
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:林刚编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:金盾出版社
  • 出版年份:2015
  • ISBN:9787518601189
  • 页数:217 页


Prewriting:Asking Questions and Taking Notes 1

Activity 1.Working with a Partner for Prewriting 1

Activity 2.Who is the person you admired? 2

Model Essay Writing about People—Mother of Hope 3

Part Ⅰ.Organisation:Paragraph Writing 4

Finished Paragraph Format 5

Title Rules 5

Part Ⅱ.Grammar and Mechanics-Capitalisation 7

Capitalisation Rules 7

Practice 1-1:Capitalisation 8

Punctuation 9

Punctuation Rules 9

Practice 1-2:About Yourself 9

Part Ⅲ.Sentence Structure 10

Simple Sentences and Parts of a Sentence 10

Subject-verb Agreement 11

Prepositional Phrases 11

Practice 1-3:Identifying Subjects,Verbs and Complements 12

Practice 1-4:Subject-verb Agreement 12

Practice 1-5:Write about Your Family 13

Part Ⅳ.The Writing Process 14

Step 1.Prewrite to Get Ideas 14

Step 2.Organise the Ideas 14

Step 3.Write the Rough Draft 14

Step 4.Edit the Rough Draft 15

Step 5.Write the Second Draft 16

Step 6.Write the Final Draft 16


Prewriting:Brainstorming 17

Model Paragraph:Structure 18

Part Ⅰ.Organisation:Parts of a Paragraph 19

Topic Sentence 19

Practice 2-1:Narrowing Subjects from General to Specific 20

Practice 2-2:Narrowing Controlling Ideas from General to Specific 21

Practice 2-3:Writing Topic Sentence 21

Practice 2-4:Sports Writing 23

Practice 2-5:Read and Wnte 24

Practice 2-6:Writing Supporting Sentences 26

Practice 2-7:Brainstorming Supporting Sentences 26

The Concluding Sentence 27

The Concluding Comment 28

Practice 2-8:Writing Concluding Sentences 28

Practice 2-9:Concluding Comments 28

Part Ⅱ.Prewriting:Outlining a Paragraph 29

Simple Outline 29

Sample of Simple Outlining:Snow Skiing 29

Detailed Outline 29

Sample of Detailed Outlining:Snow Skiing 30

Using the Outline 30

Part Ⅲ.The Writing Process 31

Step 1.Preview to Get Ideas 31

Step 2.Organise Your Ideas 32

Step 3.Write the Rough Draft 32

Step 4.Edit the Rough Draft 32

Step 5.Write the Second Draft 33

Step 6.Write the Final Draft 33


Prewriting:Brainstorming 34

Model Paragraph:Unity and Coherence 35

Part Ⅰ.Sentence Structure 35

Independent Clauses 35

Practice 3-1:Compound Sentences 36

Dependent Clauses/Complex Sentences 37

Practice 3-2:Dependent and Independent Clauses 37

Complex Sentences with Adverb Clauses 38

Practice 3-3:Complex Sentences with Adverb Clauses 39

Practice 3-4:Writing Complex Sentences 39

Practice 3-5:Sentence Combining 40

Part Ⅱ.Prewriting:Unity & Coherence 42

Practice:Unity 42

Coherence 43

Transition Signals 44

Practice 3-6:Transition Signals 46

Using Consistent Pronoun 49

Practice 3-7:Using Consistent Pronoun 50

Practice 3-8:Adding Transition Signals and Pronouns 51

Part Ⅲ.The Writing Process 52

Step 1.Preview to Get Ideas 52

Step 2.Organise Your Ideas 52

Step 3.Write the Rough Draft 52

Step 4.Edit the Rough Draft 52

Step 5.Write the Second Draft 53

Step 6.Write the Final Draft 53


Prewriting:Freewriting 54

Activity:Freewrite about a Memorable Event or Experience in Your Life 54

Part Ⅰ.Organisation:Narration—Time Order 55

Time Order Words and Phrases 56

Practice 4-1:Time Order Words 56

Practice 4-2:Time Order Paragraph 58

Part Ⅱ.Grammar and Mechanics—Simple Present Tense and Adverbs of Frequency 58

Simple Present Tenses 59

Position of Adverbs of Frequency 60

Practice 4-3:Simple Present Tense and Adverb Frequency 61

Comma Rules 62

Practice 4-4:Punctuation—Comma Rules 62

Task 4-5:A Traditional Wedding 63

Part Ⅲ.Sentence Structure:Compound Sentences 64

Compound Sentences 64

Practice 4-6:Compound Sentences:with,and,or,but,so 65

Task 4-7:Sentence Combining 67

Part Ⅳ.The Writing Portfolio 69

Step 1.Prewrite to Get Ideas 69

Step 2.Organise the Ideas 69

Step 3.Write the Rough Draft 69

Step 4.Edit the Rough Draft 69

Step 5.Write the Second Draft 70

Step 6.Write the Final Draft 70


Prewriting:Clustering 71

Freewrite for Portfolio 72

Model Paragraph:Description 72

Part Ⅰ.Organisation:Description—Spatial Order 73

Practice 5-1:Spatial Order 73

Spatial Order Words and Phrases 74

Practice 5-2:Spatial Order 75

Part Ⅱ.Grammar and Mechanics-Present Continuous Tense"it is/there is/there are" 75

