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大学英语写作教程 下 Vol.2
(美)诺伊菲尔德(Neufeld,Rebecca),麻保金编1992 年出版253 页ISBN:7810186582This book is the second volume is a series of two books that take the learner of English from sentence skills to writing the research paper and practical writing.The two books combined form ...
大学英语写作教程 上
麻保金,陈明发,(美)Rebecca Neufeld编1992 年出版284 页ISBN:7810186574本书为大学英语写作教程(修订本)其中内容有:Preface Part One Sentence Skills 1 Sentence Fragments Ineffective Sentence Fragments Legitimate Sentence Fragments 2 Run-on Sentences 3 Misplaced and Da...