《殷保康水彩画 中英文本》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:7 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:殷保康著
  • 出 版 社:长沙:湖南美术出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7535614175
  • 页数:62 页

风景Scene ry 1

《歇晌》A Rest at Noon 1

《富春江畔》On the Bank of the Fuchun River 1

《北京中山公园》Zhong Shan Pa rk in Beijing 2

《武昌首义公园》The Pa rk in Memory of the Wuchang Uprising 3

《陇上人家》Families on Gansu Plateau 4

《上海外滩码头》A Dock on the Bund of Shanghai 5

《夕照矮寨》Aizhai Village in the Glow of a Sunset 6

《登中山陵远眺》A Distant View from Dr,Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum 7

《襄阳水西门》A Scene of Shuiximen in Xiangyang City 8

《峡口码头》The Quay at the Gate of the Th ree Gorges 9

《上海九江路口》The C rossing of Jiujiang Road in Shanghai 10

《瑞雪江南岸》Snow on the Riverbank in the South 11

《山涧溪流》A Mountain Stream 12

《清泉石上流》A Spring Meandering on Rocks 13

《交河故城夕照》Sunset in an Old Town by the Jiao River 14

《漓江夜飞雪》Snow Flakes Flying over the Lijiang River at Night 15

《丝路古道》An Ancient Path ofthe Silk Road 16

《雨雾山中》Misty Rain in the Mountain 17

《山雨欲来》Mountain Rain Approaching 18

《谷底斜阳》The Setting Sun in the Valley 18

《江畔渔舟》Fishing Boats bythe Riverside 19

《游船归航》Pleasure-Boats Sailing Homeward 20

《江湾草滩》A G rass Beach of a River Bend 21

《漓江夏日雨》Summer Rain on the Li River 22

《小巷春雨》Spring Rain Over a Small Lane 23

《边城小渡》Ferry in a Remote Town 24

《雄关风云》An Impregnable Pass 25

《风吹草地》The Wind Passing Th rough the G rassland 26

《山野秋艳》Autumn Beauty in the Hills 27

《金秋甘泉》A Sweet Spring in Golden Autumn 28

《水乡晨雾》Morning Fog overthe Water Region 29

《皖南山村夕照》A Mountain Village in Southern Anhui at Sunset 30

《湖畔小舟》A Small Boat at the Shore of a Lake 31

《渡口夕照》A Ferry Crossing in the Glow of a Sunset 32

《细雨江南》A Drizzle over the South 33

静物Still 34

《杯中鲜花》F resh Flowers in a Cup 34

《丁香和蔷薇》Lilacs and Roses 35

《瓶中月季》Roses in a Vase 36

《鲶鱼》Freshwater Catfish 37

《铜壶和水果》A B ronze Kettle and Fruit 38

《两只小猫》Two Kittens 39

《雏鸭合暖》Ducklins Warming Together 40

《新疆瓜果》Melons and Fruit in Xinjiang 41

《窗台上的静物》Still Life on a Windowsill 42

《绿巾硕果》Rich Fruit on a G reen Sca rf 43

《水果和玻璃器》Fruit and Glasswa re 44

《盆中郁金香》Tulips in a Pot 45

《篮中鲜花》Fresh Flowe rs in a Basket 46

《葡萄美酒》G rapes and Good Wine 47

《高台上的花与壶》Flowers and a Kettle on a Tall Table 48

《吧台旁的百合花》Lilies by a Ba r Counter 48

《银壶红果》A Silver Kettle and Red Fruit 49

人物Character 50

《麦积山西崖塑像》Sculptures on the West Cliff of the Maiji Mountain 50

《捻毛线的藏族老妇人》An Old Tibetan Woman Twisting Wool 51

《藏族老牧民》An Old Tibetan Herdsman 52

《维吾尔族少女》A Gi rl of the Uighur Nationality 53

《吐鲁番姑娘》A Gi rl of Tulufan 54

《维吾尔族老汉》An Old Man of the Uighu r Nationality 55

《哈萨克族老牧民》An Old Herdsman of the Kazak Nationality 56

《伊力姑娘》A Gi rl of Yili Area 57

《架下画廊》A Gallery under a Trellis 58

《街市飘香》An Appetizing Smell D rifting in a Bazaa r 59

《草原骤雨》A Shower on the G rassland 60

艺术年表Ch ronicle of the Painter's Artistic Activity 61