Present Continuous Tense 76

The Subject"IT" 77

The Expletive THERE 78

Subject Verb Agreement Rules 78

Practice 5-3:it is/there is/there are 78

Practice 5-4:Describing a Busy Scene 79

Part Ⅲ.Sentence Structure:Compound Sentences with yet,for,nor 79

Practice 5-5:Compound Sentences 80

Position of Prepositional Phrases 81

Practice 5-6:Moving Prepositional Phrases 81

Practice 5-7:Combining Sentences 82

Part Ⅳ.The Writing Portfolio 83

Step 1.Prewrite to Get Ideas 83

Step 2.Organise the Ideas 84

Step 3.Write the Rough Draft 84

Step 4.Edit the Rough Draft 84

Step 5.Write the Second Draft 85

Step 6.Write the Final Draft 85


Prewriting:Brainstorming 86

Essay Model:Organisation 87

Part Ⅰ.Organisation:Overview of Essay Organisation 88

The Introduction Paragraph 88

Practice 6-1:Introductory Paragraph Writing 90

Body Paragraphs 90

Practice 6-2:Body Paragraph Writing 90

The Concluding Paragraph 91

Practice 6-3:Concluding Sentences 92

Practice 6-4:Final Thought 93

Transitions between Paragraphs 94

Practice 6-5:Transitions between Paragraphs 95

Part Ⅱ.Prewriting—Outlining an Essay 95

Practice 6-6:Essay Outlining 97

Practice 6-7:Outlining an Essay 98

Part Ⅲ.Grammar and Mechanics:Present Perfect Tense,Quotations 98

Grammar:Present Perfect Tense 100

Practice 6-8:Present Perfect Tense 100

Present Perfect Vs. Simple Past Tense 101

Practice 6-9 101

Practice 6-10:Present Perfect Tense 102

Quotations 102

Practice 6-11:Punctuating Quotations 104

Part Ⅳ.The Writing Portfolio 104

Step 3.Write the Rough Draft 104

Step 4.Edit the Rough Draft 104

Step 5.Write the Second Draft 105

Step 6.Write the Final Draft 105


Prewriting:Group Ideas Logically 106

Essay Model:Logical Division of Ideas 108

Part Ⅰ.Organisation:Logical Division of Ideas 109

Developing a Logical Division Topic 109

Using Examples to Support 110

Practice 7-1:Examples 111

Introducing Examples 112

Practice 7-2:Developing Logical Division Paragraphs 112

Practice 7-3:Logical Division of Ideas Group Essay 113

Part Ⅱ.Grammar and Mechanics 113

Model Essay:Appositives and Adjective Clauses 113

Restrictive and Non-restrictive Appositives 115

Practice 7-4:Commas with Restrictive and Non-restrictive Appositives 116

Restrictive and Non-restrictive Adjective Clauses 116

Practice 7-5:Commas with Restrictive and Non-restrictive Adjective Clauses 117

Practice 7-6:Commas/Capitalisation Review 117

Part Ⅲ.Sentence Structures:Complex Sentences with Adjective Clauses 118

Subject Pattern Adjective Clauses 118

Practice 7-7:Subject Pattern Adjective Clauses 119

Object Pattern Adjective Clauses 120

Practice 7-8:Object Pattern Adjective Clauses 121

Practice 7-9:Adjective Clause 121

Practice 7-10:Sentence Combining 122

Part Ⅳ.The Writing Portfolio 123

Step 1.Prewrite to Get Ideas 123

Step 2.Organise the Idea 123

Step 3.Write the Rough Draft 123

Step 4.Edit the Rough Draft 123

Step 5.Write the Second Draft 124

Step 6.Write the Final Draft 125


Prewriting:Read and Forming an Opinion 126

Essay Model:Supporting an Idea 127

Part Ⅰ.Organisation:Opinion Essays 128

Using Reasons to Support an Opinion 129

Practice 8-1:Using Reasons to Support an Opinion 130

Order of Importance 130

Transition Signals 131

Practice 8-2:Transition Signals 131

Writing Assignment Supporting Your Opinion 131

Part Ⅱ.Grammar and Mechanics 132

Model Essay:Modal Verbs 132

Modal Verbs 133

Practice 8-3:Using Modal Verbs 134

Practice 8-4:Modal Verbs 135

Part Ⅲ.Sentence Structures:Reason Clauses 135

Practice 8-5:Reason Clauses 136

Contrast Clauses 137

Practice 8-6:Contrast Clauses(Ⅰ) 138

Practice 8-7:Contrast Clauses(Ⅱ) 138

Result Clauses 139

Practice 8-8:Result Clauses 139

Practice 8-9:Sentence Completion 140

Part Ⅳ.The Writing Portfolio 141

Step 3.Write the Rough Draft 141

Step 4.Edit the Rough Draft 141

Step 5.Write the Second Draft 142

Step 6.Write the Final Draft 142


Prewriting:Culture Contrast 143

