- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:许爱军等编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7301034199
- 页数:431 页
Ⅰ.John Fitzgerald Kennedy 1
Contents 1
1.Roots in the Past 2
2.Family Education 6
3.Schooling 10
4.Naval Days 24
5.A Courageous Man 41
6.Entry into Politics 46
7.The White House Days 67
8.Kennedy as a Man 87
9.Kennedy Remembered 99
PresidentJohn Kennedy 101
10.Inaugural Address of 101
Ⅱ.Richard Milhous Nixon 110
1.Start in Life 111
2.Going into Politics 118
3.Serving as Vice-President 131
4.Returning to Private Life 146
5.Serving as President 155
6.Abyss and Renewal 279
7.Two Inaugural Addresses of 299
President Richard Nixon 299
Ⅲ.George Herbert Walker Bush 322
1.George Bush’s Day 323
2.A Big Family 328
3.At Phillips Andover Academy 334
4.The Winner of Flying Cross 338
5.Falling in Love at First Sight 342
6.Sparkling Record at New Haven 345
7.An Oilman from Odessa to Midland to Houston 347
8.Daughter Robin in God’s Loving Arms 352
9.The Top Republican Vote-getter in Texas History,though Defeated 354
10.Parting with Business 357
11.Flying to Houston to Face the Music 359
12.A Failed Politician Again 363
13.The U.S.Ambassador to the United Nations 366
14.Chairman of the Republican National Committee 371
15.Going to Beijing,Not to London or Paris 375
16.Director of the CIA 382
17.Returning to Private Life in Houston 387
18.The Reagan-Bush Ticket 390
19.A Vice President with 7 Offices 394
20.“Only the President Lands on the South Lawn 396
21.A Man of Outstanding Self-discipline 400
22.Playmates Called Him the Vice 403
23.Big Victory in Campaigning for Presidency 405
24.A Great Mission for George Bush 410
25.Barbara,Wife of the 41st President of the U S A 412
26.Inaugural Address of President George Bush 416
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