- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:钟兴麒,储怀贞主编
- 出 版 社:乌鲁木齐:新疆大学出版社
- 出版年份:1993
- ISBN:7563103119
- 页数:223 页
Introduction Tu Weichun 1
Investigations of the Western Region s Underground Channelconnected Wells System Wang Guowei 3
·Selected Research Papers on Turpan“Karez”System· 3
吐鲁番坎儿井研究论文选辑 3
西域井渠考 王国维 3
A Study of Xinjiang s Karez System Wang Heting 5
新疆的坎儿井研究 王鹤亭 5
新疆坎儿井研究 维吾尔·米努甫 20
A Study of Xinjiang s Karez System Weiwuer·Minupu 20
The Starting and Growth of Xinjiang s Karez System Huang Shengzhang 26
新疆坎儿井的来源及其发展 黄盛章 26
新疆坎儿井的历史、现状和今后发展 黄文房 阚耀平 50
Xunjiang s Karez System Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Huang Wenfang Gan Yaoping 50
新疆坎儿井的发展与中原地区的关系 蔡蕃 蒋超 57
The Development of Xinjiang s Karez System and Its Reletionship with the Midland Cai Fan Jiang Chao 57
吐鲁番出土唐代文书中的胡麻井渠及其他有关记述 储怀贞 68
Humajing Channel, etc. As Recorded in the Tang Dynasty s Documents Unearthed in Turpan Chu Huaizhen 68
A Brief Invroduction to a map of turpan karez system in the qing dynasty Chu Huaizhen 75
《清朝吐鲁番地区坎儿井分布图》简介 储怀贞 75
Traditional Instruments Used in the Opening, Digging and Repairing of the Karez System Chu Huaizhe 78
坎儿井开凿维修的传统工具 储怀贞 78
A Few Investigations of the Begimming of turpan“Karez”system Zhong Xingqi 85
吐鲁番坎儿井源流丛考 钟兴麒 85
A Record of the Karez System in the City of Turpan 120
·Records of Turpan“Karez”System· 120
吐鲁番地区坎儿井实录 120
吐鲁番市坎儿井实录 120
鄯善县坎儿井实录 157
A Record of the Karez System in Shanshan County 157
托克逊县坎儿井实录 199
A Record of the Karez System in Tuoksun County 199
后记 222
Postscript 222
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