- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:朱次榴著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:1981
- ISBN:9215·115
- 页数:149 页
1 "This is...""It is...".Questions and Answers 1
2 "Where is…?" 3
3 Plurals."There is...""There are..." 6
4 Who?What?He,She,It They 10
5 In the Classroom.Present Tense of"Be" 13
6 The Farm 17
7 Simple Present Tense.Possessive Adjectives 22
8 The Hotel.Present Continuons Tense 26
9 "Have"and"Can" 30
10 The Seaside.Adjectives and Adverbs.Infinitive 34
11 Telling the Time 39
12 In the Classroom."Was","Were","Had""Could" 50
13 Mr.Priestley 55
14 The Two Present Tenses 60
15 Word Study.Simple Present Tense Negative 62
16 Subject and Object Pronouns.A Story Without Words 71
17 Mrs.Priestley and Some Others 74
18 The Future."Every","Some","Any","No" 81
19 Mr.Priestley's Students 88
20 Comparison of Adjectives(1)A Story Without Words 94
21 Likes and Dislikes.Past Tense.A Story Without Words 99
22 Comparison of Adjectives(2)Past Tense of Irregular Verbs 107
23 The Cat That Caused a Wedding 113
24 Past Tense—Interrogative and Negative 116
25 The Students Talk about Clothes 118
26 Irregular Verbs.Word Study 123
27 The Students Talk about Food 125
28 Irregular Verbs."Ought"and "Must" 131
29 The Students Talk about Writers.Present Perfect Tense(1) 135
30 Present Perfect Tense(2)Question Phrases(1) 140
31 Conversation.Present Perfect Tense(3) 145
32 Present Perfect Tense(4)Question Phrases(2) 147
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