- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:蒋立峰主编
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:黑龙江教育出版社
- 出版年份:1996
- ISBN:7531630400
- 页数:245 页
Introduction 1
前言页 1
引言 1
1.Japan and Japanese 10
On the History of Sino-Japanese Relations 10
Chapter One 10
第一章 中日关系史论 10
一、日本与日本人 10
1.1. What Kind of Country is Japan? 11
1.日本何等国也? 11
1.2. How to Understand the Japanese? 17
2.怎样看待日本人? 17
3.中日两国政治文化之异同 26
1.3. The Similarities and Differences in Politics and Culture between China and Japan 26
2.1 Japan s Modern Diplomatic Strategy and its Relations with the U. S . and China 33
2. Japan s Modern and Contemporary Diplomatic Strategy and its Relations with the U. S. and China 33
二、日本的近现代外交战略及与美国、中国的关系 33
2.近代外交战略及与美国、中国的关系 33
2.现代外交战略及与美国、中国的关系 44
2.2 Japan s Contemporary Diplomatic Strategy and its Relations with the U. S. and China 44
三、中日关系的历史经验 70
1.中日关系史诸问题 70
3. The Historical Experience of Sino-Japanese Relations 70
3.1 Problems in the History of Sino-Japanese Relations 70
3.2 Historical Experience of Sino-Japanese Relations 86
2.中日关系的历史经验 86
Chapter Two 103
On Present-day Sino-Japanese Relations 103
1.New Characteristics of Present-day International Environment 103
一、当代国际环境的新特点 103
第二章 当代中日关系论 103
2. Japan s Diplomatic Strategy and its Foreign Relations 114
二、日本的外交战略及对外关系 114
3. The Status Quo of Sino-Japanese Relations and Some Problems 134
三、中日关系的现状及存在问题 134
Chapter Three 143
On the Future of Sino-Japanese Relations 143
第三章 未来中日关系论 143
1.国际环境 144
一、影响中日关系发展诸因素 144
1.Factors Affecting the Development of Sino-Japanese Relations 144
1.1 International Environment 144
2.国内政治 155
1.2 Domestic Politics 155
1.3 Economic Conditions 164
3.经济条件 164
2. Objectives of China s and Japan s Foreign Policy 173
二、中日双方的对外政策取向 173
2.1 Objectives of China s Foreign Policy 174
1.中国的对外政策取向 174
2.2 Objectives of Japan s Foreign Policy 184
2.日本的对外政策取向 184
3. Sino-Japanese Relations toward the 21 Century 202
3.1 General Principles Describing the Future of Sino-Japanese Relations 202
三、走向21世纪的中日关系 202
1.描绘未来中日关系蓝图的总体原则 202
2.影响未来中日关系的敏感问题 213
3.2 Sensitive Issues Affecting the Future of Sino-Japanese Relations 215
3.3 Prospects of Sino-Japanese Relations at the Turn of the Centuries 225
3.世纪之交中日关系的发展前景 225
Conclusion 240
结语 240
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