爱丽丝漫游奇境记 1
Down the Rabbit-Hole 1
掉进兔子洞 2
The Pool of Tears 15
眼泪的池塘 16
A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale 29
一场会议式赛跑和一个长故事 30
The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill 41
兔子派遣小比尔进屋 42
Advice from a Caterpillar 57
毛毛虫的建议 58
Pig and Pepper 73
小猪和胡椒 74
A Mad Tea-Party 91
疯狂的茶会 92
The Queen's Croquet-Ground 109
王后的槌球场 110
The Mock Turtle's Story 127
假海龟的故事 128
The Lobster Quadrille 143
龙虾四对方舞 144
Who Stole the Tarts? 159
谁偷走了馅饼 160
Alice's Evidence 173
爱丽丝的证明 174
爱丽丝镜中奇遇记 189
Looking-Glass House 189
镜子里的房间 190
The Garden of Live Flowers 211
活花儿的花园 212
Looking-Glass Insects 231
镜子里的昆虫 232
Tweedledum and Tweedledee 251
叮叮和咚咚 252
Wool and Water 277
羊毛和水 278
Humpty Dumpty 299
矮胖子 300
The Lion and the Unicorn 325
狮子与独角兽 326
“It's My Own Invention” 345
“这是我自己的发明” 346
Queen Alice 377
爱丽丝女王 378
Shaking 409
摇 410
Waking 411
醒来 412
Which Dreamed it? 413
谁做了梦? 414