《通过阅读掌握英语 英汉对照本》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(英)W.W.S.巴斯克尔(W.W.S.Bhasker),(英)N.S.普拉布(N.S.Prabhu)编著;王蓝译
  • 出 版 社:世界图书出版公司北京公司
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7506241307
  • 页数:322 页

1 Civilization and History 文明与历史 by C.E.M.Joad 1

2 The Fun They Had 过去孩子们的乐趣 by Isaac Asimov 11

3 Big Numbers and Infinities 大数与无穷数 by George Gamow 21

4 Oil 油 by G.C.Thornley 32

5 An Observation and Explanation 观察与解释 by Desmond Morris 44

6 A Robot about the House 家用机器人 by M.W.Thring 55

7 A Wrong Man in Worker s Paradise 劳动者天国的异客 by Rabindranath Tagore 67

8 Making Surgery Safe 使外科手术安全可靠 by Horace Shipp 78

9 Using Land Wisely 明智地使用土地 by L.Dudley Stamp 93

10 The Karburator 卡布莱特 by Karel Capek 107

11 Work and Play 工作和玩乐 by Herbert Read 121

12 Three Days to See 给我三天光明 by Helen Keller 134

13 The Laws of Nature 自然法则 by J.B.S.Haldane 148

14 Spaceship? 宇宙飞船? by J.B.Priestley 161

15 The Wisdom of Socrates 苏格拉底的智慧 179

16 Snapshot of a Dog 爱犬剪影 by James Thurber 191

17 Individuals and Masses 个人与群众 by Aldous Huxley 205

18 Children at Play 玩耍的孩子们 by Rumer Godden 217

19 Symptoms 症状 by Jerome K.Jerome 231

20 How to Avoid Foolish Opinions 如何避免愚蠢的见解 by Bertrand Russell 243

A Key to the Exercises 练习答案 254

附录 英汉对照词汇表 303