北京:五洲传播出版社
  • 出版年份:2015
  • ISBN:9787508530642
  • 页数:372 页

Preface 1

Ⅰ.Why study the subject "what kind of democracy do Chinese people want"? 1

Ⅱ.China's"Political Man" 5

Ⅲ.How to study"what kind of democracy do Chinese people want"and the arrangement of the book 7

Chapter Ⅰ Democracy:Good or Not? 15

Section Ⅰ Do you think democracy is good? 16

Section Ⅱ China and U.S.,which one is better? 31

Section Ⅲ Are you satisfied with the status quo of China's democracy? 48

Section Ⅳ Discussion 55

Chapter Ⅱ What Is Democracy? 63

Section Ⅰ What is democracy? 66

Section Ⅱ Consultation or voting? 76

Section Ⅲ What is the most important condition for being a Ieader? 84

Section Ⅳ Whether the secretary got it right? 91

Section Ⅴ How to evaluate two-party system? 98

Section Ⅵ Discussion 106

Chapter Ⅲ Why Do We Need Democracy? 111

Section Ⅰ What needs greatest improvement in Chinese democratization? 112

Section Ⅱ What is the most important issue to be addressed through political structure reform? 121

Section Ⅲ Where do you put freedom and rights? 129

Section Ⅳ Discussion 138

Chapter Ⅳ The Best Attitude to Politics 141

Section Ⅰ What is the best attitude towards politics? 141

Section Ⅱ To what extent the government influences your life? 151

Section Ⅲ Who should be responsible for traffic congestion? 159

Section Ⅳ What will you do in witness of a bribe? 165

Section Ⅴ Discussion 173

ChaPter Ⅴ How to Patticipate in Politics? 175

Section Ⅰ Will you push the government to change the decision when your rights are infringed? 176

Section Ⅱ How will you choose to influence the government? 194

Section Ⅲ When will you choose to parade? 205

Section Ⅳ Discussion 218

Chapter Ⅵ Actual Acts of Political Participation 221

Section Ⅰ Have you ever taken some actions to influence the government decision-making? 222

Section Ⅱ Do you like to talk about politics? 237

Section Ⅲ How to regard the direct election? 247

Section Ⅳ Discussion 269

Chapter Ⅶ Political Knowledge 273

Section Ⅰ Do you know the Russian President's name? 274

Section Ⅱ How much do you know about laws and regulations? 282

Section Ⅲ What is the significance of the 18th National Congress of the CPC? 294

Section Ⅳ Discussion 306

Chapter Ⅷ China's"Political Man" 309

Section Ⅰ What kind of democracy do Chinese people want? 309

Section Ⅱ Ethical Political Culture VS Scientific Political Culture 317

Section Ⅲ Major Findings 329

Section Ⅳ Types of China's"Political Man" 332

Conclusion China's Way to Democracy 341

Appendix Questionnaire on Political Quality of Chinese Citizens 351