- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:沈国祥编著
- 出 版 社:香港:香港骆驼出版社
- 出版年份:1980
- 页数:122 页
前言 1
目次 1
A 21
a boy of a girl 21
a bitter pill to swallow 22
a cat’s paw 22
a close crop 22
a couple of 22
a fly in the ointment 23
a dead shot 23
a flea in one’s ear 23
a flying dog 24
a good few 24
a hard nut to crack 25
a home letter 25
a household word 25
a long(far)cry 25
a man of his word 26
a man of fashion 26
a neargo(a close shave) 26
a long face 26
a man of family 26
a past master 27
a penny for your thoughts 27
a real treat 27
a rough diamond 27
a run on the bank 28
a wet state 28
a word in season 28
a word in your ear 28
Act of God 29
all at sea 29
acquire currency 29
ABC book 29
(be)all ears 30
all over the shop 30
American Beauty 30
animal food 30
answer the bell(or‘door’) 31
any old thing 31
ask too much 31
at a venture 31
at loose ends 31
at the eleventh hour 32
AuthorizedVersion 32
at odds(with) 32
at sixes and sevens 32
attack strike 32
at tbe top of the tree 33
B 33
back number(s) 33
badblood 33
bank of circulation 33
beall abroad 34
be in the blues 34
Bath chair 34
banking holiday 34
bear the bag 35
beat it 35
beat one’brains 35
beat the Dutch 35
beauty sleep 36
behind the times 36
benefit match 36
Berlin warehouse 36
best man 36
better than one’s word 37
best seller 37
best part of 37
between you and me 38
big game 38
big bad 38
black and blue 38
black coffee 38
black widow 39
blind letter 39
blank cheque 39
black tea 39
black sheep 39
blow(let)off steam 40
blow one’s own trumpet 40
blue blood 40
break the ice 40
bring(something)home to(someone) 40
bring someone to book 40
by and by 41
burn one’s fingers 41
bumper book 41
brought to bed 41
bring down the house 41
by parcels 42
by the hand 42
C 42
cabinet photograph 42
call-boy 42
candid friend 43
capable of anything 43
canned music 43
call it a day 43
call into service 43
card classes 44
carry the baby 44
change of life 44
change one’s condition 44
child wife 45
China policy 45
Chinese character(s) 45
choose death before disgrace 45
clean author 45
cold biscuit 46
close the books 46
clear water 46
clearing hospital 46
College of Justice 47
colour bar 47
come back to earth 47
come to an explanation(with) 47
come to no good 48
conclude peace 48
corruption of blood 48
count the house 48
cry up 49
culture of cotton 49
crimson lake 49
crown witness 49
cross marriages 49
cut glass 50
cut no ice 50
cut both ways 50
D 50
dark beauty 50
Dead Sea Apple 51
dead heat 51
dark horse 51
dead colour 51
Dear me! 52
desert one’s colours 52
doubting Thomas 52
dressing gown 52
drop a line 52
E 53
eat one’s words 53
eat one’s dinners 53
Dutch wife 53
Dutch school 53
dry bread 53
enjoy oneself 54
enter the church 54
every inch 54
exchange table 54
family butcher 55
fair game 55
family way 55
F 55
face the music 55
farewell address 56
feel somebody’s pulse 56
fight one’s battles over again 56
fight shy of 56
find money 56
for all that 57
for love 57
for good 57
flying pig 57
first lady 57
for money or love 58
for nothing 58
for one thing 58
for one’s own 58
for the life of me 59
for the love of 59
foreign body 59
foundation school 59
full of oneself 60
full blood 60
French dressing 60
French crown 60
G 61
general’s battle 61
German band 61
get it off your chest 61
Girl Guide 61
give an actor the bird 62
give(somebody)a piece of one’s mind 62
give a person the air 62
give(somebody)a lecture 62
give a ball 62
give it best 63
give in one’s name 63
give one’s ears 63
give the devil his due 63
go begging 63
go to the Bar 64
go to sea 64
go to the country 64
go for much 64
Go to Bath! 64
go to war 65
go with child 65
God bless me! 65
good bedside manner 65
graduation exercises 65
Great Bri tain 65
have a great (good)run 66
have a shot at 66
H 66
green crop 66
have(something)at one’s finger-tips 67
have clean hands 67
have it out 67
have money to burn 67
have much to contend with 67
have no business 67
have no opinion of 68
have one’s heart in one’s mouth 68
have other fish to fry 68
have words with 68
hit the nail on the head 69
hit on 69
high and dry 69
high tea 69
hit it off 69
horse and foot 70
horse room 70
horse sense 70
hot baby 70
hundreds and thousands 71
ignore the bill 71
I 71
House of Lords 71
hot pants 71
in camera 72
in deep waters 72
in hot water 72
in long clothes 72
in repair 72
in the article of death 73
in the hand of 73
in the long run 73
Indian club(s) 74
in the running 74
in the same boat 74
in labour 75
intelligence officer 75
J 76
Jack of all trades 76
jealous of 76
keep bad(late)hours 77
keep(somebody)in the dark 77
K 77
join forces 77
keep one’s head 78
keep one’s head above water 78
keep(somebody)from the bottle 78
keep the ball rolling 78
keep the pot boiling 78
keep the powder dry 79
keep the table laughing 79
keep the wolf from the door 79
know on which side one’s bread is buttered 80
know one’s own mind 80
keep time 80
keep up(one’s)spirits 80
L 81
ladies’man 81
Lady Day 81
Lake school 81
like the burden of a song 82
literal translation 82
(be)left out in the cold 82
lead(a woman)to the altar 82
live near 83
look out 84
lose one’s breath 84
lose one’s form 84
lose oneself in the clouds 84
lose the day 85
love all 85
low dress 85
made of china 86
make a difference 86
M 86
mad with(someone) 86
make a great business of it 87
make a person sit up 87
make both ends meet 87
make faces 87
make love 87
make nothing of 87
make one’s hair stand on end 88
make one’s party good 88
make the boat fast 88
May Day 89
mean business 89
make up a(or one’s)quarrel 89
marry with the left hand 89
medical code 90
mend the fence 90
miss the bus 90
music hall 90
N 91
nicegoing 91
nice little beggar 91
No bones broken! 91
no go 92
No fear! 92
No cards(flowers) 92
No dress 92
not by long sight 93
O 93
of long standing 93
of no birth 93
of the first water 93
off colour 94
off the record 94
on one’s back 94
on the carpet 95
on one’s last legs 95
on the air 95
on the game 96
on theline 96
on the other hand 96
on the same score 97
order of the day 97
out of place 97
pass the buck 98
P 98
over my dead body 98
out of truth 98
pass the time of day 99
pay attentions to 99
pay(a person)home 99
personal property 99
play a double game 100
play for love 100
pour oil on troubled waters 100
put a good construction upon 101
printer’s devil 101
present company 101
put(somebody)in a hole 102
put it across 102
put on an act 102
put on the mantle(of) 102
put one’s hands to the plough 103
put the saddle on the wrong horse 103
put the screw on 103
put two and two together 103
Q 104
Queen’s Bench 104
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