克隆:福耶?祸耶? 英汉对照50篇短文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:毛荣贵主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7313021690
- 页数:242 页
目录第Ⅰ章 动物世界Cloning:Good Science or Bad Idea?(克隆:福耶?祸耶?) 2
To the Rescue of the Dying Manatees(拯救濒临死亡的海牛) 10
Lions of Darkness(夜幕下的狮群) 16
A Jealous Lover Will Do Anything(嫉妒的情人无所不为) 20
Chickens Stand Guard for Citizens of Queensland(鸡为昆士兰的公民站岗) 24
Killer Whales(虎鲸) 28
Unity in Diversity(色彩缤纷中的统一性) 32
In Search of the Great White Bear(寻找大白熊) 36
Clever Kanzi(聪明的坎齐) 42
Giraffes(长颈鹿) 48
Bang,Bang,You're Dead(砰!砰!要你的命) 52
Animal Athletes(动物运动员) 56
Queen Introduction and Queen Acceptance(蜂王的诱入和接受) 58
The Healing Power of Maggots(蛆的治愈能力) 62
What Is Perfect Vision?(最完善的视力是什么?) 68
Copying What Comes Naturally(仿生) 72
第Ⅱ章 天文地理Study Finds Good Effects of El Nino(“厄尔尼诺”现象的正面效应) 78
The Last Time We Saw Mars(我们上次见到的火星) 82
Are We Alone in the Universe?(我们是否宇宙间的唯一?) 86
Better Med(or Red)than Dead(引地中海(或红海)救死海) 96
Northern Exposition(北欧文明的展示) 100
Bullish on the Solstice(夏至金牛大吉) 106
The Color of the Universe(宇宙的颜色) 110
The Solar System(太阳系) 114
Birds of Different Feather(两者大相径庭) 118
Next and Final Stop:Neptune(下一站也是最后一站—海王星) 122
First Aid for the Ozone Layer(保护臭氧层的紧急措施) 126
The View from Out There(从太空看地球) 130
A Crescendo of Discovery(新发现开始进入高潮) 134
The“Beast”in the Center of the Galaxy(银河系中心的“猛兽”) 138
Does the Sun Have a Dark Companion?(太阳有颗隐秘的伴星吗?) 142
An Eye on the Sun(太阳观测器) 146
Magnetism Darkens the Sun(磁力使阳光减弱) 150
Quasars(类星体) 154
A Gift from the Stars(来自外星的礼物) 156
第Ⅲ章 科技珍闻Electric City(电子城) 162
Dante Tours the Inferno(“但丁号”漫游地狱) 168
The Age of Superstuff(超级材料时代) 174
Flight Recorder—Airborne Record Keeper(飞行记录器——空载记录员) 178
Translation:Letting Computers Do It(翻译工作——让计算机来做) 182
Biometric Systems Open the Door(用生物统计学系统开门) 186
Bumbling Toward the Nobel(通往诺贝尔奖的波折) 192
Gene Rustlers(基因窃贼) 196
When the Bogeyman Clocks On(当怪物上班的时候) 202
A Brief History of Stephen Hawking(斯蒂芬·霍金生十简介) 206
An Island Dies An Empire Falls(一个岛屿消亡 一个帝国崩溃) 216
The Banal Death of a Genius(一位天才的寻常之死) 220
Printing in 3-D(立体印刷) 224
The Radar That Saves Lives(救命雷达) 228
What Really Sank the Titanic(泰坦尼克号沉没的真实原因) 234
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