
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:马广惠著
  • 出 版 社:南京:河海大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7563020802
  • 页数:204 页

Part One Background 1

Chapter One Introduction 4

1.Need for the study 6

Resolving some of the problems and inconsistent findings in L2 writing research 7

Verifying some of the hypotheses related to L2 writing 10

Improving the efficiency of the teaching and learning of L2 writing in China 11

Summary 12

2.Outline of the book 13

Chapter Two An overview:L1 writing ability,L2 proficiency and L2 writing ability——a trilateral relationship 14

1.Introduction 14

2.The relationship between L1 writing ability and L2 writing ability 14

Assumptions,findings,hypotheses and studies 14

Problems,causes and solutions 18

3.L1 writing ability and L2 proficiency 19

4.The relationship between L2 proficiency and L2 writing ability 22

Research findings and some related studies 22

"L2 proficiency"and L2 writing ability 22

Reading-writing relationship 28

Problems and their causes 31

Solutions 32

5.Methodologies in L2 writing research——quantitative vs.qualitative 33

6.Summary 35

Part Two Theoretical Framework and Research Design 37

Chapter Three The Conceptual Framework for the Study 40

1.Introduction 40

2.A general description of Grabe and Kaplan's(1996)model 41

3.The focus of the study 45

Introduction 45

Competence and performance 46

Comprehension and production 49

Defining L2 proficiency 50

Summary 50

4.Systematic effects of L2 learners'linguistic variables on L2 writing 51

The specific conceptual model to be tested in this study 51

The effects of L1 writing ability on L2 writing ability 52

Measures of writing ability——quality,fluency,and superstructure 53

Comprehension and production 55

5.Summary 58

Chapter Four Research Design for the Quantitative Part of the Study 59

1.Introduction 59

2.Hypotheses 59

3.Subjects 60

4.Instruments 62

Questionnaire 63

Tests of L2 comprehension competencies(Appendix 2) 63

Tests of L2 comprehension skills(Appendix 3) 66

Tests of L2 production competencies(Appendix 4) 66

Oral test of English speaking ability 67

English writing task 68

Chinese writing task 68

5.Data collection 69

6.Treatment of the data 70

Scoring of the test papers 70

Oral score 70

Total score of all the subtests of L2 proficiency 71

Typing all the compositions 71

Composition rating procedure 71

Word counting 72

Scoring of superstructure 72

7.Procedures for data analyses 73

Introduction 73

Statistical analyses with SPSS 74

Reliabilities of the tests 75

Structural equation modeling with STREAMS and LISREL 75

Procedures for model building 79

8.Summary 81

Chapter Five Design for the Qualitative Part of the Study 82

1.Introduction 82

2.Research questions 82

3.Definition of"skilled"and"unskilled"L2 student writers 83

4.Subjects 83

5.Procedures:data collection and analyses 85

6.Summary 88

Part Three Results and Analysis 89

Chapter Six Results of Quantitative Part of the Study 92

1.Introduction 92

2.A general description of the causal model 93

3.The effects of L1 writing ability on L2 writing ability 96

The direct effect of L1 writing ability on L2 writing ability 96

The indirect effects of L1 writing ability on L2 writing ability 99

Different models of the relationships of L1 writing ability and L2 proficiency to L2 writing ability 102

4.L2 production vocabulary 106

5.L2 speaking ability 108

6.The indirect effects of L2 comprehension variables on L2 writing ability 110

L2 reading ability 110

L2 listening ability 114

L2 comprehension vocabulary 115

L2 comprehension discourse competence 118

7.L2 variables out of the model 118

8.Summary 120

Chapter Seven Qualitative Differences Between Skilled and Unskilled L2 Student Writers 122

1.Introduction 122

2.L1 writing ability 122

Differences in L1 writing ability 122

Transfer of writing ability from L1 to L2 133

3.L2 production vocabulary competence 140

Differences between the skilled and unskilled L2 student writers 140

A tentative explanation for the differences in L2 vocabulary 150

4.L2 speaking ability 153

5.Qualitative differences in process 155

6.Summary 159

Part Four Conclusion 161

Chapter Eight Findings,Implications,Suggestions and Conclusion 164

1.Findings of the study 164

2.Theoretical significance of the findings 166

The use of a multi-dimensional model of L2 writing 166

The need for reexamining existing theories of L2 writing 168

3.Practical significance of the findings 169

4.Strengths,weaknesses,and limitations of the study 170

5.Suggestions for future research 172

6.Conclusion 173

References 175

Appendices 182

Appendix 1 Questionnaire for Personal Information 182

Appendix 2 Tests of EFL Comprehension Competencies 183

(1)EFL Recognition Vocabulary Test 183

(2)EFL Recognition Grammar Test 184

(3)EFL Recognition Discourse Test 185

Appendix 3 Tests of EFL Comprehension Skills 187

(1)Listening Comprehension Test(20 minutes)(Sample) 187

(2)Reading Comprehension Test(35 minutes)(Sample) 188

Appendix 4 Tests of EFL Production Competencies 191

(1)EFL Production Vocabulary Test 191

(2)EFL Production Grammar Test 192

(3)EFL Production Discourse Test 193

Appendix 5 The Reading-aloud Passage(From Heaton 1975;p.85) 194

Appendix 6 Questions for EFL Oral Test 195

Appendix 7 Heaton's(1975)Scheme of Measuring the Ability to Communicate Orally(p.95) 196

Appendix 8 Test of Written English(TWE)Scoring Guidelines(In Chai et al.1991) 197

Appendix 9 Correlation Matrix 199

Appendix 10 Chinese Compositions of Subjects 1,2,3,and 4 200

Appendix 11 EFL Compositions of Subjects 1,2,3,and 4 202