《北京理工大学“明精计划”学术丛书 理工专业通用学术英语 基础篇》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:叶云屏主编;杨敏,闫鹏飞,沈莉霞副主编;李霄翔主审
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2015
  • ISBN:9787568209465
  • 页数:281 页

Unit 1 What Are Your Reasons to Become a Scientist or Engineer? 1

Text Ⅰ 75 Reasons to Become a Scientist 5

Text Ⅱ 100 Reasons to Become a Scientist or Engineer 15

Text Ⅲ English:The Inescapable Language 25

Unit 2 Are Children Born Scientists or Engineers? 35

Text Ⅰ Early Engineering Education 39

Text Ⅱ Why Kids Are Natural-Born Scientists 43

Text Ⅲ The Math Gender Gap Explained 47

Unit 3 What Makes a Successful Scientist or Engineer? 57

Text Ⅰ Habits of Successful Scientists 60

Text Ⅱ Letter to a Young Scientist 66

Text Ⅲ What Is an Engineer's Job? 71

What Makes a Good Engineer 73

Unit 4 Is There a Divide Between Sciences and Humanities? 81

Text Ⅰ Fifty Years on,C.P.Snow's"Two Cultures"Are United in Desperation 86

Text Ⅱ From STEM to STEAM:Science and Art Go Hand-in-Hand 91

Text Ⅲ The Night I Met Einstein 98

Unit 5 What Are the Strategies to Keep Yourselves Motivated? 107

Text Ⅰ Ten Techniques for Activating the Spirit and Reducing Stress 110

Text Ⅱ Strategies to Get Yourselves Motivated 119

Text Ⅲ How to Live Before You Die 125

Unit 6 Why Is Honesty the Best Policy in Science? 135

Text Ⅰ The Ethics of Science 137

Text Ⅱ Honesty 141

Text Ⅲ NSPE(National Society of Professional Engineers)Code of Ethics for Engineers 148

Unit 7 Is Necessity Invention's Mother or Vice Versa? 161

Text Ⅰ Necessity's Mother 165

Text Ⅱ Top 10 Inventions of the 20th Century 169

Text Ⅲ Why Jobs Is No Edison 176

Unit 8 What Are Your Dream Teams Like? 186

Text Ⅰ Teamwork:Tyranny or Happy Marriage? 188

Text Ⅱ Is Your Team Too Big?Too Small?What's the Right Number? 192

Text Ⅲ Why Science Is Better When It's Multinational 197

Unit 9 Should Scientists Change Their Minds? 207

Text Ⅰ On Second Thought 210

Text Ⅱ When Scientists Screw Up 214

Text Ⅲ Why Scientists Seem to Change Their Minds 218

Unit 10 How Has the Digital Age Changed Your Lives? 229

Text Ⅰ People of the Screen 231

Text Ⅱ The Doom of Physical Books? 237

Text Ⅲ The Reading Brain in the Digital Age:The Science of Paper versus Screens 240

Unit 11 Are You a Multitasker or Singletasker? 252

Text Ⅰ Is This the Start of the Multitasking Age? 254

Text Ⅱ Are You Suffering from Digital Device Distraction Syndrome? 262

Text Ⅲ The Myth of Multitasking 265

References 276

Listening Materials Websites 278

致谢 281