《中学生英汉对照小读物 幽默故事 1 英汉对照》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:7 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:《中学生英汉对照小读物》委员会编
  • 出 版 社:北京:民主与建设出版社
  • 出版年份:1995
  • ISBN:7801120353
  • 页数:97 页

A Pair of Boots Bought by Two Brothers 1

兄弟合买靴 1

The King's Three Questions 2

国王的三个问题 3

Hans the Butterman 4

卖黄油的汉斯 7

An Upside Down Loan Receipt 8

倒拿借据 9

Pulling Out All the Hairs 9

拔个精光 10

An Unexpected Decision 10

出人意料的选择 13

Laughing Blindly 15

瞎笑 15

How Mrs Carter Was Stolen from 15

卡特太太失窃记 19

"Why Didn't You Say It Was Killed by an Otter?" 22

何不说獭咬死的 23

Who Was the Thief? 24

谁是贼? 26

Overstaying a Welcome 28

嘲讽久住客 29

Tossing a Coin 29

抛铜子 30

A Man with a Poor Memory 31

健忘者 33

An Unnecessary Surprise 33

一场虚惊 35

A Story with a Sad Ending 35

一个结尾悲伤的故事 36

I Want You to Beat Me Twenty-four Times 37

我要你们打我24板 38

What Is the Strongest Power 39

什么是最强大的力量 40

The Stolen Smells 41

偷窃气味 42

Cover the Shadow with Sand 43

用沙盖住影子 44

Who's Who? 45

究竟是谁? 47

"Hit It Again,Sam.It Bit Me!" 47

“再打呀,山姆,它咬了我!” 49

Immortal Wine 50

神仙酒 51

Naming a Cat 52

给猫起名 53

"I'm Not Blind" 53

“我不是瞎子” 55

One Egg Family Fortune 56

一个鸡蛋的家当 57

The Story of a Turnip 58

萝卜的故事 59

Return My Twelve Coins 60

把十二文钱还我 61

Seventy—Three,Eighty—Four 61

七十三,八十四 62

"Please,Please Drop It!" 63

“快扔,快扔吧!” 64

Three Sentences Spoil a banquet 65

三句话说走了一席客 66

The Judge and the Accused Man 67

法官和被告 68

The Sea and the Bed 68

海与床 69

Two Good Lies 70

两个绝妙的谎言 71

Ten Percent 71

百分之十 72

A Rich Man's Son 73

富家的儿子 75

The Lawyer's Trick 76

律师的花招 77

A Gluttonous Teacher 77

贪嘴先生 79

A Smuggler 80

一个走私者 81

Tom's Composition 81

小汤姆做作文 82

Fair Judgment 83

清官断案 85

Two Plane Tickets 86

两张飞机票 87

Modern Ways of Fighting 87

新式格斗法 88

On the Night of the Masked Ball 89

在假面舞会之夜 90

Colambus and the Egg 90

哥伦布和鸡蛋 91

No Trifling Matter 92

这可不是小事 93

Curing a Hunchback 94

医驼背 95

"I Won't Be Operated by the Butcher!" 95

“我不要屠夫给我开刀!” 96