《考研英语阅读理解题源深阅读系列丛书 考研英语题源深阅读 3 《时代周刊》、《科学》、《美国新闻与世界报道》分册》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:韩满玲,王瑞编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2015
  • ISBN:9787302406136
  • 页数:244 页

第一章 从题源文章到考研真题的改编演示 1

第二章 题源文章阅读 8

第一部分 经济管理类 8

Passage One Is ‘Made in America’ Back in Style? 8

Passage Two Under Pressure: Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer Faces Pivotal Decision on Company’s Alibaba Stake 15

Passage Three How Holiday Inn Changed the Way We Travel? 22

Passage Four The Artful Dodgers 30

Passage Five Nearly Seven Years after the Onset of the Great Recession,the National Mood Remains Troubled 37

Passage Six Why ‘Shareholder Value’ Shouldn’t Be Our Only Value 43

Passage Seven Staying Aloft as the Cupcake Bubble Deflates 50

第二部分 教育科技类 55

Passage One The Straw Man in the Brain 55

Passage Two Reading Harry Potter Gives Clues to Brain Activity 60

Passage Three Genes Don’t Just Influence Your IQ — They Determine How Well You Do in School 65

Passage Four Extracurriculars Are Central to Learning 70

Passage Five Thinking Outside the Box 75

Passage Six Neuroscientists Speak Out against Brain Game Hype 80

Passage Seven A Different Kind of Secret Code 85

Passage Eight Learning to Hate Big Tech 90

第三部分 社会人生类 96

Passage One Don’t Run Out the Clock 96

Passage Two Humble People Are More Helpful 102

Passage Three Marriage Gap Widens With Income Inequality 107

Passage Four It’s the Season to Break Up 112

Passage Five Gender Inequality in Science 117

Passage Six Missed Chance on Immigration 123

Passage Seven China’s Private Universities 129

Passage Eight Trayvon Martin 134

第四部分 文化艺术类 142

Passage One Why Do We Care More About Diversity on TV Than in Our Schools? 142

Passage Two Boxing the Black Dog 149

Passage Three Taylor Swift — Breaking Records 154

Passage Four How Gillian Flynn Changed the Way You Look at Your Spouse? 158

Passage Five When Fans Attack: The Perils of an Internet-Enabled Audience 163

Passage Six David Beckham Left Off Britain’s Olympic Soccer Team 170

Passage Seven Seeing Is Believing 175

Passage Eight Why You Keep Seeing the Same Movie Over and Over Again? 180

第五部分 自然健康类 185

Passage One Maternal Mental Illness 185

Passage Two Environment Trumps Genetics in Shaping Immune System 191

Passage Three Too Much Sitting Can Be Deadly — Even If You Exercise 196

Passage Four Killing Wolves Means More Livestock Attacks 201

Passage Five Warming Earth Heading for the Hottest Year on Record 207

Passage Six Cancer Diagnosis by Smart Phone 211

Passage Seven China Tries to Kick Its Salt Habit 216

Passage Eight Glowing Kittens Fight Feline AIDS 223

附录 同源真题回溯 228