《中学英语拓展阅读丛书 自然科学系列 第7册》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:周岐灵等注释
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:7544606950
  • 页数:105 页

1 A Arctic and Alpine Tundra 1

1 B A Wilderness Encounter 3

2 A What Is Quicksand? 5

2 B Surviving Quicksand 7

3 A How We Hear 9

3 B Getting a Hearing Aid 11

4 A The Classification of Living Things 13

4 B Plants That Eat Insects 15

5 A How Sunlight Affects Health 17

5 B Cave Life 19

6 A Every Drop Counts 21

6 B Effects of the World' s Water Situation 23

7 A The Endless Struggle Between Predators and Their Prey 25

7 B Attack — and Counterattack! 27

8 A Simple and Complex Carbohydrates 29

8 B Sensible Dieting 31

9 A Heat Energy at Home 33

9 B A Hot Air Balloon 35

10 A The Life Cycle of a Frog 37

10 B It's a Frog! No, It's a Toad! 39

11 A Symbiosis 41

11 B An Alga, a Fungus, and Two Brothers 43

12 A Estuaries and Their Habitats 45

12 B A Protected Beach 47

13 A Snow Travel in the Arctic 49

13 B Learning to Snowshoe 51

14 A What Is the World Wide Web? 53

14 B The Inventor of the World Wide Web 55

15 A A Hall of Gems and Minerals 57

15 B Mining for Diamonds 59

16 A Microbes and Germs 61

16 B Growing Bread Mold 63

17 A The Many Faces of Primatologists 65

17 B Among the Gorillas 67

18 A The Physics of the Plastic Flying Disc 69

18 B Training a Dog to Catch a Flying Disc 71

19 A World Population Growth and Its Effects 73

19 B Megacities 75

20 A The Relationship of Mathematics to Astronomy and Physics 77

20 B The Scientific Method 79

21 A Weather Forecasting Tools 81

21 B Making a Hygrometer 83

22 A The Machine Age in the United States 85

22 B Machines in the Home 87

23 A The History of Space Exploration 89

23 B Tracking Space Missions 91

24 A The Invention of Television 93

24 B The Future of Television 95

25 A Learning About the Ocean 97

25 B The Future of the Ocean 99

附录 101

Answer Key 101

Reading Rate 103

Comprehension Score 104

Comprehension Skills Profile 105