
  • 购买积分:15 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王兴军编著
  • 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787307145962
  • 页数:456 页

Chapter 1 Get to Know Marketing 1

Chapter Objectives 1

1.1 Defining Marketing 1

1.2 Core Terms 3

1.2.1 Needs,Wants and Demands 3

1.2.2 Products 4

1.2.3 Value,Cost and Satisfaction 4

1.2.4 Exchange,Transactions and Relationships 5

1.2.5 Markets and Marketers 6

1.2.6 Marketing Mix 7

1.3 Marketing Philosophies 11

1.3.1 Production Concept 11

1.3.2 Product Concept 11

1.3.3 Selling Concept 12

1.3.4 Marketing Concept 12

1.3.5 Societal Marketing Concept 14

1.4 Marketing Process 15

1.4.1 Analyzing Marketing Opportunities 15

1.4.2 Selecting the Target Market 16

1.4.3 Developing the Marketing Mix 16

1.4.4 Managing the Marketing Effort 16

1.5 Scope,Functions and Utilities of Marketing 19

1.6 Marketing in Today's Economic Environment 20

1.6.1 Competition 20

1.6.2 Internet/Word of Mouth 21

1.6.3 Consumer Decision Making 21

1.6.4 Niche Markets Rising Up 21

Chapter Questions 22

Multiple Choice Questions 22

Glossary 24

Chapter 2 Buyer and Buyer Behaviour 26

Chapter Objectives 26

2.1 What Is a Buyer? 26

2.2 Customer Satisfaction 27

2.3 Consumer Buying Behaviour 28

Hierarchy of Needs 28

2.4 Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Behavior 30

2.4.1 Cultural Factors 30

2.4.2 Social Factors 32

2.4.3 Personal Factors 33

2.4.4 Psychological Factors 36

2.4.5 Situational Factors 38

2.5 Consumer Buying Decision Process 40

2.5.1 Problem Recognition 40

2.5.2 Information Search 41

2.5.3 Alternative Evaluation 41

2.5.4 Purchase Decision 42

2.5.5 Postpurchase Behavior 42

2.5.6 Buying Process in Reality 43

2.5.7 Consumer Involvement and Types of Buying Decision 43

2.5.8 Family Decision Making 45

2.6 Industrial Buying Behavior 48

2.6.1 Industrial Buying Tasks 48

2.6.2 Industrial Buyer Decision Process 49

2.6.3 Main Influences on Business Buyers 50

2.6.4 Decision-Making Unit 51

2.7 Customer Relationship and CRM 52

Chapter Questions 55

Multiple Choice Questions 55

Glossary 56

Chapter 3 Marketing Environment 59

Chapter Objectives 59

3.1 What Is Marketing Environment? 59

3.2 The Internal Environment 60

3.3 The Micro Environment 61

3.4 The Macro Environment 63

3.4.1 Political Environment 63

3.4.2 Economic Environment 64

3.4.3 Social Environment 65

3.4.4 Technological Environment 65

3.4.5 Other Factors to Include 66

3.5 Situational Analysis 68

3.5.1 Gap Analysis 68

3.5.2 SWOT Analysis 69

3.5.3 Competitive Analysis 71

3.5.4 Responding to External Environment 71

3.6 Environment Scanning & Future Trends 72

3.6.1 Environment Scanning 72

3.6.2 Technological Advancement 74

3.6.3 Anticipated New Trends 74

Chapter Questions 75

Multiple Choice Questions 76

Glossary 77

Chapter 4 Segmentation,Targeting and Positioning 79

Chapter Objectives 79

4.1 What Is a Market? 80

4.1.1 An Expansive Definition 80

4.1.2 Types of Markets 81

4.2 Market Segmentation 82

4.2.1 Why Segmenting? 82

4.2.2 Segmenting Variables 83

4.2.3 Segmentation Requirements 85

4.2.4 Segmenting Industrial Market 86

4.3 Targeting 87

4.3.1 Target Market 88

4.3.2 Evaluating Market Segments 88

4.3.3 The Psychology of Target Marketing 89

4.3.4 Strategies for Reaching Target Markets 90

4.4 Positioning 92

4.4.1 Consumer's Perceptual Map 92

4.4.2 Positioning Strategies 94

4.4.3 Positioning Process 96

4.4.4 Repositioning 97

Chapter Questions 98

Multiple Choice Questions 99

Glossary 101

Chapter 5 Marketing Research 103

