货币经济学的旗手 弗里德曼评传PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:胡雪峰著
- 出 版 社:太原:山西经济出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7806361413
- 页数:285 页
总序 易宪容 1
1 “A giant as a dwarf in economics” 1
General foreword Yi Xianrong 1
1 “侏儒的经济学巨人” 1
1.1 步入经济学领域(1912~1945) 2
1.1 Getting into the field of economics(1912~1945) 2
1.2 重返芝加哥(1946~1955) 18
1.2 Returning to Chicago(1946~1955) 18
1.3 货币主义的兴起(1956~1976) 22
1.3 Springing up of monetarism(1956~1977) 22
1.4 Winning the Nobel Prize in economics (1976~) 27
1.4 荣获诺贝尔经济学奖(1976~) 27
2.1 货币主义的含义 30
2.1 Implications of monetarism 30
2 The modern theory of monetary quantity: its thought originsandhistoricalbackground 30
2 现代货币数量论的思想渊源及其历史背景 30
2.2 Formationand development of the traditional theory of monetary quantity 32
2.2 传统货币数量说的形成与发展 32
2.3 The Wicksell s challenge 42
2.3 维克赛尔的挑战 42
2.4 The Keynesian revolution 47
2.4 凯恩斯革命 47
2.5 The historical background of the springing up of the modern theory of monetary quantity 53
2.5 现代货币数量论兴起的历史背景 53
3 The modern theory of monetary quantity: its theoretical frame work for monetary analysis 56
3 现代货币数量论的理论结构 56
3.1 The quantity theory: nominal versus real quantity of money 57
3.1 货币数量论:名义货币量与实际货币量 57
3.2 Quantityequations 59
3.2 货币数量方程 59
3.3 Supply of money in nominal units 68
3.3 名义单位的货币供给 68
3.4 The demand for money 70
3.4 货币需求 70
3.5 The Keynesian challenge to the quantity theory 76
3.5 凯恩斯学派对货币数量论的挑战 76
3.6 单一共同模型 84
3.6 A simple common model 84
3.7 遗漏的方程:三种解决方法 86
3.7 The missing equation: three approaches 86
3.8 The missing equation: the third approachexamined 89
3.8 遗漏的方程:弗里德曼的解决方法 89
3.9 Some dynamic implications of the monetary theory of nominal income 94
3.9 名义国民收入货币理论的某些动态意义 94
3.10 Comparison of the three approaches 96
3.10 三种不同方法的比较 96
3.11 Correspondence of the monetary theory of nominal income withexperience 98
3.11 名义国民收入的货币理论与实践的一致性 98
3.12 调整过程 100
3.12 The adjustment process 100
4 The modern theory of monetary quantity: its theory and advocations of monetary policy 108
4 “单一规则”的货币政策理论与主张 108
4.1 货币政策力所难及的一些方面 109
4.1 What monetary policy cannot do 109
4.2 What monetary policy can do 115
4.2 货币政策力所能及的一些方面 115
4.3 坚持物价稳定的货币政策目标 118
4.3 The objective of monetary policy: stabilizing price 118
4.4 The instrument of monetary policy: open market operation 121
4.4 以公开市场业务作为货币政策工具 121
4.5 资产结构调整效应的货币政策传导机制 125
4.5 The transmission mechanism of monetary policy: the adjustment effect of assets structure 125
4.6 货币政策效果的时滞理论 128
4.6 The effect of monetary policy: the theory of lag 128
4.7 “单一规则”的货币政策规范 135
4.7 The rule of monetary policy: a simplerule 135
5 新自由主义的政治经济观 139
5 Friedman spolitical and economic view: new liberalism 139
5.1 The mechanism of free market is an optimal mechanism for capitalism economy 140
5.1 自由市场机制是资本主义经济的理想机制 140
5.2 Economic and political freedom 147
5.2 经济自由与政治自由 147
5.3 The role of government in a free society 154
5.3 自由社会中政府的作用 154
6 实证经济学的方法论 165
6 Friedman s methodology: the methodology of positiveconomics 165
6.1 Positive and normative economics 166
6.1 实证经济学与规范经济学 166
6.2 Value judgments in economics 168
6.2 经济学中的价值判断 168
6.3 Positive economics 173
6.3 实证经济学 173
6.4 The realism of assumptions and the testing of hypothesis 180
6.4 假设的真实性与假说的检验 180
6.5 The role of the assumptions of a theory 182
6.5 理论假设的作用 182
6.6 Some implications of economic theory 186
6.6 经济理论的含义 186
7 Friedman s other contributions to economics 193
7.1 A theory of the consumption function: the permanent income hypothesis 193
7.1 永久性收入的消费理论 193
7 在经济学其他领域的贡献 193
7.2 The theory of flexible exchange rates 202
7.2 浮动汇率理论 202
7.3 Price theory 212
7.3 价格理论 212
Appendix 227
附录 227
1 The announcement of the royal academy of sciences of Sweden(1976) 229
1 瑞典皇家科学院公告(1976年) 229
2 Inflation and unemployment: the new dimension of politics 232
2 通货膨胀与失业:政治学的新领域 232
3 Academic autobiography of Friedman : my evolution as an economist 261
3 弗里德曼学术自传——我的经济学家历程 261
4 Selected works of MiltonFriedman 275
4 米尔顿·弗里德曼的主要著作 275
References 279
参考文献 279
Postscript 283
后记 283
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