漫步 Promenade 2
Nr.1侏儒 Gnomus 4
[漫步] Promenade 7
Nr.2古堡 Promenade 8
[漫步] Promenade 11
Nr.3图伊勒里宫花园(儿童游戏中的争吵)Tuileries(Children's Quarrelling at Play) 12
Nr.4牛 Bydto 14
[漫步] Promenade 15
Nr.5未出壳小鸡的芭蕾舞 Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks 16
Nr.6两个波兰犹太人,一个富一个穷 Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle 18
漫步 Promenade 20
Nr.7利莫日市场(重要新闻) The Market Square(The Big News) 22
Nr.8墓窟(一个罗马的坟墓) Catacombs(A Roman Sepulchre) 26
与死者的对话 Con mortuis in lingua mortua 27
Nr.9鸡脚上的茅屋(巫婆) The Hut on Hen's Legs(Baba-Yaga) 28
Nr.10基辅大门(在古代时的都城基辅) The Bogatyr Gate(at Kiev,the Ancient Capital) 35
Critical Notes 42