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新编大学英语读写技巧  上

新编大学英语读写技巧 上PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:胡涛,郑桂华主编
  • 出 版 社:重庆市:西南师范大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1995
  • ISBN:7562114439
  • 页数:602 页
《新编大学英语读写技巧 上》目录


Unit One Reading and Writing Skills 1

1.1 Word Study:Synonym Context Clues 1


1.2 Word Study:Verb Suffixes:-ify,-ize,-en,-ate 4

1.3 Word Study:Negative Prefixes:un-,non-,dis-,in-,a- 8

1.4 Word Study:Roots:-acu-,-acr-;-am-;-annu-,-enni- 11

1.5 Sentence Study:Expanding Sentences 15

1.6 Paragraph Study:Title,Topic and Details 17

1.7 Two Reading Passages:(sports and leisure) 22

1.7.1 Text 1 Sports Around the World 22

1.7.2 Text 2 Youth Hostels in Great Britain 26

2.1.1 Text 1 Enjoying the Great Outdoors 31

Unit Two More Practice Passages(sports and leisure) 31

2.1 Reading Comprehension 31

2.1.2 Text 2 Sports in the UK 36

2.1.3 Text 3 Money 40

2.1.4 Text 4 Underdeveloped People 44

2.2 Vocabulary and Grammatical Structure 48

2.3 Cloze Test 52

2.4 Guided Writing 55

Unit Three Reading and Writing Skills 56

3.1 Word Study:Antonym Context Clues 56

3.2 Word Study:Adverb Suffixes:-ly,-ward(s),-wise 59

3.3 Word Study:Pejorative Prefixes:mis-mal-,pseudo- 62

3.4 Word Study:Roots:-anim-;-arche(o)-;-archi-;-archy- 65

3.5 Sentence Study:Combination Patterns:Coordination and Subordination 68

3.6 Paragraph Study:Level of Generality:Unity and Main Idea 70

3.7 Two Reading Passages (people at work) 71

3.7.1 Text 1 Women’s Work? 71

3.7.2 Text 2 Job Availability Cited 75

Unit Four More Practice Passages (people at work) 80

4.1 Reading Comprehension 80

4.1.1 Text 1 Making a Film 80

4.1.2 Text 2 Flextime 82

4.1.3 Text 3 Anna Douglas 84

4.1.4 Text 4 The National Center of the Trade Union Movement 87

4.2 Vocabulary and Grammatical Structure 91

4.3 Cioze Test 95

4.4 Guided Writing 98

Unit Five Reading and Writing Skills 102

5.1 Word Study:HyponymContext Clues 102

5.2 Word Study:Noun→Adjective Suffixes(1):-ful,-less,-ly,-y,-like,-ish,esque 106

5.3 Word Study;Prefixes of Attitude:co-,counter-,anti-,pro- 111

5.4 Word Study:Roots-audi(t)-;-aut(o)-;-bene-;-bio- 114

5.5 Sentence Study:Condensing Sentences(into clauses,phrases and words) 116

5.6 Paragraph Study:Five Positions of Topic Sentences 121

5.7 Two Read ing Passages(holidays and festivals) 125

5.7.1 Text 1 Christmas in Britain 125

5.7.2 Text 2 Other Festivals 131

6.1.1 Text 1 The Seaside 137

6.1 Reading Comprehension 137

