- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:周国逸,闫俊华编著
- 出 版 社:北京:气象出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7502929878
- 页数:128 页
Preface 1
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1 Overview of forest sources 1
1.1 Definition of forest and some other concepts concerned 1
前言 1
第一章 概述 1
1.1 森林及其相关概念 1
1 森林资源概述 1
1.2 Forest sources 2
1.2 森林资源 2
2 Ecological forests 4
2 生态公益林 4
2.1 Category and definition of ecological forest 5
2.1 生态公益林的范畴及定义 5
2.2 Problems as a result of marking off of ecological forest 6
2.2 划分出生态公益林经营后所存在的问题 6
2.3 Ecological forests in Guangdong Province 7
2.3 广东省生态公益林建设的现状 7
2.4 Distributive principle for ecological forests 8
2.4 生态公益林布局所依据的原则 8
2.5 Development and review of benefit assessment and compensation of ecological forests 9
2.5 生态公益林效益评价和补偿的国内外研究动态及趋势 9
1 森林的水土保持效益 14
Chapter 2 Service function of forest ecosystems 14
1 Water and soil conservation function of forests 14
1.1 Soil erosion and its impact 14
1.2 General condition of soil erosion in drainage area of the Yellow River and the Yangtse River 14
第二章 森林生态系统服务功能评述 14
1.1 水土流失及其危害 14
1.2 黄河、长江流域水土流失概况 14
1.3 广东省水上流失及其现状 16
1.3 Soil erosion in Guangdong Province 16
1.4 Function of forests in water and soil conservation 17
1.4 森林在水土保持中的作用 17
1.5 水土保持生态效益的经济计量评价方法 19
1.5 Assessing the ecological benefit of water and soil conservation: an economic method 19
2.1 国内外森林水文生态效益研究结果概述 25
2 森林的水文生态效益 25
2.1 An overview 25
2 The hydrological benefit of forests 25
2.2 森林植被覆盖率变迁与珠江水患 26
2.2 Variance of forest cover and the Pearl River flood 26
2.3 Assessment indices for the hydrological benefit of 27
2.3 森林水文生态效益评价指标分述 27
3.1 广东省气候特征概述 34
3 The impact of forest on microclimate 34
3.1 The general climate condition in Guangdong Province 34
3 森林对小气候环境因子的综合改造作用 34
3.2 森林的小气候效应 37
3.2 Function of forests on microclimate 37
4.1 地带性森林的生物多样性(以鼎湖山为例) 43
4 Biodiversity conservation function of forests 43
4 保育生物多样性 43
4.1 Biodiversity of the natural forest in Dinghushan-an example 43
4.2 生态恢复过程中的生物多样性变化(以鹤山、小良等地为例) 46
4.2 The variation of biodiversity in the process of ecological restoration in Heshan and Xiaoliang 46
5.1 吸收■CO2放出O2的作用 47
5 Atmosphere purification and regeneration function 47
5 净化和更新大气作用 47
5.1 Balancing of ■CO2 and O2 47
5.2 减尘滞尘作用 48
5.2 Dust reducing 48
5.4 杀菌作用 49
5.3 吸收■SO2作用 49
5.4 Sterilizing function 49
5.3 ■SO2 absorption 49
5.5 减少噪音作用 50
5.6 其它净化作用 50
5.6 Other purification functions 50
5.5 Noise abating 50
1 生态公益林的最小面积及质量评价的指标体系 51
1.1 有关最小面积的问题探讨 51
1.1 Factors concerning the minimum area 51
1 The minimum area and the index system for quality assessment 51
Chapter 3 The pattern of ecological forest and its reconstruction 51
第三章 生态公益林的模式及改造 51
1.2 指标体系 53
1.2 Index system 53
2 Index and its measurement of stability and trend assessment 55
2.1 The indices for stability and trend assessment 55
2 稳定性与发展趋势评价指标及测量 55
2.1 稳定性与发展趋势评价指标 55
2.2 稳定性与发展趋势的评估 57
2.2 Stability and trend analysis 57
3 The best pattern for ecological forests in Guangdong Province 58
3 广东省最佳生态公益林的林分模式 58
3.2 林分结构与生态效益 59
3.2 Forest structure and ecological benefits 59
3.1 林分状况 59
3.1 Forest standing 59
3.3 Comparison on the ecological factors among different forests 60
3.4 Benefit analysis of the best pattern of ecological forests 60
3.4 最佳生态公益林模式效益分析 60
3.3 不同林分的生态因子对比 60
3.5 Some suggestions for the stand reconstruction of the ecological forests in Guangdong province 62
4 The choice of species and techniques in the ecological forest reconstruction 62
4 生态公益林改造的树种选择和技术问题 62
3.5 广东省生态公益林林分改造建议 62
4.1 广东生态公益林的现状与问题 63
4.1 The present condition and problems of the ecological forests in Guangdong province 63
4.2 广东山区森林植被特点 65
4.2 The characteristics of the forests in the mountainous areas of Guangdong province 65
4.3 Some major species in the ecological forest reconstruction in Guangdong province 68
