- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:北京语言学院出国预备人员培训部编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京语言学院出版社
- 出版年份:1985
- ISBN:90411·3
- 页数:307 页
.The Size of the United States (3) 1
.Where Did Americans Come From? (4) 2
.The Climate of the United States (6) 3
.How Did the States Get Their Names? (7) 4
.Schools in the United States (8) 5
.Ecology on a College Campus (10) 6
.Women in the U.S.A. (12) 7
.Women's Liberation in the U.S.A. (14) 8
.Two Great Men of Science (16) 9
.The Sunday Newspaper (17) 10
.American Youth (20) 11
.A Busy Teenager (22) 12
.Mail Service (25) 13
.A Writer Who Understood Boys (26) 14
.A New Way to Fly (27) 15
.Hungry for Humburgers (30) 16
.Frank Lloyd Wright,an Aritist in Architecture (31) 17
.Stone Walls in New England (33) 18
.Mr.,Mrs.,Miss,and Ms. (35) 19
.Educating TV Children(36) 20
.Families ofthe Past,Present and Future (39) 21
.What Causes Waves? (40) 22
.Who Was He? (41) 23
.Adults and Teenagers Together (43) 24
.Farm Life in the United States (44) 25
.Should There Bc a Law? (47) 26
.Automobiles in the U.S.A. (48) 27
.The Congress of the United States (51) 28
.The Newspaper Boy (52) 29
.The Big Business of Advertizing (54) 30
.When Were You Born? (57) 31
.College Students Today (59) 32
.Getting Advice from Strangers (62) 33
.Who Smokes? (64) 34
.Sesame Street (67) 35
.Lessons from the Overseas (69) 36
.Amelia Earhart (72) 37
.Special Schools (75) 38
.Whv Don't Girls Think Like Boys? (Part Ⅰ) (78) 39
.Why Don't Girls Think Like Boys? (Part Ⅱ) (83) 40
.The Life Style of a Rock Star (84) 41
.The First Four Minutes (87) 42
.Mysteries of the Sea (91) 43
.A Look at the Future (94) 44
.Doing Something about City Problems(Part Ⅰ) (97) 45
.Doing Something about City Problems(Part Ⅱ) (99) 46
.Breathing Below the Surface of the Sea (101) 47
.Museums in the Modern World(Part Ⅰ) (103) 48
.Museumsin the Modern World (Part Ⅱ) (108) 49
.How Computers Are Changing Our World(Part Ⅰ) (110) 50
.How Computers Are Changing Our World(Part Ⅱ) (112) 51
.What People Don't Knowabout Air (113) 52
Why Does Food Cost So Much? (116) 53
.An African Student in the U.S.(Part Ⅰ) (119) 54
.An African Student in the U.S.(Part Ⅱ) (122) 55
.Truck Driving:A Way of Life (124) 56
.The Voices of Time(Part Ⅰ) (128) 57
.The Voices of Time(Part Ⅱ) (130) 58
.How Do the Movies Do it? (132) 59
.Learning by Doing (134) 60
.The Man Who Made Mickey Mouse(Part Ⅰ) (137) 61
.The Man Who Made Mickey Mouse(Part Ⅱ) (141) 62
.The Education of Benjamin Franklin(Part Ⅰ) (144) 63
.The Education of Benjamin Franklin(Part Ⅱ) (147) 64
.How TV Programs Are Born(Part Ⅰ) (149) 65
.How TV Programs Are Born(Part Ⅱ) (151) 66
.Lessons from Jefferson(Part Ⅰ) (153) 67
.Lessons from Jefferson(Part Ⅱ) (155) 68
.The Perfect Match (159) 69
.Simple Habits,Deep Thoughts(Part Ⅰ) (162) 70
.Simple Habits,Deep Thoughts(Part Ⅱ) (165) 71
.Clocks through Time (167) 72
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