《丁文江文集 第2卷》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:20 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:欧阳哲生主编
  • 出 版 社:长沙:湖南教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787535555359
  • 页数:746 页

Preface(序言) 1

Ven-kiang Ting Biographical Note(By Dr.Wong Wen-hao)(丁文江传略) 1

List of Plates(图版目录) 1

List of Figures(插图目录) 1

Geological Notes in Yunnan and Hueili and Weining Districts(Edited by T.H.Yin and C.S.Pien)(云南与会理、威宁地区地质纪录) 1

Ⅰ.Editorial Remarks 1

Ⅱ.Dr.V.K.Ting's Itinerary in Yunnan 8

Ⅲ.Geology of Kochiu District 10

Ⅳ.Geology of the Niaoke Coalfield(in Chinese)(调查鸟格地质煤矿报告书,中文) 17

Ⅴ.Yunnanfu to Chinchiang(April 24-May 20) 19

Ⅵ.Chinchiang to Hueilichou(May 21-June 15) 39

Ⅶ.Copper Mines at Tunganchou 54

Ⅷ.Nickel Deposit of Chingkuangshan,Limaho 56

Ⅸ.Zinc Smelting near Paikuowan 59

Ⅹ.Hueilichou to Tungchuanfu(June 16-July 19) 60

Ⅺ.Tungchuanfu to Kuangshanchang(July 20-August 1) 81

Ⅻ.Zinc-lead Deposit of Kuangshanchang 86

ⅩⅢ.Kuangshanchang to Weining and back to Tangtang(August 2-August 24) 89

ⅩⅣ.Geology between Tangtang and Tiehkuangshan   106

ⅩⅤ.Tangtang to Chutsing(August 25-September 19)   117

ⅩⅥ.Chutsing—Loping—Pingyi—Chanyi(Sept.20-Nov.9)   136

ⅩⅦ.Chanyi to Yunnanfu(November 10-November 18)   154

ⅩⅧ.The Chutsing Valley and its Adjacent Plateau by V.K.Ting and Y.L.Wang   161

ⅩⅨ.List of Fossil Localities   165

ⅩⅩ.List of Fossils   172

ⅩⅪ.Microscopic Study of the Copper,Lead,Zinc and Tin Ores from Yunnan and Szechuan by H.T.Lee   191

ⅩⅫ.List of Rocks   204

ⅩⅩⅢ.Letter to the Minister of Agriculture and Commerce(in Chinese)(上农商总长书,中文)   231

ⅩⅩⅣ.Plan of Reformation of the Tungchuan Copper Mine(in Chinese)(改良东川铜政意见书,中文)   237

ⅩⅩⅤ.Explanation of Plates   243

Report on Geology and Mining Industry along the Chengtai Railway (in Chinese)(Edited by T.K.Huang)(调查正太铁路附近地区地质矿务报告书,中文) 245

Route Descriptions along the Chengtai Railway (Edited by T.K.Huang)(正太铁路沿线描述) 255

Report on Geological Investigation of the Mining District around Chunghsing Co.,Tsaochuang,Shantung(in Chinese).(Edited by T.K.Huang)(调查山东枣庄中兴公司矿区地质报告,中文) 263

Geological Reconnaissance in Kuangsi(Edited by T.K.Huang)(广西地质勘查报告) 275

Ⅰ.Route Descriptions 275

Ⅱ.List of Locality Numbers for Fossils Collected in Kuangsi 333

Ⅲ.List of Fossils Collected in Kuangsi 336

Ⅳ.List Showing the Relative Abundance of Fossils Occurring in Some of the Most Important Localities 347

Ⅴ.Correspondence 352

Ⅵ.List of Reference for Kuangsi 355

Ⅶ.Description of Plates 361

The Tin Deposits of Changpo and Lungkouchang,Hochih-Nantan Districts,Kuangsi(in Chinese)by H.S.Wang(广西河池南丹县属长坡与龙口厂之锡矿,中文) 371

Geological Reconnaissance in Szechuan,Kueiehou and Kuangsi (Edited by T.K.Huang and N.Chin)(四川、贵州和广西地质勘查报告) 379

Ⅰ.Route Descriptions 379

Ⅱ.List of Locality Numbers of Fossils Collected by V.K. Ting and Y.L.Wang(1929-1930) 461

Ⅲ.List of Fossils Collected by V.K.Ting and Y.L.Wang 501

Ⅳ.List of Fossils Identified by Different Authorities,Not Given in any Existing Publications 549

Ⅴ.Classification of Geological Formations of Kueichou according to Dr.V.K.Ting 575

Ⅵ.List of References 579

Ⅶ.Explanation of Sections 585

Geological Reconnaissances in Szechuan,Yunnan and Kueichou (By T.K.Huang)(四川、云南和贵州地质勘查报告) 595

Reconnaissance in Southwestern Szechuan, Northwestern Kueichou and Part of Yunnan 595

The Environs of Suifu 595

From Suifu in Szechuan to Chenghsiunghsien in Yunnan 598

From Chenghsiunghsien in Yunnan to Pitsiehhsien in Kueichou 615

From Pitsiehhsien in Kueichou crossing the Chishuiho to Süyunghsien in Szechuan 622

From Süyunghsien to Kulinghsien 631

From Kulinghsien in Szechuan crossing the Chishuiho to Ta-tinghsien in Kueichou 634

Reconnaissance in the Districts Southwest of Kueiyang 641

Geology of the Meitanyao Coalfield,Kueiyang 641

From Kueiyang to Anshun 642

From Anshunhsien to Chihchinhsien 647

The Environs of Chihchinhsien 650

Reconnaissance in the Districts East of Kueiyang 653

From Kueiyang to Chiuchow 653

From Chiuchow to Yüchinghsien 664

From Yüchinghsien to Tzuchianghsien 667

From Tzuchianghsien to Kouchangpa on the Kueiyang-Tsunyi Main Road 676

Reconnaissance in Northeastern Kueichou in the Districts East of Tsunyihsien 679

From Tsunyihsien to Meitanhsien 679

Reconnaissance in Northern Kueichou along a Side Route West of the Kueiyang-Chungking Official Main Road 688

From Tungtzuhsien to Wenshuicheng 688

From Wenshui to Kanshui 695

Explanation of Plates 699

List of Works to Which Reference Is Made 707

List of Writings of Dr.V.K.Ting on Geology and Allied Sciences (丁文江博士地质及相关科学著作目录) 709

Index(索引) 715

Author Index(作者索引) 715

Subject Index(主题索引) 716

Geographical Index(地理索引) 718

Postscript(in Chinese)(编辑后记,中文) 743