《新知大学英语 第1册》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:郑长发主编
  • 出 版 社:郑州:河南人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787215065901
  • 页数:143 页

Unit 1 College Life 1

Warm-up Activities 1

Text A What to Expect from College Life 2

Text B Should I Live On or Off Campus? 6

Phonetics The Importance of Learning Phonetics 9

Reading Skills Reading Aloud and Recitation 10

Practical Writing Business Cards 10

Grammar Noun 11

Unit 2 Eastern and Western Culture 16

Warm-up Activities 16

Text A Chinese Customs in Daily Life in China 17

Text B Ways to Say"Thank You" 22

Phonetics How to Learn Phonetics Well? 25

Reading Skills Reading Methods and Reading Habits 25

Practical Writing Résumé 26

Grammar Pronoun 27

Unit 3 Success 33

Warm-up Activities 33

Text A Interview with Alibaba. com's Chairman,Jack Ma 34

Text B An Important Attitude for Success 39

Phonetics Three Types of Phonetic Alphabets 42

Reading Skills Fast Reading Skills 43

Practical Writing Letters of Invitation 46

Grammar Numeral 47

Unit 4 Social Communication 50

Warm-up Activities 50

Text A Improve Interpersonal Skills by Breaking Six Bad Habits 51

Text B The Seed 57

Phonetics The Letters of the Alphabet 60

Reading Skills Understanding a Paragraph 60

Practical Writing Letters(1) 63

Grammar Article 63

Unit 5 Management Celebrities 67

Warm-up Activities 67

Text A Conrad Hilton 68

Text B Ray Kroc and McDonald's 73

Phonetics Vowels Pronunciation 75

Reading Skills Guessing Unknown Words(1) 76

Practical Writing Letters(2) 78

Grammar The Comparative and Superlative Degrees of Adj./Adv 79

Unit 6 Computer and Life 82

Warm-up Activities 82

Text A A Digital Designer 82

Text B A True Story of Computer Stupidity 87

Phonetics Consonants Pronunciation 90

Reading Skills Guessing Unknown Words(2) 91

Practical Writing Greeting Cards 93

Grammar Modal Verbs(1) 93

Unit 7 E-Commerce 98

Warm-up Activities 98

Text A The Lure of E-Commerce 99

Text B Are You E-Commerce Ready? 104

Phonetics Syllable 107

Reading Skills Guessing Unknown Words(3) 108

Practical Writing E-mail and Fax 109

Grammar Modal Verbs(2) 111

Unit 8 Computerized Accounting 113

Warm-up Activities 113

Text A What Is Computerized Accounting? 114

Text B Accounting and Computer 119

Phonetics Word Stress 122

Reading Skills Inference and Judgment 123

Practical Writing Letter of Thanks 124

Grammar Six Sentence Patterns 125

Appendix Ⅰ Glossary 128

New Words 128

Phrases and Expressions 136

Proper Names 139

Appendix Ⅱ A List of Irregular Verbs 140