4.3 广东生态公益林改造中的树种选择及主要树种介绍 68
4.4 广东省生态公益林改造中的几个技术问题 73
1 Generality of forest ecological resources 75
Chapter 4 Approach on economic theories concerning ecological benefits 75
第四章 生态效益计量经济理论探讨 75
1 森林生态资源概说 75
1.1 Forest resources and forest ecological benefits 76
1.1 森林生态资源与森林生态效益 76
1 2 Values of ecological function and ecological benefits of forest 76
1.2 森林生态功能价值与森林生态效益价值 76
1.3 Property of the forest ecological resource issues 77
1.4 Forest ecological products and consumers 77
1.4 森林生态产品与服务对象 77
1.3 森林生态资源产业的性质 77
1.5 The marketing of forest resources between producers and customers 78
1.6 Factors considered in evaluating the ecological sources of forests 78
1.6 森林生态资源评价中应注意的问题 78
1.5 森林生态资源生产者和消费者的市场交易 78
2.1 森林生态资源评估的理论依据 79
2 森林生态资源评价的方法 79
2.1 Theoretical basis 79
2 The methods of forest ecological resource evaluation 79
2.2 森林生态服务功能的价值评估方法 82
2.2 The method for evaluating the ecological service function of forests 82
3 森林生态资源评价的价格界定 84
3 Price scope for forest ecological resources 84
3.1 内部效果价格界定 85
3.2 外部效果价格界定 85
3.3 无形效果价格界定 85
4 生态公益林价值的计量经济评价体系 85
4 Evaluation system for ecological forests 85
3.3 Price for immaterial effects 85
3.2 Price for external effects 85
3.1 Price for internal effects 85
4.1 Market-substitution method 86
4.1 替代市场法 86
4.2 模拟市场法 94
4.2 Market-simulation method 94
第五章 广东省生态公益林效益的经济评价 97
1 现有的森林资源状况 97
Chapter 5 The benefit of the ecological forests in Guangdong Province: an economic evaluation 97
1.1 生态公益林 97
1. 1 Ecological forests 97
1 The forest resources in Guangdong Province 97
1.2 经济用材林状况 98
1. 2 Economic forests 98
1.3 总体评价 100
1. 3 General evaluation 100
2 生态公益林有形产品的经济评价 101
2.1 Economic value of timber 101
2 Economic evaluation for the material products of ecological forests 101
2.1 木材的经济价值 101
3.1 水源涵养效益 102
2.2 薪碳柴的价值 102
3 生态公益林生态效益的经济评价 102
3.1 Water conservation 102
3 Economic evaluation of the ecological benefits 102
2.2 Economic value of firewood 102
3.2 Balancing atmospheric components 104
3.2 维持大气平衡的效益 104
3.3 Soil amendment 107
3.3 改良土壤效益 107
3.4 Soil and nutrient conservation 107
3.4 固土保肥效益 107
3.5 Ecological tourism 108
3.5 环境生态旅游效益 108
4 Composition analysis on the economic benefits of ecological forests 109
4 生态公益林经济效益组成分析 109
3.6 Biodiversity conservation 109
3.6 生物多样性保育价值 109
Chapter 6 The approach and mechanism of economic compensation of ecological forests 112
1.1 复杂性 112
1 补偿的复杂性、必要性与可行性 112
第六章 生态公益林的补偿途径及机制 112
1 The complexity, necessity and feasibility of compensation 112
1.1 The complexity 112
1.2 The necessity 113
1.2 必要性 113
1.3 The feasibility 115
1.3 可行性 115
2 Quantitative analysis of the compensation in Guangdong province 117
2.1 General principles 117
2.1 总则 117
2 广东省生态公益林的补偿额度分析 117
2.2 补偿量的确定 118
2.2 Determining the quantum of the compensation 118
2.3 Allocation of the compensation quantum 119
2.3 补偿量的分配 119
3 Method analysis of economic compensation for ecological forests in Guangdong province 120
3 广东省生态公益林的补偿方式分析 120
3 1 The principles of equivalent compensation for various proprietorship 121
3.2 The principle compensated by social groups 121
3.3 The principle of uneven compensation by citizens 121
4.1 Legislation 121
4 Implementation strategy analysis 121
4 保障补偿机制得以实行的措施分析 121
3.3 社会公众补偿量的非平均性原则 121
3.2 社会集团的补偿量内部消化原则 121
3.1 各种所有制生态公益林得到等效补偿的原则 121
4.1 立法 121
4.2 Establish a management organization 122
4.4 加强科学研究 122
4.3 Making efforts to increase public awareness 122
4.4 Enhancing scientific research 122
4.3 加强宣传教育 122
4.2 成立专门机构 122
5 The criterion for non - ecological forest management 123
5.1 森林的分类经营 123
5.1 Forest classified management 123
5 非生态公益林经营的规范问题 123
5.2 The criterion for classification of non - ecological forests 124
5.2 建立非生态公益林经营的规范 124
References 125
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