- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:邬性宏,倪元珠编
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:1991
- ISBN:7309007131
- 页数:414 页
1.Foreign Expansion of Ford Motor Company 1
2.International Migration of Labour 13
3.Sino-Japanese Economic Ties 27
4.Purposes and Functions of Central Banks 38
5.West Germany's Engine Needs Restarting 50
6.Multinational Corporations 63
7.Foreign Investment in China 76
Revision Exercises(LL.1-7) 90
8.The Costs of Inflation 96
9.Singapore:The Superhub of Southeast Asia 110
10.Hunger and F00d in the Third World 122
11.China's Ecnomic Structure Reform Programme 135
12.Postwar Trade Liberalization and the New Protectionism 150
13.The Hollow Corporation 162
14.Stabilizing Inflation:Experiences in Latin America 177
Revision Exercises(LL.8-14) 186
15.Basic Elements in Japan's Postwar Economic Growth 196
16.China's Commercial Relations with the United States 207
17.Industrialization and Manufactured Exports of the Third World 220
18.Europe in 1992 231
19.Motives for Direct Investments Abroad 246
20.Some Arguments for Protection 260
21.U.S.Agriculture:Hard Realities 272
Revision Exercises(LL.15-21) 285
22.China's External Trade in Manufactures 290
23.Some Economic Problems of Developing Countries 301
24.U.S.Automobile Imports 314
25.How IBM is Fighting Back 329
26.Britain's Great Rebound 343
27.Management Discovers the Human Si?e of Automation 358
28.Where's the Gung-Ho? 371
Revision Exercises(LL.22-28) 382
Indexof Words&Phrases 393
Index of Proper Names 407
Index of Economic Terms&Expressions 410
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