Chapter Objectives 103

5.1 Marketing Research Basics 104

5.1.1 What Is Marketing Research? 104

5.1.2 General Procedure of Marketing Research 107

5.1.3 Types of Data 111

5.1.4 Marketing Information Systems 112

5.2 Focusing on Research Design 115

5.2.1 Exploratory Studies 116

5.2.2 Descriptive Studies 117

5.2.3 Casual Studies 118

5.2.4 Choosing a Research Design 118

5.3 Sampling 119

5.3.1 Sample Plan 119

5.3.2 Sampling Frame 120

5.3.3 Sampling Methods 121

5.3.4 Sample Size 122

5.3.5 Sampling and Non-sampling Error 123

5.4 Surveys and Interviews 124

5.4.1 Survey Types 125

5.4.2 Questionnaire Design 128

5.4.3 Interview Technique 129

5.5 Observation and Experiment 130

5.5.1 Observation 130

5.5.2 Experiment 131

5.5.3 Test Marketing 132

5.6 Presenting Findings 134

5.7 International Marketing Research 135

5.7.1 Cultural Differences 136

5.7.2 Language Issues 136

5.7.3 Ways Out 136

5.7.4 More to Confront 137

Chapter Questions 137

Multiple Choice Questions 138

Glossary 139

Chapter 6 Product,Branding and Packaging 142

Chapter Objectives 142

6.1 Product 143

6.1.1 Product or Offering? 143

6.1.2 Levels of Product 144

6.1.3 Classification of Goods 146

6.1.4 Individual Product Decisions 149

6.1.5 Product Line Decisions 150

6.1.6 Product Mix Decisions 152

6.1.7 Adjustments to Products 153

6.1.8 Product Life Cycle 154

6.1.9 New Product Development(NPD) 160

6.2 Branding 169

6.2.1 What Is a Brand? 169

6.2.2 Purpose of Branding 170

6.2.3 Brand Loyalty 171

6.2.4 Brand Equity 172

6.2.5 Brand Positioning 173

6.2.6 Naming a Brand 174

6.2.7 Brand Sponsorship 175

6.2.8 Brand Development 177

6.3 Packaging 178

6.3.1 Defining Packaging 178

6.3.2 Classification of Packaging 180

6.3.3 Packaging Considerations 181

6.3.4 Labeling 181

6.3.5 Problems with Packaging 182

6.4 Global Considerations in Branding and Packaging 183

6.4.1 Language 184

6.4.2 Colors 184

6.4.3 Customs and Taboos 184

6.4.4 Aesthetics 184

6.4.5 Placement 184

Chapter Questions 185

Multiple Choice Questions 185

Glossary 188

Chapter 7 Pricing 192

Chapter Objectives 192

7.1 Price 192

7.1.1 What Is a Price? 192

7.1.2 Value and Relative Value 193

7.1.3 Price as a Variable of Marketing Mix 194

7.1.4 How to Set a Price? 195

7.2 Pricing Objectives 197

7.2.1 Profit-Based Sales Targets 199

7.2.2 Return on Investment 200

7.2.3 Market Share 201

7.2.4 Cash Flow 202

7.2.5 Status Quo 202

7.2.6 Quality Leadership 203

7.3 Demand Analysis 203

7.3.1 Demand and Demand Curve 203

7.3.2 How Do Supply and Demand Influence Price? 205

7.3.3 Elasticity of Demand 205

7.4 Estimating Costs 207

7.5 General Pricing Strategies 208

7.5.1 Cost-Based Pricing 208

7.5.2 Demand-Based Pricing 209

7.5.3 Competitor-Based Pricing 211

7.5.4 Markup Pricing 212

7.6 Specific Pricing Strategies 214

7.6.1 New Product Pricing 214

7.6.2 Psychological Pricing 215

7.6.3 Everyday Low Pricing 216

7.6.4 High/Low Pricing 216

7.6.5 Other Pricing Strategies 217

7.7 Pricing Tactics 218

7.7.1 Discounting 218

7.7.2 Geographic Pricing 219

7.7.3 Promotional Pricing 220

7.7.4 Product-mix Pricing 221

7.7.5 Discriminatory pricing 222

7.8 Legal Concerns of Pricing 223

7.8.1 Unfair Trade Practices 223

7.8.2 Illegal Price Advertising 224

7.8.3 Predatory Pricing 225

7.8.4 Price Discrimination 226

7.8.5 Price Fixing 227

Chapter Questions 228

Multiple Choice Questions 228

Glossary 231

Chapter 8 Distribution Channels 235

Chapter Objectives 235

8.1 Channel and Channel Selecting 235

