- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王红续著
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:黑龙江教育出版社
- 出版年份:1996
- ISBN:7531630540
- 页数:339 页
Introduction 1
引言 1
前言页 1
The Reestablishment of Sino-British Relations and the Shelving of the Hong Kong Question 9
Chapter One 9
第一章 中英关系的重建与香港问题的搁置 9
1.Maintaining its Control over Hong Kong Was the Important Motives for Britain to Recognize New China 10
一 保住香港是促使英国承认新中国的重要动机 10
二 新中国对英政策与建交谈判 19
2.New China s Policy toward Britain and the Negotiations on the Establishment of Sino-British Diplomatic Relations 19
3.A Standstill of Diplomatic Relations and the Causes 29
三 外交关系的长期停滞及其原因 29
4.The Adjustments in the Diplomatic Strategies of China and Britain 45
四 两国外交战略的调整 45
5.The Raising of Sino-British Diplomatic Relations to Ambassadorial Level and the Rapid Development of Sino-British Political Relations 61
五 外交关系升格和中英政治关系的迅速发展 61
6.The Zigzag Development of Sino-British Trade Contaces 78
六 曲折上升的经贸往来 78
7.Mao Zedong s Strategy of Maintaining the Status Quo of Hong Kong and its Beneficial Results 91
七 毛泽东保持香港现状的战略及其效益 91
一 香港问题提上日程 107
1.The Hong Kong Question Was Put on the Agenda 107
The Settlement of the Hong Kong Question and the Formation of Sino-British “Honeymoon” 107
Chapter Two 107
第二章 香港前途问题的解决与中英“蜜月”的形成 107
2.Deng Xiaoping Formulated the Strategic Conception of One Country,Two Systems 113
二 邓小平提出“一国两制”的战略构想 113
3.The Stalemate and Breakthrough in the Matter of Sovereignty 118
三 在主权问题上的僵持及突破 118
4.The Arrangements for Hong Kong after 1997 126
四 关于1997年后对香港的安排问题 126
5.The Talks on the Arrangements for the Transition Period 137
五 关于过渡期的安排等问题的会谈 137
六 中英联合声明及其意义 143
6.Sino-British Joint Declaration and its Significance 143
7.The Optimum Period 148
七 最佳时期 148
8.Further Development of Sino-British Economic and Cultural Relations 154
八 经济、文化关系的新进展 154
9.Close Cooperation in the First Part of the Hong Kong Transition Period 162
九 在香港前过渡期的密切合作 162
10.The Motive Forces Bringing about Sino-British Honeymoon 174
十 促成中英“蜜月”的主要动力 174
第三章 英方对华对港政策的剧烈波动及其后果 186
Chapter Three 186
The Drastic Changes in Britain s Policies toward China Hong Kong and the Consequences 186
一 加入西方对华制裁的行列 187
1.Britain Joined the Western Rank of Sanctions against China 187
二 英方开始改变对港政策 198
2.Britain Began to Change its Policy toward Hong Kong 198
三 中英外长磋商香港政制安排问题 207
3.China s and Britain s Foreign Ministers Exchanged Views on the Arrangements for Hong Kong s Political System 207
4.Gradual Removal of Sanctions against China 214
四 制裁措施的逐步解除 214
五 新机场谅解备忘录 221
5.Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Construction of the New Airport 221
6.The Tough Policy of Britain toward China 234
六 英国对华政策的强硬化 234
七 香港政改导致中英对抗 241
7.The Political Reform in Hong Kong led to Sino-British Confrontation 241
八 中英关于香港政制问题的会谈及其破裂 252
8.Sino-British Talks on Hong Kong s Political System and the Breakdown 252
九 “另起炉灶” 261
9.“Starting Anew” 261
Chapter Four 270
1.The Readjustments in Britain s Policy and the Causes 270
The Return of Hong Kong to China and the Status Quo and Future of Sino-British Relations 270
一 英方再次调整政策及其原因 270
第四章 香港回归问题与中英关系的现状和未来 270
2.The Resumption of Sino-British Cooperation on the Hong Kong Question 278
二 在香港问题上双方合作的恢复 278
3.The Improvement of Sino-British Economic and Political Relations 287
三 经济政治关系的改善 287
4.Problems Existing at Present 295
四 当前存在的问题 295
五 1997年后中英关系的战略支点 301
5.The Strategic Culcrum for Sino-British Relations after 1997 301
结语 311
Conclusions 311
Appendix Ⅰ:References 314
附录Ⅰ:主要参考文献 314
Appendix Ⅱ:Joint Declaration of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the People s Republic of China on the Question of Hong Kong 320
附录Ⅱ:中华人民共和国政府和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国政府关于香港问题的联合声明 320
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