英语阅读与训练 上PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李宗芳等编
- 出 版 社:北京:电子工业出版社
- 出版年份:1988
- ISBN:7505304267
- 页数:326 页
UnitⅠ 1
Text: Moving In 1
Dialogue:Introduction 2
Pronunciation Drill: [i] [e] [?] 11
Grammar: Simple Present and Present Progressive 12
Supplementary Reading: The Open University 16
Unit 2 20
Tcxt: Daylight Saving Time 20
Dialogue: First Day of class 22
Supplementary Reading: Library 27
Pronciation Drill: [?] [?] [u] 31
Grammar: Simplc Past, Past Progressive and Passive Voice 33
Supplcmcntary Reading: Time Changes 36
Unit 3 40
Text:Takc My Advice 40
Dialogue: Are You a Freshman 41
Pronunciation Drill: [?:] [a:] 51
Grammar Present Perfect and Past Future 52
Supplementary Reading: Advice to Freshmen 56
Unit 4 61
Text: Learning a Langluagc 61
Dialogue: About Oral English 63
Pronunciation Drill:[i:] [ei] [ai] 72
Grammar: Past Perfect and Simple Future 73
Supplementary Reading: Learning Languages is Easy or is it? 77
Unit 5 80
Tcxt: British and American English 80
Dialogue: About a Talk 82
Pronunciation Drill:[?i] [au] 89
Grammar: Present Perfect Progressive, Future Perfect 90
Supplementary Reading: A Dialogue between an American and a Britisher 94
Unit 6 97
Text:old Faithful 97
Dialogue: Go Sightseeing 99
Pronunciation Drill: [?u] [u:] [ju:] 109
Grammar: The Degree of Comparison of the Adjective and the Adverb 110
Supplementary Reading: Miss Liberty 115
Unit 7 117
Text: The Ancient Chinese Calendar 117
Dialogue: About Homework 118
Pronunciation Drill: [i?] [?] [u?] [ju?] [?:] 127
Grammar: Personal Pronouns Possessive Pronouns, Self Pronouns and Indefinite Pronoun "one" 128
Supplcmcutary Reading: Clocks and Time 134
Unit 8 139
Text: A High School I'eacher 139
Dialogue: General Cleaning 141
Pronunciation: Drill: [?], Rules of Pronunclation (Ⅰ) 152
Grammar: Mixed Exercises: 154
Supplementary Reading: The Purpose ot School 158
Unit 9 161
Text: The Marvels of Colour 161
Dialogue: Borrowing Things 164
Pronunciation Drill: 意群和停顿 174
Grammar: The Gerund 175
Supplementary Reading: Colour 179
Unit 10 185
Text: A New World 185
Dialogue: Weather 187
Pronunciation: Rules of Pronunciation (Ⅱ) 196
Grammar: The Participle (Ⅰ) 198
Supplementary Reading: Christopher Colmnbus 202
Unit 11 207
Text: Impressions of the United States 207
Dialogue: Shopping 209
Pronunciation: Drill on the Rules of Pronunciation 223
Orammar: The Participle(Ⅱ) 224
Supplementary Reading: Travelling Students 228
Text: The Cost of Education 233
Unit 12 233
Dialogue: Illness 236
Pronunciation Drill: [?] [?] 246
Grammar: The Infinitive 248
Supplementary Reading:Test Anxiety 255
Unit 13 259
Text: A Library Mishap 259
Dialogue: At the Library 261
Pronunciation Drill:[?] [?] [t?] [d?] 270
Grammar: Mixed Exercises on Verbals 272
fexc: What You Don'c Know about Exercise 279
Unit 14 279
Dialogue: Physical Traioing 281
Pronunciation Dril: [t,v] [w,v] [r,l] [r,l] [d,dl] [pl, pr, kl, kr, bl, br] 291
Grammar: The Complex Sentences (Ⅰ) 293
Supplementary Reading: Sports and Games 297
Unit 15 301
Text: Christmas 301
Dialogue: Ata Ncw Year's Eve Party 303
Pronunclation: Rhythm 314
Grammar: The Complex Sentences(Ⅱ) 315
supplemencary reading: Thesanta within me 321
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