
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王云燕,唐滢主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国农业出版社
  • 出版年份:2015
  • ISBN:9787109195813
  • 页数:203 页
图书介绍:本教材共包括九个单元,每个单元包括同一个主题的2篇阅读篇章,单元由四个部分组成:Part I为课前热身准备活动,设置与本单元主题相关的讨论问题或快速写作等活动,为学生顺利进入写作状态做好必要的铺垫;Part II为单元主题阅读篇章以及针对该篇章设计的阅读理解、词汇、相关句子写作技能的练习,掌握英语句子的起承转合,为主题写作准备,设有Compre hension Check, ocabulary Study, Sentence Structure等,旨在在实践中掌握语言表达方式;Part III为单元写作主题阅读篇章以及针对该篇章展开的如何有效地组织段落和短文写作技能分析及练习,帮助学生掌握包括过程控制、观点把握、比较和对照等不同文体的段落常用写作方式,设有Essays Writing, Essay Discussion, Essay Organization Writ ing Assignments, Steps in the Writing等形式的练习;Part IV为本单元写作知识的概括总结练习,旨在使学习者对本单元所学内容进行进一步的巩固和整理。书后附有练习答案,10篇大学英语六

Unit 1 Happiness 1

Part Ⅰ Unit Preview 1

Part Ⅱ Passage 1 Realizing Your Ultimate Aim 1

Part Ⅲ Passage 2 Fun,Oh Boy.Fun.You Could Die from It 6

Part Ⅳ Writing Summary:Definition 10

Unit 2 Education 12

Part Ⅰ Unit Preview 12

Part Ⅱ Passage 1 Village Voice 12

Part Ⅲ Passage 2 The Lost Teens 16

Part Ⅳ Writing Summary:Process Analysis Writing 21

Unit 3 Health 22

Part Ⅰ Unit Preview 22

Part Ⅱ Passage 1 Weeping for My Smoking Daughter 22

Part Ⅲ Passage 2 The Risks of Cigarette Smoke 27

Part Ⅳ Writing Summary:Cause-and-Effect Writing 31

Unit 4 Overwork 33

Part Ⅰ Unit Preview 33

Part Ⅱ Passage 1 Employee Burnout:Around the Corner?Already Here? 33

Part Ⅲ Passage 2 Five Stages to Escape from Overwork and Overwhelm 39

Part Ⅳ Writing Summary:Write a Process 43

Unit 5 Working Habits 44

Part Ⅰ Unit Preview 44

Part Ⅱ Passage 1 The Company Man 44

Part Ⅲ Passage 2 What Do I Do Next? 49

Part Ⅳ Writing Summary:Causal Analysis 53

Unit 6 Man and Woman 55

Part Ⅰ Unit Preview 55

Part Ⅱ Passage 1 Women:Fragile Flowers? 55

Part Ⅲ Passage 2 Beethoven and Lennon 60

Part Ⅳ Writing Summary:Comparison/Contrast 64

Unit 7 Learning about English 65

Part Ⅰ Unit Preview 65

Part Ⅱ Passage 1 The Development of English Pronunciation 65

Part Ⅲ Passage 2 The Glorious Messiness ofEnglish 71

Part Ⅳ Writing Summary:Exemplification 76

Unit 8 Life Attitude 78

Part Ⅰ Unit Preview 78

Part Ⅱ Passage 1 How to Grow Old 78

Part Ⅲ Passage 2 Eating and Reading 84

Part Ⅳ Writing Summary:Analogy 86

Unit 9 Learning 88

Part Ⅰ Unit Preview 88

Part Ⅱ Passage 1 College Success Made Easy 88

Part Ⅲ Passage 2 Secrets ofStraight-A Students 93

Part Ⅳ Writing Summary:Argumentation 97

Key to Exercises 98

Appendix Ⅰ 162

Appendix Ⅱ 179

主要参考文献 203