- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王明珠编著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:1993
- ISBN:7301020058
- 页数:168 页
PART ONE American Geography 1
Ⅰ.The United States 1
Ⅱ.The Mountains of the United States 2
Ⅲ.The Rivers and the Lakes in the United State 4
Ⅳ.Regions and Divisions in the United States 5
Ⅴ.The Cities of the United States 23
PART TWO The American People 41
Ⅰ.The Earliest Inhabitants in America 43
Ⅱ.The Discovery of America 44
Ⅲ.European Settlers 45
Ⅳ.English Colonies 46
Ⅴ.Early American Immigrants 49
Ⅵ.Immigrants Coming from 1890 to 1920 52
Ⅶ.Immigration Between the End of World War I to the Present(1920—84) 58
PART THREE Disadvantaged People 63
Ⅰ.American Indians 63
Ⅱ.Blacks in America 77
Ⅲ.Americans of Spanish Origin 94
PART FOUR American Women 104
Ⅰ.American Women’s Status in the Colonial Period and the 19th Century 104
Ⅱ.Women between the End of the American Revolution and the Ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment 107
Ⅲ.American Women’s Liberation Movement 113
Ⅳ.American Women Today 115
PART FIVE American Government 120
Ⅰ.The Nature of American Government 120
Ⅱ.The President 126
Ⅲ.Congress 130
Ⅳ.The Court System 132
Ⅴ.Cheeks and Balances 133
Ⅵ.State and Local Governments 135
PART SIX Politicai Parties in the United States 137
Ⅰ.History of the Two Parties 137
Ⅱ.The Present Two-party System 140
Ⅲ.Other Parties 141
Ⅳ.Membership of the Two Parties 142
Ⅴ.The Organization of the Two Parties 143
PART SEVEN American Economy 145
Ⅰ.Historical Perspective 145
Ⅱ.American Economy Today 156
PART EIGHT American Agriculture 160
Ⅰ.The United States Is Rich in Agricultural Products 160
Ⅱ.Results of Growing Productivity 161
Ⅲ.Format of American Farms 161
Ⅳ.Agricultural Problems in the United States 162
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