新英语教程 阅读 第2册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘平梅等编
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:7302016410
- 页数:346 页
UNIT 1 1
PART A Dreams 1
Ⅰ What Are the Stages of Memory? 15
Ⅱ How to Live Beautifully 20
PART C Compound Words 29
UNIT 2 32
Ⅰ Preserving the Environment 44
Ⅱ A Country on the Move 48
Ⅲ Back to Nature 52
PART C Words with Several Meanings 57
UNIT 3 60
PART A University Days 60
Ⅰ After Twenty Years 81
Ⅱ The Lost Gold Piece 90
PART C Reading for the Main Idea 97
UNIT 4 100
PART A Population and the Future 100
PART B 113
Ⅰ A Boy or a Girl? 113
Ⅱ Large Families in India 118
Ⅲ Childless-and Happy that Way 124
PART C Reading for the Implied Main Idea 129
UNIT 5 131
PART A Space 131
PART B 142
Ⅰ The Weather 142
Ⅱ Getting along Verbally and Nonverbally. 147
PART C The Organization of a Discourse 152
REVIEW 1 155
Ⅰ.Reading Comprehension 155
Ⅱ.Vocabulary and Structure 159
Ⅲ.C1oze 162
Ⅳ.Translation 164
UNIT 6 165
PART A The Earth's Hidden Power Comes to the Surface 165
PART B 178
Ⅰ Volcanoes 178
Ⅱ The Vanished City 181
PART C Transition Words(1) 189
UNIT 7 192
PART A The Global Brain Drain 192
PART B 206
Ⅰ What Is Intelligence,Anyway? 206
Ⅱ The Bright Student and the Dull Student 211
PART C Transition Words(2) 216
UNIT 8 218
PART A In Sports,"Lions vs.Tigers" 218
PART B 232
Ⅰ Why I Want a Wife 232
Ⅱ The Emotional Factors in Total Well-being 238
Ⅲ Americans and Physical Fitness 245
PART C Transition Words(3) 251
UNIT 9 254
PART A Speech Communities 254
PART B 266
Ⅰ Who uses English? 266
Ⅱ Our Crazy Language 270
Ⅲ Travel in the USA 274
PART C Finding Implications and Drawing inferences 280
UNIT 10 282
PART A Educational Attitudes 282
PART B 296
Ⅰ Why I Come to College 296
Ⅱ Some Problems of Chinese Education as Seen through the Eyes of a Foreigner 302
PART C Inferring the Author's Views and Attitudes 310
REVIEW 2 312
Ⅰ.Reading Comprehension 312
Ⅱ.Vocabulary and Structure 317
Ⅲ.Cloze 319
Ⅳ.Translation 321
Vocabulary 322
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