- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:姜明芝主编
- 出 版 社:长沙:国防科技大学出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7810245015
- 页数:300 页
all in;in all 20
all together;altogether 20
allow;promise 21
allow;permit 21
almost;nearly 21
alone,lonely 22
alone;on one's own 22
alternative;choice 23
always;ever 23
among;amid 24
amiable;amicable 24
amount to;total 25
amplify;magnify 25
an eye;eyes 25
祈使句and…;祈使句or 26
announce;declare 26
answer for;answer to 27
anticipate;expect 27
anxious;eager 28
anybody;nobody 28
anything but;nothing but 28
appear;emerge 29
apologize 29
appliance;facility 30
apply for;apply to 30
appreciate;thank 30
approve of;approve 31
argue;debate 31
arouse;rouse 32
arrange;arrange for sb./sth.to do 32
arrange;arrange sth.for 32
arrest;catch 33
arrest;capture 33
as;although 34
as;like 34
as;which 34
as awhole;onthewhole 35
asfor;as to 35
as good as;as well as 36
as it were;as it was 36
as long as;so long as 37
as such;such aa 37
ask;ask for 38
as usual;uaually 38
ashamed;humiliated 38
asleep;sleepy 39
assassinate,murder 39
assert,declare 40
assign;distribute 40
at,in/on 40
at a time;at one time 41
at(the)best;at one's best 41
at first;first of all 42
at last;finally 42
at(one's)ease,with ease 42
at last;in the end 43
at no time;in no time 43
at one's worst;at(the)worst 44
attend on(upon);attend to 44
attract;appeal 45
attraction for 45
authority;authorities 45
await;wait 46
award;reward 46
bald;bold 47
aware;conscious 47
band;orchestra 48
banquet;feast 48
(the)barber's;barber 48
base on;base in 49
basis;base 49
basis;foundation 50
bath;bathe(n) 50
bathe;bath(v.) 50
be afraid to do;be afraid of doing 51
be absorbed in 51
be about to do;be to do 51
be angry at;be angry with 52
be ashamed for;be ashamed of 52
be blind in;be blind to 53
be concerned about;be concerned with 53
be dertemined;determine 54
be famous;be famous for 54
be good for;be good at 54
(be)in line;bein one's hne 55
be good for;be good to 55
be open;be opened 56
be said to do sth.;be said to have done sth. 56
be mistaken about;be mistaken for 56
be strict with 57
be sure;make sure 57
be sure to;be sure of 58
be susceptible of;be susceptible to 58
be welcome;be welcomed 59
beach;coast 59
be tired of;be tired with 59
beam;ray 60
bear;beget 60
bear;stand 61
beat;win 61
because;because of 61
because;for 62
because of;(be)due to 62
before;in front of 63
before long;long before 63
believe,believe in 64
behind the times,behind time 64
belong to;belong in/with 65
big;large 65
bite;chew 65
black;sunburnt 66
blame…for;blame…on 66
bloom;blossom 67
blush;flush 67
book;order 67
boundary;border 68
book in at;book in 68
break down;break off 69
break off;break up 69
break one's word;eat one's words 69
bribe;bribery 70
bring to light;come to light 70
bring up;educate 71
bring up;rear up 71
British;Englishman 71
build;build up 72
bundle;bunch 72
but;but for 73
burglary;theft 73
burst out;burst into 73
but;that 74
but do;but to do 74
but for;but that 75
by;by the time 75
by error;in error 75
by far;so far 76
by itself;in itself 76
call on;call at 77
by turns;in turn 77
by the name of;in the name of 77
capable;able 78
capacity;ability 78
care about;care for 79
careful;cautious 79
carry;take 79
catch at sth.;catch sth. 80
cause;reason 80
celebrate;congratulate 81
certain;sure 81
cease;stop 81
challenge 82
chance;opportunity 82
change;alter 83
character;characteristic 83
character;personality 83
chargesb with;accuse sb.of 84
cheap.low 84
cheat,deceive 85
chicken soup 85
China's;Chinese 86
chief;main 86
childish;childlike 86
classify,sort 87
clean;cleanly 87
climate;weather 88
close;closely 88
close down;close up 88
clothes;clothing 89
clothes;coat 89
come about;come around 90
collapse,destroy 90
collect;gather 90
come from;come of 91
comparable;comparative 91
