《计算机体系结构 量化研究方法 第4版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:19 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)亨尼西(Hennessy,J.L.)等著
  • 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:711120378x
  • 页数:675 页
图书介绍:本书系统地介绍了计算机系统的设计基础、指令集系统结构,流水线和指令集并行技术。层次化存储系统与存储设备。互连网络以及多处理器系统等重要内容。在这个最新版中,作者更新了单核处理器到多核处理器的历史发展过程的相关内容,同时依然使用他们广受好评的“量化研究方法”进行计算设计,并展示了多种可以实现并行,陛的技术,而这些技术可以看成是展现多处理器体系结构威力的关键!在介绍多处理器时,作者不但讲解了处理器的性能,还介绍了有关的设计要素,包括能力。可靠性、可用性和可信性。本书内容丰富,既介绍了当今计算机体系结构的最新研究成果,也引述了许多计算机系统设计开发方面的实践经验。另外,各章结尾还附有大量的习题和参考文献。本书既可以作为高等院校计算机专业高年级本科生和研究生学习“计算机体系结构”和“计算机组成原理”等课程的教材或参考书,也可供与计算机相关的专业人士学习参考。本书特色每章中的“Putting,It All Together”小节关注了业界的各种最新技术,包括Sun Niagara处理器、AMD Opteron处理器以及Intel Pentium 4处理器。“Review appendices”小

Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Computer Design 2

1.1 Introduction 2

1.2 Classes of Computers 4

1.3 Defining Computer Architecture 8

1.4 Trends in Technology 14

1.5 Trends in Power in Integrated Circuits 17

1.6 Trends in Cost 19

1.7 Dependability 25

1.8 Measuring,Reporting,and Summarizing Performance 28

1.9 Quantitative Principles of Computer Design 37

1.10 Putting It All Together:Performance and Price-Performance 44

1.11 Fallacies and Pitfalls 48

1.12 Concluding Remarks 52

1.13 Historical Perspectives and References 54

Case Studies with Exercises by Diana Franklin 55

Chapter 2 Instruction-Level Parallelism and Its Exploitation 66

2.1 Instruction-Level Parallelism:Concepts and Challenges 66

2.2 Basic CompilerTechniques for Exposing ILP 74

2.3 Reducing Branch Costs with Prediction 80

2.4 Overcoming Data Hazards with Dynamic Scheduling 89

2.5 Dynamic Scheduling:Examples and the Algorithm 97

2.6 Hardware-Based Speculation 104

2.7 Exploiting ILP Using Multiple Issue and Static Scheduling 114

2.8 Exploiting ILP Using Dynamic Scheduling,Multiple Issue,and Speculation 118

2.9 Advanced Techniques for Instruction Delivery and Speculation 121

2.10 Putting It All Together:The Intel Pentium 4 131

2.11 Fallacies and Pitfalls 138

2.12 Concluding Remarks 140

2.13 Historical Perspective and References 141

Case Studies with Exercises by Robert P.Colwell 142

Chapter 3 Limits on Instruction-Level Parallelism 154

3.1 Introduction 154

3.2 Studies of the Limitations of ILP 154

3.3 Limitations on ILP for Realizable Processors 165

3.4 Crosscutting Issues:Hardware versus Software Speculation 170

3.5 Multithreading:Using ILP Support to Exploit Thread-Level Parallelism 172

3.6 Putting It All Together:Performance and Efficiency in Advanced Multiple-Issue Processors 179

3.7 Fallacies and Pitfalls 183

3.8 Concluding Remarks 184

3.9 Historical Perspective and References 185

Case Study with Exercises by Wen-mei W.Hwu and John W.Sias 185

Chapter 4 Multiprocessors and Thread-Level Parallelism 196

4.1 Introduction 196

4.2 Symmetric Shared-Memory Architectures 205

4.3 Performance of Symmetric Shared-Memory Multiprocessors 218

4.4 Distributed Shared Memory and Directory-Based Coherence 230

4.5 Synchronization:The Basics 237

4.6 Models of Memory Consistency:An Introduction 243

4.7 Crosscutting Issues 246

4.8 Putting It All Together:The Sun T1 Multiprocessor 249

4.9 Fallacies and Pitfalls 257

4.10 Concluding Remarks 262

4.11 Historical Perspective and References 264

Case Studies with Exercises by David A.Wood 264

Chapter 5 Memory Hierarchy Design 288

5.1 Introduction 288

5.2 Eleven Advanced Optimizations of Cache Performance 293

5.3 MemoryTechnology and Optimizations 310

5.4 Protection:Virtual Memory and Virtual Machines 315

5.5 Crosscutting Issues:The Design of Memory Hierarchies 324

5.6 Putting It All Together:AMD Opteron Memory Hierarchy 326

5.7 Fallacies and Pitfalls 335

5.8 Concluding Remarks 341

5.9 Historical Perspective and References 342

Case Studies with Exercises by Norman P.Jouppi 342

Chapter 6 Storage Systems 358

6.1 Introduction 358

6.2 Advanced Topics in Disk Storage 358

6.3 Definition and Examples of Real Faults and Failures 366

6.4 I/O Performance,Reliability Measures,and Benchmarks 371

6.5 A Little Queuing Theory 379

6.6 Crosscutting Issues 390

6.7 Designing and Evaluating an I/O System—The Internet Archive Cluster 392

6.8 Putting It All Together:NetApp FAS6000 Filer 397

6.9 Fallacies and Pitfalls 399

6.10 Concluding Remarks 403

6.11 Historical Perspective and References 404

Case Studies with Exercises by Andrea C.Arpaci-Dusseau and Remzi H.Arpaci-Dusseau 404