《大学英语快速阅读 阶梯教程》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:楼荷英,王吉民总主编;陈明阳主编;罗晓燕,姚佳副主编
  • 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:7308107617
  • 页数:187 页

Part Ⅰ Reading Skills 3

一、如何提高阅读理解能力 3

二、快速阅读策略 7

Part Ⅱ Texts 15

Unit l A Achieving Balance in Your Freshman Year 15

Unit 1 B Adapting to a New City——Five Things You Can Do Alone 24

Unit 2A Ten Very Effective Communication Skills 31

Unit 2B Education: Values and Expectations 40

Unit 3A Seven Clever Strategies to Improve Concentration at Work 48

Unit 3B Tiger Mom: Here’s How to Reshape the US Education 56

Unit 4A Groupon: Collective Buying Power 63

Unit 4B China’s Businesses Boom, But Its Brands Don’t 71

Unit 5A Time Is Not Money 80

Unit 5B How to Maximize an Online Education Program 89

Unit 6A Ten Paying College Jobs That Look Good on Your Resume 97

Unit 6B How to Beat the Boarding School Blues 106

Unit/AT ne Evolution of Spacesuits 114

Unit 7B Ten Steps to Picking the Righht College Acceptance Letters 123

Unit 8AtBurden of College Loans on raauates Grows 131

Unit8B What to Learn 140

Unit 9A Job-Hunting in T imes of Uncertaintv: Five Overlooked Strategies Unit 9B Matcning Newcomer to College, wmle Botn Pay 154

Unit 1 0A Teamwork in Universities 162

Unit 10B Fuel Cell Cars 170

Part Ⅲ Exercises Key 181

参考答案 181