8.1.1 Channel as a Variable of Marketing Mix 235

8.1.2 Cost of Utilizing Channels 237

8.1.3 Characteristics of a Channel 237

8.1.4 How to Decide on Channels? 238

8.2 Channel Partners 239

8.2.1 Wholesalers 239

8.2.2 Retailers 241

8.2.3 Functions Performed by Channel Partners 242

8.3 Channel Structure 244

8.3.1 Business-to-Consumer Channels 244

8.3.2 Business-to-Business Channels 245

8.3.3 Multiple Channels 246

8.3.4 Alternative Arrangements for Other Markets 248

8.4 Marketing Channel Decisions 249

8.4.1 Channel Objectives 250

8.4.2 Channel Selection Factors 251

8.4.3 Distribution Intensity 252

8.5 Marketing Channel Relationships 254

8.5.1 Competitive Priorities in Marketing Channels 254

8.5.2 Channel Power and Channel Conflict 254

8.5.3 Channel Partnering 256

8.5.4 Channel Integration 257

8.6 Retailing 257

8.6.1 Retailing and Its Importance 257

8.6.2 Retail Marketing Strategy 258

8.6.3 Ongoing Trends in Retailing 259

8.6.4 Future of Retailing 260

8.7 Supply Chains and Logistics 261

8.7.1 Supply Chains 261

8.7.2 Distribution and Logistics 262

8.7.3 Warehousing 263

8.7.4 Transportation 264

Chapter Questions 266

Multiple Choice Questions 266

Glossary 268

Chapter 9 Promotion and IMC 271

Chapter Objectives 271

9.1 Understanding Promotion 272

9.1.1 What Is Promotion? 272

9.1.2 Promotion Objectives 273

9.2 Promotional Mix 274

9.2.1 Advertising 275

9.2.2 Personal Selling 276

9.2.3 Sales Promotion 277

9.2.4 Public Relations 278

9.2.5 Direct Marketing 280

9.3 Consideration of a Promotional Mix 281

9.3.1 Target Market Characteristics 281

9.3.2 Characteristics of the Product 281

9.3.3 Type of Buying Decisions 282

9.3.4 Funds Available Relative to Costs 283

9.3.5 Push and Pull Strategies 283

9.4 Integrated Marketing Communications(IMC) 284

9.4.1 Why IMC? 284

9.4.2 The Communication Process 286

9.4.3 Consumer Perception of Communication 287

9.4.4 AIDA Model 288

9.5 Roadmap of IMC 289

9.5.1 Setting Objectives 290

9.5.2 Determining a Budget 291

9.5.3 Measuring Success 291

9.5.4 Internet and Word of Mouth 292

Chapter Questions 293

Multiple Choice Questions 294

Glossary 297

Chapter 10 Advertising & Public Relations 298

Chapter Objectives 298

10.1 Advertising as a Mass Communication 298

10.1.1 Defining Advertising 298

10.1.2 Corporate Advertising or Product Advertising 299

10.2 Advertising Campaign 301

10.2.1 Define Campaign Objectives 302

10.2.2 Determine a Budget 304

10.2.3 Create a Media Plan 305

10.2.4 Focus of Advertisements 310

10.2.5 Measure Impact with Metrics 313

10.3 Public Relations 315

10.3.1 Public Relation Tools 315

10.3.2 Handling Unfavorable Publicity 317

10.3.3 Measuring Effectiveness of Public Relations Efforts 318

Chapter Questions 319

Multiple Choice Questions 319

Glossary 321

Chapter 11 Personal Selling & Sales Promotion 324

Chapter Objectives 324

11.1 What Is Personal Selling? 324

11.1.1 Personal Selling Objectives 325

11.1.2 Value of Personal Selling 326

11.2 Personal Selling Process 327

11.2.1 Steps in Personal Selling 328

11.2.2 Implementing the Personal Selling Process 330

11.2.3 CRM and Personal Selling 331

11.3 Selling Roles 332

11.3.1 Proactive Representative 332

11.3.2 Passive Representative 333

11.3.3 Consultant 334

11.3.4 Support Personnel 335

11.4 Types of Selling 337

11.4.1 Team Selling 337

11.4.2 Relationship Selling 337

11.5 Managing Sales Force 338

11.5.1 Creating Sales Force Structure,Territories & Goals 338

11.5.2 Recruiting and Selecting Salespeople 340

