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WTO与金融工程研究 2003年卷
WTO与金融工程研究 2003年卷

WTO与金融工程研究 2003年卷PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:程惠芳主编
  • 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7900674373
  • 页数:319 页
《WTO与金融工程研究 2003年卷》目录

第一部分 3

The Risk Conjecture of Venture Investment Based on GAHP 3

The Crowding-out Effect of Inflow Foreign Direct Investment on Domestic Investment of China 12

Stock Markets Can Not Be ”Over-valued” 22

Empirical Study upon the Functioning of Shanghai Futures Exchange 26

The Measurement of Regional Scientific and Technological Progress 33

Research on the Solutions and Issues of Venture Capital Companies in Xi’an 40

Pricing Convertible Bond with No Default Risk Using Compactly Supported Radial Basis Functions 47

Application of VaR in Portfolio Selection 54

The Compare of Asset and Debt Management Performance between Chinese and Western Commercial Banks 61

Home Currency Principle and Choices of Foreign Exchange Rate in Foreign Trade Quotation 67

Research on Value Management of Commercial Bank 73

The Analysis of Chinese Banking Competitive Situation under WTO 80

The Analysis of the Effect of China’s Monetary Policy in Open Economy 87

The Productive FDI Location of Chinese Enterprises 94

The Theoretical Research on the Stability of Bank System 101

Valuation of Real Options: the Fuzzy-random Approach 108

A Study of Lawmaking of Security Investment Fund in China 114

A Study of the Risk Mechanism of Chinese Opening Stock Market 119

The Problem of Optimizing the Data Quantity in Stock Market Gray Forecasting 133

Study on Convertible Bonds and Optimization of the Corporate Capital Structure 139

How to Enhance Credit Risk Management of the State-Owned-Commercial-Bank 145

CEPA:The Financial Cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong Challenges the Yangtze River Delta Financial Circle 152

The Strategy of the Capital Structure’s Optimization for Multi-national Corporations of China 159

Demonstrate the Relationship of Growth,Captical Structure and Size of the Domestic Listed Companies 167

Cooperation in Finance among Yangtze River Delta 173

Comparative Advantage Analysis on Enterprise Bond and Bank Loan 180

A Research on International Joint Venture Development in Zhejiang Textile Industry 186

Research on FDI in Zhejiang Province 192

Overview of Gravity Model 200

Application of Value Chain Analysis in Business Competitiveness 208

Garments and Textiles in Zhejiang Encounter Green Barriers and Their Countermeasures 213

The Strategic Research of Banking Supervision Facing New Capical Accord 219

第二部分 227

汇率变化与国际直接投资流动的相关性分析 227

民营金融风险防范的案例研究 235

民营企业成长周期融资问题研究 242

我国金融企业金融创新过程中存在的问题 253

跨国投资战略偏好的博弈分析 256

技术性贸易壁垒对于我国出口贸易的影响 262

论我国利率市场化改革 269

论我国汇率制度改革的过渡性安排 275

浙江服务业发展的结构特征、战略意义与变动趋势 282

科技型中小企业资信评估方法及应用 292

跨国公司“独资化”趋势与技术溢出效应分析 297

产业集群吸引FDI的动态累积优势分析 303

中国资本帐户开放过程中对国际投机资本冲击的风险防范分析 309

SA8000与中国《劳动法》的比较和启示 315
