《世界建筑 NO61 贝格斯伐德教堂丹麦哥本哈根附近1973-1976年》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:6 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:黄长美主编;王增荣中译
  • 出 版 社:胡氏图书出版社
  • 出版年份:1983
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:43 页

贝格斯伐德教堂 Church at Bagsvaerd 9

南向立面(教堂部分) Part of the south facade 9

西向全景 General view from west 10

西南面转角 General view of south-west corner 12

南向全景 General view from south 14

西面的主入口 Main entrance in the west facade 16

主入口的木格子门 Timber screen doors of main entrance 18

入口前庭 Entrance courtyard 19

南面通往中庭的入口 Entrance to atrium garden in the south facade 20

南向立面 South elevation 22

附属建筑南向立面 View of ancillary area from south 24

附属建筑西南向立面 Ancillary area as seen from south-west 25

教堂内部 Interior view of church 26

教堂内部(从祭坛看向入口) Interior view as seen from altar 28

教堂内部(从入口看向祭坛) Interior view as seen from entrance 29

圣具室 Sacristy 30

北面侧廊的天窗 Skylit north aisle 32

祭坛侧景 Side view of the altar 33

教堂四周通道的天窗 Skylit passage surrounding the church 34

同上 ditto 35

通道墙上的告示板 Information boards in passage 36

通道上的照明灯具 Lighting system 37

教区大厅 Parish hall 38

候选者的房间 Candidates’ room 39

祭坛的细部和座位 Detail of altar and its setting 40