compare to;compare with 92
compel;impel 92
complain of/about;complain 92
complete;finish 93
complement;compliment 93
comprise;include 94
comprehensible;comprebensive 94
condition;terms 95
conduct;behaviour 95
confident;confidenual 95
congratulation;congratulations 96
consequence;result 96
consist in;consist of 97
contagious;infectious 97
contermporary;contemporaneous 97
continue;resume 98
continue to do;keep(on)doing 98
contemptible;contemptuous 98
continuous;continual 99
contrary;opposite 99
contract;constrict 100
contribute to doing 100
convince;persuade 100
cooker;cook 101
criticize sb.for(doing)sth. 101
cost;charge 102
cost;price 102
correction;correctness 102
cost;spend 103
court;field 103
crawl;creep 104
create;invent 104
crew;staff 104
cure sb of;cure for 105
damage;damages 105
dangerous,in danger 106
dead,deadly 106
deal in,deal with 106
deceit,deception 107
deal with,cope with 107
decidedly,absolutely 108
decide something;decide on something 108
decorate;ornament 109
decrease;reduce 109
deduct,subtract 109
deeply;deep 110
defect;fault 110
defective,deficient 111
delighted;delightful 111
deprecate;depreciate 112
delusion;tllusion 112
demandthat clause 112
desert;abandon 113
desirable;destrous 113
desire for 114
despair;disappoint 114
desperate;hopeless 114
destiny;fate 115
destroy;ruin 115
devote;contribute 116
detach;separate 116
die 117
die of;die from 117
die out;die down;die away 117
different;various 118
difficulty;hardship 118
direct;directly 119
disappear;vanish 119
disease;illness 120
disinterested;uninterested 120
discriminate against;discriminate 120
disperse;scatter 121
disqualified;unqualified 121
dissatisfied/unsatisfied;unsatisfactory 122
dissolve;melt 122
doomed;destined 122
doubt that;doubt whether/if 123
dozen;dozens 123
dress oneself in sth. 124
drop in on;drop in 124
during;for 125
drop out;drop off 125
durable;enduring 125
duty;responsibility 126
each;every 126
economical;economic 127
edible;eatable 127
efficient;effective 127
electrical;electric 128
eloquent;talkative 128
emigrate;immigrate 129
eminent;imminent 129
emerge;immerge 129
emotion;feeling 130
emotional;emotive 130
empty;hollow 131
empty;vacant 131
enjoy;enjoy oneself 131
ensure;assure 132
enter;enter into 132
envious;enviable 133
environment;surroundings 133
eacape;flee 134
equal;equivalent 134
escape;escape from 134
especially;specially 135
esteem;respect 135
every one;evenyone 136
exceed;excel 136
except;excepting 136
except for;except 137
execute;perform 137
expand;extend 138
exhausting;exhaustive 138
expect;hope 139
experience;experiences 139
exptre;overdue 139
facility;equipment 140
fail;failure 140
fair;handsome 141
fairly;rather 141
faith in 142
fall out;fall for 142
famous;notorious 143
fall unconscious 143
familiar with familiar to 143
far;a long way 144
fare;fee 144
favourable;favourite 145
feelings;feeling 145
female;feminine 145
few;less 146
final;last 146
for 147
finish doing 147
follow closely;follow behind 147
for good;for one's good 148
for life;for one's life 148
forbid;prohibit 149
forget;leave 149
free of;free from 150
friendly;in a friendly way 150
frightened;frightening 150
gaze at;stare at 151
from;since 151
get about,get around to 152
get in(to),get on 152
get into trouble;go to(or take)(the)trouble 152
get over sth,get sth over 153
get through with;get through to 153
gift;present 154
give a lecture 154
give to;give 155
glimpse;glance 155
give out;give off 155
goal;gaol 156
gold;golden 156
graceful;gracious 157
guarantee;guaranty 157
guilty of;guilty for/about/at 157
habit,custom 158
hair;hairs 158
hands;hand 159
happen;take place 159
hardly…when…;no sooner…than 160
has been;has come 160
hard enough 160
haughty;proud 161
have a word with sb.;have words with sb. 161
have an advantage over 162
have difficulty(in)doing sth. 162
have never;never have 162
