
  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(英)罗奇著
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787560077345
  • 页数:283 页
图书介绍:《英语语音学与音系学实用教程》一书系英国Reading大学语音学教授Peter Roach所著,1983年由英国剑桥大学出版社出版。此书问世后,立即为世界多所大学所采用。1991年和2000年分别出了第二版和第三版。Peter Roach教授发表过多篇语音学方面的学术论文,并长期讲授语音学与英语发音等课程,具有丰富的经验。这本书是他多年教学与研究的结晶。本书是为英语专业和语言学专业的学生编写的教材,也可供英语教师以及英语或语言学爱好者使用。内容包括讲解英国英语如何发音和与此相关的语音学及音系学知识。

Introduction 1 1

The production of speech sounds 8 2

1 Articulators above the larynx 2

2 Vowel and consonant 2

3 English short vowels 2

Long vowels,diphthongs and triphthongs 19 3

1 Long and short vowels 3

2 Diphthongs 3

3 Triphthongs 3

Voicing and consonants 27 4

1 The larynx 4

2 Respiration and voicing 4

3 Plosives 4

4 English plosives 4

5 Fortis and lenis 4

The phoneme 38 5

1 The phoneme 5

2 Symbols and transcription 5

3 Phonology 5

Fricatives and affricates 48 6

1 Production of fricatives and affricates 6

2 The fricatives of English 6

3 The afiricates 6

4 Fortis consonants 6

Nasals and other consonants 58 7

1 Nasals 7

2 The consonant l 7

3 The consonant r 7

4 The consonants j and w 7

The syllable 70 8

1 The nature of the syllable 8

2 The structure of the English syllable 8

3 Syllable division 8

4 Practical conclusions 8

Strong and weak syllables 81 9

1 Strong and weak 9

2 The ? vowel ("schwa") 9

3 Close front and close back vowels 9

4 Syllabic consonants 9

Stress in simple words 93 10

1 The nature of stress 10

2 Levels of stress 10

3 Placement of stress within the word 10

Complex word stress 104 11

1 Complex words 11

2 Suffixes 11

3 Prefixes 11

4 Compound words 11

5 Variable stress 11

6 Word-class pairs 11

Weakforms 112 12

Problems in phonemic analysis 121 13

1 Affricates 13

2 The English vowel system 13

3 Syllabic consonants 13

4 Clusters of s plus plosives 13

5 Schwa(?) 13

6 Distinctive features 13

7 Conclusion 13

Aspects of connected speech 134 14

1 Rhythm 14

2 Assimilation 14

3 Elision 14

4 Linking 14

Intonation 1 156 15

1 Form and function in intonation 15

2 Tone and tone languages 15

3 Complex tones and pitch height 15

4 Some functions of English tones 15

Intonation 2 162 16

1 The tone-unit 16

2 The structure of the tone-unit 16

3 Pitch possibilities in the simple tone-unit 16

Intonation 3 171 17

1 Fall-rise and rise-fall tones followed by a tail 17

2 High and low heads 17

3 Problems in analysing the form of intonation 17

4 Autosegmental treatment of intonation 17

Functions of intonation 1 183 18

1 The attitudinal function of intonation 18

Functions of intonation 2 193 19

1 The accentual function of intonation 19

2 The grammatical function of intonation 19

3 The discourse function of intonation 19

4 Conclusions 19

Further areas of study in phonetics and phonology 204 20

1 Laboratory phonetics 20

2 The study of variety 20