《我们这30年 一个记者眼中的中国改革开放 英》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:刘卫兵著;李竹润译
  • 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:7119085951
  • 页数:273 页

Chapter Ⅰ:Novelties in the Reform Era 1

Ration Coupons Gone 2

Mother Sends Me 50 Kilos of Cabbages 10

Panic Buying of"Reduced-Price Goods" 14

"If Only We Won't Lose for Purchase of U.S.Treasury Debt!" 19

Giant Panda Shy on Beijing Bus 25

The"Magic"Kettle 30

The Story of a Shopping Street in Beijing 34

Chapter Ⅱ:Changes in Cities and Countryside 39

The Story of"China's Silicon Valley" 40

Disappearance of Hutongs 48

Smog and Dead Fish 59

On the Road 67

"Traveling a Thousand Miles to Return the Same Day" 77

Volunteers in a Poverty-Stricken Area 88

Nongmingong in Cities 94

Premier Presses for Payment of Wages for Peasant Woman 103

Chapter Ⅲ:Changes in People's Thinking 109

My University 110

Beauty Contest Called Off 121

First Test Tube Baby on the Chinese Mainland 126

PKU Wall Pulled Down,Rebuilt 131

Ups and Downs of China's Film Industry 136

My Cameras 145

"Have You Posted Some Weibo?" 152

Chapter Ⅳ:China Closer to the World 161

Western Fast Food vs.Chinese Fast Food-No Winner,No Loser 162

World Conference on Women&Shanghai World Expo 168

Hong Kong Welcomed Back 177

For Entry of WTO:Bilateral Talks with U.S. 187

Auctioning of Zodiac Animal Heads:Eye Witness'Account 197

Olympics Bids:Failure and Success 204

Chapter Ⅴ:History in My Eyes 213

Deng:"I'm Son of the Chinese People" 214

1998 Floods:"Pincer Attack"on China 224

National Day Military Parades 233

2003:SARS Onslaught 244

With KMT Leader on Mainland 250

Earthquakes:Wenchuan of 2008 not Tangshan of 1976 260

Postscript 271