have objection to doing 163
have passed;should have passed 163
healthful;healthy 164
heart;mind 164
hinder;prevent 165
high;highly 165
high;tall 165
hire;rent 166
hire out;hire 166
historic;historical 167
hold to;hold on 167
home;house 167
honorary;honorable 168
hope of 168
idle;lazy 169
hung;hanged 169
idea;thought 169
if;provided(that) 170
ignorant;illiterate 170
illegible;ineligible 171
imaginary;imaginative 171
immigration;emigration 171
immoral;unmoral 172
imply;infer 172
in a mess,out of order 173
improve in;improve on/upon 173
impractical;impracticable 173
in a way;in the way 174
in case of,in the case of 174
in comparison;by comparision 175
in control of,in the control of 175
in despair;in desperation 175
in future;in the future 176
in milk;in the milk 176
in one's sight/in the sight of,in sight 177
in principle;on principle 177
in one'sopinion;from one's point of view 177
in order that;in order to 178
in red;in the red 178
in that;in which 179
in the charge of;in charge(of) 179
in the corner;on the corner 180
in the sun;under the sun 180
incredible;incredulous 180
indignation;rage 181
independent of 181
industrious;industrial 182
inflect;inflict 182
ingenious;ingenuous 182
inhabit;live 183
injure;wound 183
inquire sth/inquire sth of sb. 184
insist that 184
instead of;in place of 185
instrument;tool 185
intent;intention 185
interfere;interrupt 186
interested;interesting 186
interfere in;interfere with 187
invaluable;valueless 187
invent;discover 188
it;that 188
it is no use…;there is no use 188
it seems that…;it seems as if 189
journey;travel 189
just not;not just 190
just now;right now 190
just as;just like 190
keep;borrow 191
keep company with sb.;keep sb.company 191
keep sb.company;accompany 192
know better than to do 192
lack of;lack for 192
largely large 193
latter;later 193
laudable;landatory 193
lawful;legal 194
leave out;leave over 194
liable for;lhable to 195
legal,legitimate 195
lend,borrow 195
liberty.privilege 196
life,living 196
life,would like 197
likely,possible 197
live,alive 197
live on;l ive by 198
lodging;lodge 198
look up,consult 199
long,a long time 199
lose,loose 200
lose heart,lose one's heart 200
lost;missing 200
love;lover 201
luxuriant;luxurious 201
mail/post;remit 201
make away with;make off with 202
make it possible;make possible 202
make way;make one's way 203
many/much;a lot of/lots of 203
make the best of;get the best of 203
many more;much more 204
marry 204
may;can 205
may well;may as well 205
imean doing;mean to do 206
means;method 206
measure out;measure up 206
mercy;pity 207
middle;centre 207
momentary;momentous 208
mistake;error 208
morale;moral 209
more than one;more than a/an 209
most;majority 210
most students;most of the students 210
motion;movement 210
much,very 211
much as;as much 211
much less;much more 212
need;require 212
new;newly 213
neglect;ignore 213
negligent,negligible 213
no less…than;not less…than 214
no longer;no more 214
no more…than;not more…than 215
not a bit;not a few 215
not a bit;not a little 216
not well;unwell 216
now that;in that 217
number;amount 217
notice;pay attention to 217
object,oppose 218
observe;watch 218
occupation;profession 219
occur,happen 219
odd;peculiar 220
of;for 220
of;from 220
of which;by which 221
official;officious 221
on the contrary,to the contrary 222
on the air;in the air 222
on one's hands;on hand 222
on the market;in the market 223
on the tip of one's tongue 223
one 223
one;such 224
operate;drive 224
operate on 225
opinion;view 225
order;bid 225
origin;source 226
ordinary;average 226
originate in;originate with 227
out of lme;out of order 227
out of the question;out of question 227
out of time;out of one's time 228
other than;rather than 228
pained;painful;be in pain 228
pass;past 229
pass away;pass out 229
perceptible;perceptive 230
