美国文学选读 下PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:23 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李宜燮,常耀信主编
- 出 版 社:天津:南开大学出版社
- 出版年份:1991
- ISBN:7310003969
- 页数:854 页
Hart Crane 310
from The Bridge 311
Allen Tate 320
Ode to the Confederate Dead 321
John Steinbeck 327
from The Grapes of Wrath 329
Thomas Wolfe 349
from"The Lost Boy" 350
Katherine Anne Porter 368
Flowering Judas 369
Richard Wright 385
from Native Son 386
Eudora Welty 399
Death of a Traveling Salesman 400
Tennessee Williams 416
from The Glass Menagerie 417
Arthur Miller 452
from Death of a Salesman 454
Charles Olson 487
Maximus,to Gloucester,Sunday,July 19 488
Robert Lowell 493
For the Union Dead 494
Skunk Hour 498
Saul Bellow 502
from Herzog 504
Norman Mailer 520
from The Naked and the Dead 521
Ralph Ellison 548
from Invisible Man 549
J.D.Salinger 562
from The Catcher in the Rye 563
John Cheever 578
The Swimmer 579
前言 1
Edwin Arlington Robinson 1
Richard Cory 2
Miniver Cheevy 3
Mr.Flood's Party 5
Willa Cather 9
Neighbour Rosicky 10
Amy Lowell 41
Patterns 42
Robert Frost 46
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 48
Mending Wall 50
The Road Not Taken 53
Design 54
After Apple-Picking 55
Sherwood Anderson 57
from Winesburg,Ohio 58
Carl Sandburg 70
Chicago 71
Fog 73
The Harbor 73
Wallace Stevens 75
Anecdote of the Jar 76
The Idea of Order at Key West 77
The Emperor of Ice-Cream 80
Sunday Morning 82
William Carlos Williams 88
The Red Wheelbarrow 90
Spring and All 91
from Paterson 93
Ezra Pound 107
A Pact 109
In a Station of the Metro 110
The River-Merchant's Wife:A Letter 110
from Hugh Selwyn Mauberley 112
from Cantos 114
Sinclair Lewis 129
from Babbitt 130
Hilda Doolittle(H.D.) 144
Oread 145
Heat 146
Eugene O'Neill 148
from Long Day's Journey into Night 150
T.S.Eliot 179
The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock 181
from The Waste Land 193
e.e.cummings 205
in Just 206
O sweet spontaneous 208
Langston Hughes 210
The Negro Speaks of Rivers 211
As I Grew Older 212
Ballad of the Landlord 214
F.Scott Fitzgerald 217
from The Great Gatsby 219
William Faulkner 238
from Light in August 243
Ernest Hemingway 266
from A Farewell to Arms 271
John Dos Passos 295
from U.S.A 296
Bernard Malamud 594
from The Assistant 595
James Baldwin 618
from Go Tell It on the Mountain 619
Flannery O'Connor 649
A Good Man Is Hard to Find 650
Allen Ginsberg 668
Howl 669
Kurt Vonnegut 682
from Slaughterhouse-Five 683
Joseph Heller 707
from Catch-22 708
Sylvia Plath 722
Lady Lazarus 723
Daddy 727
Edward Albee 732
from Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 733
John Barth 760
from The End of the Road 761
John Updike 781
from Rabbit,Run 782
Ken Kesey 800
from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 801
Joyce Carol Oates 818
from Them 819
Toni Morrison 832
from Song of Solomon 833
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