《世界知名语言学家论丛 外语写作 英文》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:16 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)费瑞斯著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787544629317
  • 页数:548 页
图书介绍:“世界知名语言学家论丛”之一。Dana R. Ferris教授是国际应用语言学界研究二语习得尤其是二语写作的专家,本书收录了她在这一领域的20篇重要论文,分为外语学习与习作、如何评价外语习作、如何修改外语习作三大部分。

Chapter 1 My Story:It Was Always about Writing 1

Part Ⅰ L2 Writing&L2 Writers 29

Chapter 2 Lexical and Syntactic Features of ESL Writing by Students at Different Levels of L2 Proficiency 29

Chapter 3 One Size Does Not Fit All:Response and Revision Issues for Immigrant Student Writers 39

Chapter 4 Tricks of the Trade:The Nuts and Bolts of L2 Writing Research 61

Chapter 5 Understanding Different L2 Student Audiences:Definitions 77

Chapter 6 Written Discourse Analysis and Second Language Teaching 113

Chapter 7 Writing Instruction 149

Part Ⅱ Responding to L2 Writers 169

Chapter 8 Student Reactions to Teacher Response in Multiple-Draft Composition Classrooms 169

Chapter 9 Teacher Commentary on Student Writing:Descriptions&Implications 197

Chapter 10 The Influence of Teacher Commentary on Student Revision 233

Chapter 11 Responding to Writing 267

Chapter 12 Responding to L2 Students in College Writing Classes:Teacher Perspectives 297

Part Ⅲ Error correction for L2 Writers 339

Chapter 13 Error Feedback in L2 Writing Classes:How Explicit Does It Need to Be? 339

Chapter 14 The"Grammar Correction"Debate in L2 Writing:Where Are We,and Where Do We Go from Here?(And What Do We Do in the Meantime…?) 373

Chapter 15 Does Error Feedback Help Student Writers?New Evidence on the Short-and Long-Term Effects of Written Error Correction 395

Chapter 16 Myth 5:Students Must Learn to Correct All Their Writing Errors 427

Chapter 17 Second Language Writing Research and Written Corrective Feedbackin SLA 451

Chapter 18 Is Error Treatment Helpful for L2 Writers? 481

Chapter 19 Perspectives on Error in Composition Studies:L1 and L2 Interactions and Influences 507

Chapter 20 Conclusion:Themes and Trends in L2 Writing Research and Practice 533

Acknowledgments 547