中国专业技术职务评聘英语考试教材 文科分册 上PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:范岳主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国人事出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7800765229
- 页数:300 页
目录 1
初级部分 1
Lesson1 The Honest Pickpocket 1
Lesson2 The Lion and the Mouse 2
Lesson3 The Invitation 3
Lesson4 The Tip 6
Lesson5 A Father's Love 9
Lesson6 Between Life and Death 11
Lesson7 An American Educator's Fable 12
Lesson8 Science and Serendipity 15
Lesson9 Sonar for the Blind 17
Lesson10 About Loneliness 19
Lesson11 Go Camping 22
Lesson12 The Boy Who Cried"Wolf!" 24
Lesson13 The Sun and the North Wind 26
Lesson14 Weekend 27
Lesson15 A Ghost 29
Lesson16 The Frogs Who Wanted a King 32
Lesson17 At the Train Station 34
Lesson18 Back to School 35
Lesson19 Taking a Plane 36
Lesson20 The Lost Coin 38
Lesson21 Taking a Holiday 39
Lesson22 The Art of Listening 40
Lesson23 Don't Let the Singing Stop 42
Lesson24 Welcome to London 44
Lesson25 Mr.Harris 46
Lesson26 Near Thing at Ladram 48
Lesson27 Play 50
Lesson28 Free Travel 52
Lesson29 Flats in the Clouds 52
Lesson30 North Sea Oil 54
中级部分 57
Lesson31 Strictly Personal 57
Lesson32 Winning the War on Smog 59
Lesson33 The Dilemma of a Good Samaritan 61
Lesson34 The Century's Storyteller 65
Lesson35 Yankel the Fool 68
Lesson36 Writing for Newspaper 71
Lesson37 Most Happy Nation 74
Lesson38 Present 76
Lesson39 The Terrible Twenties 79
Lesson40 Science Looks at Anger 82
Lesson41 Pockety Women Unite? 85
Lesson42 Get off to a Fast Start in Your New Job 88
Lesson43 Beautiful Junk 92
Lesson44 Divorce 96
Lesson45 Digestion 99
Lesson46 To Love Others You Must Love Yourself 103
Lesson47 Foreign Direct Investment 106
Lesson48 Total Communication 110
Lesson49 Gamble 114
Lesson50 Home on the Road 118
Lesson51 What Will We Do with the Moon? 121
Lesson52 (1)Longly Band 126
(2)Lunch in Twon 126
Lesson53 (1)Buy a Wedding Ring 129
(2)A New Motorway 129
Lesson54 (1)U.K.Elections 131
(2)Mr.Robinson 131
Lesson55 (1)Strict Officer 133
(2)The Schools in England 134
Lesson56 (1)How an Aircraft Flies 136
(2)Problem Children Letters to the Editor 136
Lesson57 (1)Inteligence 138
(2)Propaganda 139
Lesson58 (1)Forced to Have Fun 141
(2)What's Your Hurry? 142
Lesson59 (1)"Ear-Sight" 145
(2)Greenwich Mean Time 146
Lesson60 (1)The Future of International Trade 149
(2)American Stores 151
高级部分 155
Lesson61 Why We Laugh? 155
Lesson62 The Gift of the Nile 159
Lesson63 (1)The Purpose of Futures Markets 162
(2)Price-Risr Transfer:Hedging 162
Lesson64 Working in Africa 166
Lesson65 Science&truth 169
Lesson66 A Great Originai's Lives at the Law 172
Lesson67 Japanese Style in Decision-Making 176
Lesson68 Graveyard of the Atlantic 180
Lesson69 A Difficult Job 184
Lesson70 Labor's Contribution 187
Lesson71 The American Dollar and the Word Economy 191
Lesson72 The Greenhouse Effect 194
Lesson73 Food 198
Lesson74 (1)Caution:Wolf-Dogs Can Be Hazardous 201
(2)Trouble in the Trout Family 202
Lesson75 Under Developed People 204
Lesson76 (1)Principles of American International Economic Policy 208
(2)Foreigh Trade and Economic Policy 209
Lesson77 (1)Putting Value in Diplomas 212
(2)No-Frills Warehouses:Retailing for Hard Times 213
Lesson78 Like Father,Like Daughter 215
Lesson79 Bilharzia 219
Lesson80 (1)A Bare-Bones History Lesson 222
(2)Lifting the Conyon's Veil 223
Lesson81 (1)What Is leisure Anyhow? 226
(2)Manners In the Age of the Cellular Phone 227
Lesson82 (1)Just Corner of the Bronx 229
(2)Finding the Missing Link 230
Lesson83 Marketing Your Abilities:Guides for the Job Seeker(Ⅰ) 233
Lesson84 Marketing Your Abilities:Guides for the Job Seeker(Ⅱ) 237
Lesson85 World Bank Report Depicts Africa in Crisis(Ⅰ) 242
Lesson86 World Bank Report Depicts Africa in Crisis(Ⅱ) 244
Lesson87 The Making of Books(Ⅰ) 247
Lesson88 The Making of Books(Ⅱ) 252
Lesson89 A Treasure Trove in the Trees(Ⅰ) 257
Lesson90 A Treasure Trove in the Trees(Ⅱ) 259
Lesson91 Forst-Born-Fortune's Favorite?(Ⅰ) 262
Lesson92 Forst-Born-Fortune's Favorite?(Ⅱ) 267
Lesson93 The Census:200 Years and Counting(Ⅰ) 271
Lesson94 The Census:200 Years and Counting(Ⅱ) 274
Lesson95 In the Shadow of Man(Ⅰ) 277
Lesson96 In the Shadow of Man(Ⅱ) 282
Lesson97 Puppies and Consumer Boomers a Brash New Middle Class Is Stirring up Social Revolution(Ⅰ) 287
Lesson98 Puppies and Consumer Boomers a Brash New Middle Class Is Stirring up Social Revolution(Ⅱ) 289
Lesson99 The 8ooth Lifetime(Ⅰ) 292
Lesson100 The 800th Lifetime(Ⅱ) 296
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