- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:朱岐新,张秀桂著
- 出 版 社:北京:旅游教育出版社
- 出版年份:1990
- ISBN:7563701737
- 页数:418 页
Ⅰ.Fifteen Ps 3
1.Politics 3
2.Practice 4
3.Preparation 4
4.Perseverance 4
6.Proficiency 5
5.Progress 5
7.Patience 6
8.Prudence 6
9.Politeness 7
10.Precision 7
11.Punctuality 8
12.Providence 8
13.Poliution 8
14.Pliotography—Taking 9
15.Pertection 9
2.Timing 10
3.Giving lnformation Ahead 10
1.Sincerity 10
Ⅱ.Three EXtras 10
Ⅲ.four Orientations 11
1. Helpful 11
2.Expressive 11
3.Informative 12
4.Efficient 12
Ⅳ. Five Diligences 13
1.Eyes Open 13
2.Ears Attentive 13
4.Hands Active 14
3.Legs in Motion 14
5.Mouth Explaining 15
Ⅴ.Six Important Characteristics 15
1.A High Sense of Ideological Responsibility 16
2.Conscientious and Detailed Style of Work 16
3.Unselfish Attitude Towards Work 17
4.Imbued with the Spirit of Self—Criticism 17
5.Be Strict in Discipline of Foreign Affairs 18
6.Be Good at Public Relations 18
Ⅵ.Eight skills 19
1.Superior Language Ability 19
2.Natural Magnetism—Acting Ability 19
4.Good Academic Knowledge of a City in Which He or She ls Working 20
3.Dynamic Personality—Personable Personality or Outgoing Personality 20
5.Sense of Humour 21
6.Cbarisma—Glamour 21
7. A Good Communicator—Ease of Communicating 22
8.Keep in Mind That a Guide Is Not a Tourist 22
Ⅰ.Standardized Behaviour and Duties of a Tour Guide 26
1.Inflight Checklist 27
2.Meeting the Tour Leader and Passengers 28
4.Sitting Manner 29
3.Hotel and Room Assignments 29
5.Taxies 30
6.Airplane Travel Within China 30
7.Behaviour on the Train 31
8.Emergency 31
A Inflight Problems and Suggestions 31
(l) Roles of Each Person 32
A) National Guide 32
B) Lecturer 32
C) Photography 33
B) Protocal 33
A) Communication 33
(2) Nuts and Bolts (EsSentials) 33
D) The Group Members 33
C) Local Guide 33
D) Schedules 34
E) Smoking 34
F) Envionmental Impact 34
G) Hotels 34
H) Vegetarians and Moslem People 35
I) Shopping 35
J) Money 35
B.Stay in China Problems and Suggestions 36
C.Departure for Outgoing Checklist 38
D.Departure for the City Problems and Suggestions 39
Ⅱ.Suggested Samples and Useful Expressions 40
1.Welcoming Speech 40
2.Farewell Speech 42
3.Schedule Arrangement 47
4.Coach Announcements during a City Tour 51
5.Expressions for the Master of Ceremonies 53
6.Guest Opinion Form 54
7.Proverbs and Expressions Concerning he and Friendship 56
8.Samples of Practical English Writing 80
1.Tour Conditions 89
2.Chinese Cities and Counties Open to Foreign 89
visitors 93
3.The Ten Major Scenic Spots and Historical Sites in China 100
4.The Ten MaJor Projects in Beijing 101
5.The New Sixteen Scenic Spots and Historical Sites in Beijing 102
6.The Eight Great Sights of Beijing 104
7.The Three Mountains and Five Parks in Beijing 104
9.Scenic Spots and Historical Sites in Different Parts of China 105
8.The Four Most Famous Gardens in China 105
10.Sales and Marketing terms Terms 158
11.Hotel Terms 166
12.Menu 184
1 Chicken Dishes 184
2 Duck Dishes,GameDishes,Goose Dishes 193
3 Egg 198
4 Pork Dishes 198
5 Beef Dishes 203
6 Mutton Dishes 207
7 Fish 209
8 Abalone 214
9 Sharksfin 216
10 sea Cucumber 217
11 prawn 219
12 Scallop 224
13 Beancurd 225
14 Vegetable Dishes 227
15 Vegetables 230
16 Soup 241
17 Fruits 243
18 Rice, Noodle Desserts 245
19 Chinese Cooking 252
20 Condiments 255
21 Cocktail mixed 258
22 Drinks 264
13.Traffic Terms 266
1 Railway 266
2 Domestic EXPress Train Services (from Beijing) 270
3 Airport Terms 270
4 Examples of Aircraft Type Code 292
5 c1ass of Service 293
6 cabin Terms 293
7 Airlines in the World 299
8 Online Carriers to Beijing 305
9 Entry Visas Available at Beijing Airport 307
10 China Establishes Six New Airlines 307
11 Airline Reservations and Confirmations Can Be Made by Contacting the Following Airline Offices in Shanghai 310
12 CAAC Domestic and Regional Fares 310
14.Terms of Arts and Crafts 313
15.Terms of Common Plants 319
16.Terms of Animals and Birds 336
17.Terms of Amusement Park Facilities 348
18.Names of Chinese Administrative Regions 351
19.State Organs 353
20.China's Minority Nationalities 360
21.Chinese Dynasties 361
22.The Democratic Parties 366
23.The Design of the National Flag 367
24.Foreign Embassies in China 368
25.Consulates of Foreign Countries in Shanghai 381
26.Common Surnames in China 381
27.Terms of Chinese Family Relations 382
28.Twelve Animal Years 387
29.Renminbi 388
30.Chinese Army Officers' Epaulets 391
31.Time Around the World 391
32.Weights and Measures 392
33.Fahrenheit and Centigrade Scale 395
34.Average Celsius TemPerature in China's Major Cities 396
35.Making a Domestic Long Distance Call 398
36.Overseas Offices of National Tourism Administration of the People's Republic of China 402
37.Miscellaneous Items 404
1 Christmas 404
2 Santa claus 404
3 Thanksgiving Day 405
4 Easter Eggs 405
6 Thirteen 406
5 April Fool 406
7 Nine 407
8 A.M. P.M. 408
9 Ring 409
10 Jade 410
11 The Dragon 411
12 Playing Cards 412
13 Daylight Savings System 413
14 Weather Information 415
15 Origin of Certain Place Names 415
38.Distances Between China's main Tourist Cities 415
39.Distances Between Yangtze River's main Port Cities 415
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