- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈建功著;《陈建功文集》编写组编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:1981
- ISBN:13031·1711
- 页数:410 页
Some theorems on infinite products 1
On Diriehlet’s functionals 6
On the series of orthogonal functions 36
On the class of functions with absolutely convergent Fourier series 39
On the Cesàro-summability of the Laplace’s series of hyperspherieal functions 44
On the systems of normal orthogonal functions 64
On a theorem of Zygmund in the theory of the series of orthogonal functions 75
On Hardy-Littlewood’s summability-theorem for Fourier series 80
Axioms for real numbers 107
On the theory of schlicht functions 115
On the convergence of the conjugate series of a Fourier series 119
On the absolute Cesàro summability of négative order for a Fourier series at a given point 125
A generalization of Hardy’s theorem with an application to the absolute summability of Fourier series 143
Some one-sided Tauberian theorems 152
The absolute convergence of the allied series of a Fourier series 165
An extension of Parseval’s formula in the theory of orthogonal funetions 200
Approximation by Cesàro combination of Faber’s polynomials on the continuum having fairly smooth boundary 205
On the series of orthogonal polynomials 246
Uniform approximation by integral functions of the order ρ to the functions on a Jordan region of the index ρ 255
Generalizations of Minkowski’s inequality with applications to the theory of mean approximation by integral functions 262
On the H?lder exponent of Q-mapping 268
Cauchy’s theorem on a properly bordered domain 276
当若阿-富里埃级数的系数 287
单叶函数论在中国 305
线性椭圆型偏微分方程组的一般解的赫耳窦连续性质 320
富里埃级数蔡查罗绝对可求和的一些结果 344
两三年来三角级数论在国内的情况 382
陈建功教授的论文、著作和译作目录(全部) 405
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