Unit Six More Praetice Passages(holidays and festivals) 137

6.1.2 Text 2 Party Time 142

6.1.3 Text 3 Guy Fawkes Night 145

6.1.4 Text 4 How the Americans Talk English 149

Unit Seven Reading and Writing Skills 152

6.2 Vocabulary and Grammatical Structure 154

6.3 Cloze Test 158

6.4 Guided Writing 161

7.1 Word Study:Homonym Context Clues 162

7.2 Word Study:More Noun→Adjective Suffixes(2):-al;-ic;-ive-ous;-ed 165

7.3 Word Study:Prefixes of Time and Order:fore-,pre-,post-,ex-,re-, 168

7.4 Word Study:Roots-cad-,-cid-,-cas-;-cap(t)-,-cept-,-ceive- 172

7.5 Sentence Study:Function of Sentences 176

7.6 Paragraph Study:Details:Point of View,Types and Organizations 178

7.7 Two Reading Passages(mass media:radio,TV,news-papers,and magazines) 181

7.7.1 Text 1 The Daily Newspapers 181

7.7.2 Text 2 TV 185

Unit Eight More Practice Passages(mass media) 191

8.1 Reading Comprehension 191

8.1.1 Text 1 Ask Ann Landers 191

8.1.2 Text 2 Radio:The Magic Medium 195

8.1.3 Text 3 Public TV 200

8.1.4 Text 4 Editors and Readers:A New Social Contract 206

8.2 Vocabulary and Grammatical Structure 211

8.3 Cloze Test 215

8.4 Guided Writing 219

Unit Nine Reading and Writing Skills 220

9.1 Word Study:Repetition Context Clues 220

9.2 Word Study:More Adjective Suffixes(3):(v→adj);-able(-ible),(adj→adj)-ish(n→adj)-ed) 224

9.3 Word Study:Number Prefixes:uni-(mono-),bi-(di-),tri-,multi-(poly-) 228

9.4 Word Study:Roots-calm-,-claim-;cre(sc)-,-cret-;-cur(s)-,-cours- 230

9.5 Sentence Study:Types of Sentences(introducer,de- 234

veloper,modulator,terminater) 234

9.6 Paragraph Study:1.Narration and Description 2.Transitions or Singnal Words 235

9.7 Two Reading Passages(short history and simple ge-ography of China,America,and Britain) 238

9.7.1 Text 1 China’s Territory and Administrative Divi-sions 238

9.7.2 Text 2 China’s Natural Resources 242

10.1.1 Text 1 The Early History of China 249

10.1 Reading Comprehension 249

Unit Ten More Practice Passages(short history and simple geography) 249

10.1.2 Text 2 Lincoln:Man and Myth 254

10.1.3 Text 3 Geography of North America 259

10.1.4 Text 4 The Mixture Which Is British 265

10.2 Vocabulary and Grammatical Structure 269

10.3 Cloze Test 274

10.4 Guided Writing 277


Unit One Reading and Writing Skills 279

1.1 Word Study:Example Context ClueS 279

1.2 Word Study:State or Quality Noun Suffixes:-acy,-age,-ance(-ence),-ancy(-ency),-dom,-hood,-ment,-mony,-ness,-ry,-ship,-th,-tude,-(i)ty,-ure,-y 282

