英汉实用中医药大全 16 皮肤病学PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:徐象才主编
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:1991
- ISBN:7040036703
- 页数:416 页
Notes 1
PartⅠ General Discussions 1
1 The Dermapathic Physiology in TCM 1
1.1 The Skin and the Theory of Wei-Qi (defensive energy) 1
1.2 The Relation between the Skin and Viscera 3
1.3 The Relation Between the Skin and the Channels and Collaterals 5
2 Traditional Chinese Dermatopathology 7
2.1 Wind-type 7
2.2 Dampness 8
2.3 Heat 9
2.4 Poison 9
2.5 Dryness 10
2.6 Blood Stasis 11
2.7 Deficiency of the Liver and Kidney 12
3 Traditional Chinese Medical Differentiation of Dermapathic Symptoms and Signs 13
3.1 Subjective Symptoms 13
3.2 Skin Lesion 16
4 TCM Treatment of Dermatoses 19
4.1 Internal Treatment 20
4.2 External Treatment 23
PartⅡ Discussions on Individual Dermatoses 28
1 Viral Dermatoses 28
1.1 Herpes Simplex 28
1.2 Herpes Zoster 31
1.3 Verruca 35
2.1 Impetigo Herpetiformis 42
2 Bacterial Dermatoses 42
2.2 Erysipelas 46
3 Tinea 50
3.1 Hand-foot Tinea 50
3.2 Nail Tinea 53
3.3 Tinea Corporis and Tinea Cruris 55
3.4 Tinea Capitis 56
3.5 Tinea Versicoior 59
4 Insect-borne Dermatoses 61
4.1 Scabies 61
4.2 Insect Dermatitis 64
5 Physicogenic Dermatoses 67
5.1 Chilblain 67
5.2 Rhagades of Hand and Foot 69
5.3 Sudamen 70
5.4 Corns 72
6 Allergic Dermatoses 75
6.1 Contact Dermatitis 75
6.2 Eczema 79
6.3 Urticaria 85
6.4 Papular Urticaria 91
6.5 Drug-induced Dermatitis 95
6.6 Allergic Purpura 103
7 Dysneuria Dermatoses 111
7.1 Cutaneous Pruritus 111
7.2 Neurodermatitis 116
8 Erythematous Dermatoses 121
8.1 Polymorphic Erythema 121
8.2 Erythema Nodusum 125
9.1 Pityriasis Rosea 129
9 Erythroderma Desquamativum 129
9.2 Psoriasis 132
10 Desmosis 142
10.1 Lupus Erythematosus 142
10.2 Dermatasclerosis 152
10.3 Dermatomyositis 159
11 Disease of Cutaneous Appendages 167
11.1 Acne Vulgaris 167
11.2 Brandy Nose 170
11.3 Seborrhea and Seborrheic Dermatitis 175
11.4 Alopecia Areata 179
11.5 Tragomaschalia 183
12 Pigmentary Dermatoses 186
12.1 Vitiligo 186
12.2 Chloasma 188
12.3 Freckle 192
Formula Index 195
The English-Chinese Encyclopedia of Practical TCM(Booklist) 415
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