A.是甜是苦婚外恋 1
1.舞厅的诱惑 1
2.竟然爱了 3
3.发生了那种事 6
4.好心的提醒 8
5.提心吊胆 9
6.她为何爱我 12
7.海滩情趣 14
8.烧烤炉前歌对诗 17
9.账蓬里的风流 21
10.上得山多终遇虎 23
11.大难逢生 26
12.又起波澜 29
13.成了一半 32
14.异国谋生难 33
15.重逢多情调 35
16.妻子一语破天机 42
17.有悲更有欢 45
18.湖光山色,儿女情长 52
19.两个女人谁先来? 59
20.为爱情而牺牲爱情 61
21.藕断丝连 65
22.妻子吐苦水 69
23.让爱情永恒 74
B.Please all coutry-s people join to change English become much easy请中国读者和国外华侨参加简化英语工作 76
C.Rule of Longwei easy-English隆伟简化英语规则 77
D.Love after marry is good or bad 80
1.Dance club 80
2.Love real-ly 84
3.Happen sex-al connect-ing 90
4.Kind re-mind 94
5.Nervous love 96
6.Why do she love me 103
7.Enjoy-ment on beach of sea 106
8.The poem reply the sing-ment in front of camp-fire 112
9.Romantic in the tent 119
10.Often go to mount-s,happen to tiger at last 124
11.To get my way out from a despair 130
12.Happen to the trouble yet 135
13.To succeed half 139
14.It is hard to live abroad 142
15.Re-meet-ing is more enjoy-al 145
16.The feel-ing about my wife 157
E.Use Longwei easy-English connect world business-er用隆伟简化英语与世界各国商人联系 164
F.Longwei easy-English word-book隆伟简化英语词典 181
G.Behind-page后记 216