1.3 Word Study:Locative Prefixes:super-,sub-,inter-,trans- 285

1.4 Word Study:Roots:-dic(t)-,-doc(t)-;due-(t)-;-equ- 288

1.5 Paragraph Study:Types of Paragraphs(opening,transtional and concluding parar-graphs) 290

1.6 Paragraph Study:Common Patterns of Development 294

1.7 Paragraph Study:1.Listing and Illustration 296

2.Transitions or Signal Words 296

1.8 Drawing a Conclusion 298

1.9 Two Reading Passages:(popular science(1) 301

1.9.1 Text 1 Invisible Waves 301

1.9.2 Text 2 Curiosity and Science 303

Unit Two More Practice Passages (popular science(1)) 307

2.1 Reading Comprehension 307

2.1.1 Text 1 Choosing a Place for a New Town 307

2.1.2 Text 2 Animal Education 309

2.1.3 Text 3 Languages Are Similar and Different 313

2.1.4 Text 4 Babies Yesterday and Today 316

2.2 Vocabulary and GrammaticaI Structure 321

2.3 Cloze Test 325

2.4 Guided Writing 328

Unit Three Reading and Writing Skills 329

3.1 Word Study:Definition Context Clues 329

3.2 Word Study:Agent Noun Suffixes(1):-er,-or,-ar,-an,-ard,-ant(-ent) 333

3.3 Word Study:Conversion Prefixes:be-,en-,a- 337

3.4 Word Study:Roots:-fac(t)-,-fect-,-fie-;-fer-;-firm- 339

3.5 Sentence Study:The Meaning of Sentences(loose,periodic,parrallelism;long,short) 342

3.6 Paragraph Study:1.Definition and Classification 347

2.Transitions or Signal Words 347

3.7 Study Skills:Outlining:Point of View.Types and El-ements 351

3.8 Making a Judgement 356

3.9 Two Reading Passages(popular science(2);British and American government) 357

3.9.1 Text 1 Arthritis 357

3.9.2 Text 2 Switches and Fuses 362

Unit Four More Practice Passages(popular science(2);governments)……… 367

4.1 Reading Comprehension 367

4.1.1 Text 1 The Nine Planets 367

4.1.2 Text 2 Magnets 371

4.1.3 Text 3 The Organization of American Government 375

4.1.4 Text 4 The Houses of Parliament 379

4.2 Vocabulary and Grammatical Structure 384

4.3 Cloze Test 388

4.4 Guided Writing 391

Unit Five Reading and Writing Skills 392

5.1 Word Study:Words Association Context Clues(or Sense-of-the-Sentence Context Clues) 392

5.2 Word Study:Diminutive Suffixes:let-,-ette,-ling,-kin 396

5.3 Word Study:Prefixes of Degree and Size:arch-,super-out- 399

5.4 Word Study:Roots:-gam-;-gen(it)-;-geo- 402

5.5 Sentence Study:1.Analysis;Process Analysis 404

2.Transitions or Signal Words 404

5.6 Study Skills:Underlining:Importance,Methods. 408

5.7 Making an Inference(1) 409

5.8 Two Reading Passages(education,humors and jokes) 414

5.8.1 Text 1 The Educational Ladder 414

5.8.2 Text 2 The W.C.Story 419

6.1.1 Text 1 Keeping Your Distance 425

Unit Six More Practice Passages(education,humors and jokes) 425

6.1 Reading Comprehension 425

6.1.2 Text 2 The Various Skills and Responsihilitiesof Executive Secretaries 430

6.1.3 Text 3 Two Jokes 434

6.1.4 Text 4 Opinion:Margaret Mead on Youth 439

6.2 Vocabulary and Grammatical Structure 445

6.3 Cloze Test 449

6.4 Guided Writing 455

Unit Seven Reading and Writing Skills 456

7.1 Word Study:Restatement Context Clues 456

7.2 Word Study:Female Suffixes:-enne,-ess,-ress,-ette,-ine 461

7.3 Word Study:Prefixes of Degree and Size:sub-,sur-,over-,under- 463

7.4 Word Study:Roots-loquo(t)-,-locid-;-mit-,-miss-,-mon(it)- 466

2.Transitions or Signal Words 469

7.5 Paragraph Study:1.Cause-effect Relationship 469

7.6 Study Skills:Taking Notes 473

7.7 Figure of Speech(1):Simile,Personification 475

7.8 Making an Inference(2) 478

7.9 Two Reading Passages(religion,fable) 479

7.9.1 Text 1 The Fisherman and the Gold Fish 479

7.9.2 Text 2 The Decline of Religion 485

Unit Eight More Practice Passages(religion,fable) 491

8.1 Reading Comprehension 491

8.1.1 Text 1 Aesop’s Fables 491

8.1.2 Text 2 The Christian Church in Britain 495

8.1.3 Text 3 Three Men 502

8.1.4 Text 4 The Secluded Life 508

8.2 Vocabulary and Grammatical Structure 514

8.3 Cloze Test 518

8.4 Guided Writing 522

Unit Nine Reading and Writing Skills 523

9.1 Word Study:Prefixes of Degree and Size:hyper-,ultera-,mini- 523

9.2 Word Study:Roots:-port-:-scrib-;-script-;-fract- 526

9.3 Word Study:1.Comparison and Contrast 529

2.Transitions or Signal Words 529

9.4 Word Skills:Summerizing:Point of View,Method,Length 532

9.5 Figure of Speech(2):Metaphor,Symbol 536

9.6 Making an Inference(3) 539

9.7.1 Text 1 Export Market Research 547

9.7 Two Reading Passages(business English,anecdotes,myths) 547

9.7.2 Text 2 Competition 553

Unit Ten More Practice Passages 558

(Basiness English,anecdotes,and myths) 558

10.1 Reading Comprehension 558

10.1.1 Text 1 Nüwa Makes Man and Mends the Sky 558

10.1.2 Text 2 The Different Ages of Man(Roman Mych) 562

10.1.3 Text 3 The Trojan Horse 568

10.1.4 Text 4 Life Is Funny 574

10.2 Vocabulary and Grammatical Structure 579

10.3 Cloze Test 584

10.4 Guided Writing 586

Key to Exercises 587