11.5.3 Sales Training 341

11.5.4 Motivating & Compensating Salespeople 343

11.5.5 Measuring Sales Force Performance 345

11.6 Sales Promotion 346

11.6.1 Objectives of a Sales Promotion 346

11.6.2 Sales Promotions and Customer Needs 346

11.7 Consumer Sales Promotion Methods 347

11.7.1 Coupons 347

11.7.2 Rebates 349

11.7.3 Premiums 350

11.7.4 Loyalty Marketing 351

11.7.5 Contests & Sweepstakes 352

11.7.6 Sampling 354

11.7.7 Point-of-Purchase Promotions 355

11.7.8 Online Sales Promotion 356

11.8 Trade Sales Promotion 357

11.8.1 Trade Allowances 357

11.8.2 Training Programs 358

Chapter Questions 358

Multiple Choice Questions 359

Glossary 362

Chapter 12 Strategic Marketing Planning 364

Chapter Obiectives 364

12.1 Strategic Planning 364

12.1.1 What Is Strategic Planning? 364

12.1.2 Value of Strategic Planning 365

12.1.3 Levels of Strategic Planning 365

12.2 Steps of Planning 368

12.2.1 Setting Corporate Mission and Objectives 368

12.2.2 Arialyzing the Current Situation 370

12.2.3 Creating Marketing Strategy 374

12.2.4 Marketing Plan 380

12.3 Implementation of Marketing Planing 382

12.3.1 Institutionalization of Strategy 383

12.3.2 Setting Proper Organizational Climate 383

12.3.3 Developing Appropriate Organization Structure 383

12.3.4 Periodic Review of Strategy 384

12.4 Marketing Control 384

12.5 Meeting the Competition:Analysis and Strategies 385

12.5.1 Market Structure 385

12.5.2 Primary Competitive Positions 387

12.5.3 Competitor Analysis 387

12.5.4 Competitive Strategies 389

12.5.5 Balancing Customer and Competitor Orientations 391

Chapter Questions 392

Multiple Choice Questions 392

Glossary 394

Chapter 13 Global Marketing 397

Chapter Objectives 397

13.1 Introduction to Global Marketing 397

13.1.1 Trade and Globalization 397

13.1.2 Go Global or Not? 399

13.1.3 Tapping into Global Markets 401

13.1.4 Standardization or Adaptation? 403

13.2 The Global Marketing Environment 404

13.2.1 Social and Cultural Environment 404

13.2.2 Measuring the Economic Environment 406

13.2.3 Political and Regulatory Environment 408

13.2.4 Demographics of New Markets 409

13.2.5 Other Factors 410

13.3 Global Marketing Mix 412

13.3.1 Product in the Light of Promotion 413

13.3.2 Changes in Promotion 414

13.3.3 Changes in Distribution 414

13.3.4 Changes in Pricing 415

13.3.5 Global Marketing in E-era 416

13.4 Organizational Structure of Global Marketing 418

13.4.1 Operational Underpinnings 418

13.4.2 Centralized or Decentralized? 418

13.4.3 Structure Alternatives 419

Chapter Questions 419

Multiple Choice Questions 420

Glossary 422

Chapter 14 Digital Marketing and Social Media 424

Chapter Objectives 424

14.1 Understanding Digital Marketing 424

14.1.1 What Is Digital Marketing? 424

14.1.2 Digital Marketing Methods 425

14.2 The Rise of Social Media 426

14.2.1 What Is Social Media? 426

14.2.2 Types of Social Media 429

14.3 Online Consumer Behavior 430

14.3.1 Consumers with WWW 430

14.3.2 Online Behavioral Trends 432

14.3.3 Behavioral Targeting 433

14.4 Research Using Digital Media 434

14.4.1 Application of Digital Media in Research 434

14.4.2 Collecting and Analyzing Online Consumer Data 435

14.4.3 Consumer Privacy Issues 435

14.5 Adapting to New Media Landscape 437

14.5.1 Internet Advertising 437

14.5.2 Social Media Marketing Communications 439

14.5.3 Marketing Mix in Social Media 441

14.5.4 Mobile Marketing 442

Chapter Questions 444

Multiple Choice Questions 444

References 446

Source of Figures 449

Source of Tables 454