people;peoples 230
path;alley 230
perfect 231
persist;insist 231
personage;personnel 232
place;room 232
police;policeman 232
postpone;delay 233
practical;practicable 233
precisely;accurately 234
prejudice against 234
precede;proceed 234
preserve conserve 235
principal;principle 235
probable;likely 236
problem;question 236
profession;trade 237
prohibition;against 237
proposal;suggestion 237
provide;supply 238
provide sb.with sth.;provide sth.for sb. 238
put on,wear 239
put/place 239
question,enquire 240
quite,rather 240
put through,put over 240
reach;arrive 241
receipt,reception 241
recommend doing;recommend sb to do 242
regret to do;regret doing 242
reject,refuse 243
relate to;be related to 243
regrettable,regretful 243
remainder;remains 244
remind sb of sth;remind sb to do sth. 244
replace;substitute 245
reprimand,blame 245
requirement;requisite 246
resource;source 246
respectable;respectful 246
result from,result in 247
revenge oneself on sb.,revenge sb 247
run over;run out 248
run over;run across 248
rob;steal 248
salary;wage 249
satisfactory;satisfied 249
saving;savings 250
scarce;rare 250
scene;scenery 251
scent;flavour 251
search,search for 252
seat;seat oneself 252
see sb through;see through sb. 252
sell of;sell out 253
sell;be sold 253
send;give 254
send off;send out 254
senior to 254
sensitive;sensible 255
set about;set out 255
shade;shadow 255
shameful;shameless 256
smile on;smile at 256
so;such 257
so功能词主语;so主语功能词 257
so…that;such…that 258
sociable;social 258
something of;much of 258
speak well/ill for;speak well/ill of 259
stand in for;stand out for 259
statue;stature;status 260
stick to;stick with 260
stimulant;stimulus 260
successive;consecutive 261
subscription;investment 261
sting;stick 261
such…as;such…that 262
suffer;suffer from 262
suggestion,propose 262
superior to 263
surprising;surprised 263
suspect,doubt 264
sustain;maintain 264
swarm;flock 264
swerve;deviate 265
sway,swing 265
switch over to;switch to 266
take;cost 266
take…as;take…for 266
take…for;take…to be 267
take note,take notes 267
take time;take one's time 268
take up;take to 268
talent;faculty 268
teach sb.sth.;instruct sb in sth. 269
tasty;tasteful 269
tear down;tear up 270
technology;technique 270
terrific;terrified 270
testify;testify to 271
that;how 271
the reason…is that 271
there is no point…;it is no good 272
there to be;there being 272
this week;in this week 273
throw…to;throw at 273
this car of my father's 273
throw up,throw over 274
tight;tightly 274
tiresome;tired 275
take pity on;feel pity for 275
too much;much too 275
too…to;only too…to 276
tolerable;tolerant 276
transform;reform 277
trust in;trust to 277
try;attempt 278
treaty;agreement 278
true;real 278
try on;try out 279
try to avoid;avoid 279
turn down;turn away 280
turn into;turn in 280
turn off;close 280
turn out,turn up 281
type,be typing 281
under,below 281
uneatable,inedible 282
understandable;understanding 282
unreadable,illegible 283
usage,use 283
unknown;infamous 283
use,utilize 284
used to;be used to 284
vague,dim 285
valued,valuable 285
variable;various 285
variety;variation 286
vary from;vary with 286
vital;fatal 287
vindictive;vindicative 287
visible,conspicuous 287
vocabulary;glossary 288
vocation;vacation 288
voice;sound 289
wait for sb;wait up for sb 289
wander from;ramble about 289
warn sb.against;warn sb of 290
watch;look 290
what;which 291
water;waters 291
what if;what though 292
when;while 292
what a crime;what crime 292
whether;if 293
which;whose 293
who;which 294
whoever;who ever 294
wink;blink 295
wish;hope 295
wizard;witch 296
with;by 296
without;with no 296
wonder;worder at 297
wollen;wolly 297
work out;work up 298
worthy;worthwhile 298
would rather;would prefer 299
write with;write in 299
zealous for;zealous in 300
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