Activity:Research about the Other Cultures 143

Essay Model:Comparison and Contrast 144

Part Ⅰ.Organisation:Comparison-Contrast Essays 146

Block Organisation 146

Thesis Statement 147

Concluding Paragraph 148

Practice 9-1:Hainan or Harbin? 148

Part Ⅱ.Sentence Structure 150

Model Essay:Modal Verbs 150

Comparison Structure Words and Phrases 151

Practice 9-2:Comparison Words and Phrases 153

Practice 9-3:Paired Conjunctions 153

Practice 9-4:Using Comparison Structure Words and Phrases 153

Practice 9-5:Sentences of Comparison 154

Contrast Structure Words and Phrases 155

Practice 9-6:Contrast Structure Words 156

Practice 9-7:Contrast Sentences 157

Practice 9-8:Comparison-Contrast Structure Words 157

Part Ⅲ.Grammar and Mechanics 157

Comparisons with Adjectives and Adverbs 157

Practice 9-9:Comparisons wish Adjectives and Adverbs 158

Comparisons with Nouns 159

Practice 9-10:Comparisons with Nouns 159

Expressions of Equality and Inequality 160

Practice 9-11:Expressions of Equality and Inequality 160

Part Ⅳ.The Writing Portfolio 161

Step 1.Prewrite to Get Ideas 161

Step 2.Organise the Ideas 161

Step 3.Write the Rough Draft 161

Step 4.Edit the Rough Draft 161

Step 5.Write the Second Draft 162

Step 6.Write the Final Draft 162


Quotation 163

Model 1.Quotations 163

Reporting Verbs and Phrases 164

Practice 10-1:Punctuating Direct Quotations 166

Practice 10-2:Quotation Process 166

Paraphrasing 167

Model 2.Paraphrasing 168

Practice 10-3:Finding Synonymous Expressions 169

Writing Paraphrase 170

Practice 10-4:Paraphrasing 170

Summaries 171

Model 3.Summaries 172

Writing a Summary 172

Model 4.Writing a Summary 172

Practice 10-5:Summarizing 173

Document Sources 175

Citations Within the Text 176

Preparing a List of Works Cited 176

Model 5.Works Cited 177

Practice 10-6:"Works Cited"References 178

Review 178


Introduction 180

Differences between Speech and Writing 180

Personal Writing Versus Professional Writing 181

Barriers to Written Conmmunication 182

Professional Writing Types 182

Purpose and Tone 182

Audience 183

Different Channels:Letters,Memos,and Emails 183

Guidelines for Professional Writing 184

Language Accuracy 185

Memo & Email Writing 185

Continuum of Formality in Written Communication 186

Memo 186

What is a memo? 186

Memo Structure 187

E-mails 189


Introduction 193

The Purposes of Letters 193

The Format of a Professional Letter 193

1.Lettlerhead 193

2.Date 194

3.Inside Address 194

4.Salutation 195

5.Subject Heading 196

6.The Body or Message 196

7.The Complimentary Close 197

8.The Signature 197

9.Name and Designation 197

10.Extra Notations 197

11.References 198

Types of Letter 198

Stages of Writing a Letter 198

Producing a Good Impression in Writing 199

How to Write 199

Using AIDA in Persuasion 199

Other Elements of Persuasion 200

Basic Structure for Letters with IMPACT 200

Letters of Request 200

Letters of Claim 200

The SCRAP Formula 201

Letters of Adjustment 201

Good News Letters 201

Bad News Letters 201

Getting It All Correct 201

Write Three Drafts 202

Summary 202

Assignment 202

1.Letter of Request 202

2.Letter of Confirmation 202

3.Letter of Claim(Complaint) 203

4.Letter of Claim and Letter of Adjustment 203

5.Letter of Enquiry 203


What is a report? 204

The Purpose of Reports 204

Types of Report 204

Type 1.Informative Reports 204

Type 2.Process Reports 204

Type 3.Investigative Reports 205

Basic Structure of a Report 208

Title and Author 208

Terms of Reference(Aim,Purpose,Objective) 208

Procedure(Methods,Sources) 208

Findings(Results,Data,Body,Discussion) 209

Conclusions(Comments,Interpretation,Analysis) 209

Recommendations(Solutions,Action) 210

Complex Reports 210

Cover 210

Title Page 210

Contents Page 210

Summary(Synopsis,Abstract) 211

Acknowledgements 211

References 211

Appendix(Appendices,Supplementary Material) 211

Layout 212

Purpose 212

Decimal Numbering 212

Writing Assignment 213

参考文献 216