涉外英语实用教程 上PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈良旋编著
- 出 版 社:开封:河南大学出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7810410873
- 页数:193 页
Part One The Basic Rules of Successful Letter Writing 1
Ⅰ.How to Write Successful Letters? 1
1.See the importance of letters 1
2.Always try to visualize the person to whom you are writing 1
3.Just write as you speak 2
4.Use simple English 2
5.Write in logical order 3
6.Content—think before you write 4
7.Make your letter attractive 5
Ⅱ.The Basic Parts of a Letter 7
1.The heading 8
2.The inside address 10
3.The salutation 12
4.The body of the letter 14
5.The close 16
6.The signature 17
7.The enclosure 19
8.The postscript 20
9.The superscription 20
Ⅲ.The Forms in English Letters 24
1.The mere-blocked form 26
2.The part-blocked form 27
3.The indented form 28
4.The modified form 29
Part Two Social Letters 30
Ⅰ.Introduction 30
Ⅱ.Invitation and Acknowledgements 35
1.Luncheon 36
2.Dinner 38
3.Formal and informal dances 40
4.Party 41
Ⅲ.Letters of Congratulation 44
2.Congratulation on Christmas and the New Year 45
1.Congratulation of National Day 45
3.Congratulation on a friend’s birthday 46
4.Congratulation on a scientist’s great achievement 46
5.Congratulation on promotion 47
6.Congratulation on the inauguration of exhibition 48
7.Reference expressions 48
8.Exercises 50
Ⅳ.Letters of Sympathy on Illness,Injury and Material Loss 51
1.To a flooded area 52
3.To someone who has been injured 53
4.To those who have suffered material losses 53
2.To someone who is ill 53
5.Reference expressions 54
6.Exercises 55
Ⅴ.Letters of Condolence 56
1.Obituary notice 57
2.Formal letter of condolence 58
3.Formal thank 58
4.Informal letter of condolence 59
5.Informal thank 59
6.Reference expressions 60
Ⅵ.Letters of Request 61
7.Exercises 61
1.For the acceptance of a friendly visit 62
2.Acceptance 62
3.For helping transfer to another post 62
4.For sick leave 63
5.For extending leave of absence 64
6.For finding a tutoress 64
7.Reference expressions 65
8.Exercises 67
Ⅶ.Letters of Application 67
2.Applying for the position of a typist 69
1.Applying for the position of a secretary 69
3.Applying for the position of an administrative clerk 70
4.Applying for the position of a teacher 72
5.A favourable reply to the applicant 72
6.An unfavourable reply to the applicant 73
7.Reference expressions 73
8.Exercises 75
Ⅷ.Letters of Introduction 75
1.To be presented in person 76
2.To be sent by mail 76
4.Reference expressions 77
3.A follow-up letter of introduction 77
5.Exercises 79
Ⅸ.Letters of Recommendation 79
1.Recommending an accountant 79
2.Recommending a student to study abroad 80
3.Recommending a nurse 81
4.Recommending an office worker 81
5.Reference expressions 82
6.Exercises 84
Ⅹ.Letters of Information 84
1.Going abroad 84
2.Unable to attend a symposium 85
3.Arriving at a place 85
4.Moving to a new flat 86
5.Serious illness of somebody 87
6.Informing a friend of the passing away of somebody 87
7.Reference expressions 88
8.Exercises 89
Ⅺ.Letters of Thanks 90
1.A bread-and-butter letter 90
2.Thanks for birthday gifts 91
3.Thanks for the farewell party 91
4.Thanks for a lecture 92
5.Thanks for recommendation 92
6.Reference expressions 93
7.Exercises 94
Ⅻ.Letters of Apology 95
1.For having lost a book borrowed 95
2.For the last-minute cancellation of an appointment 96
3.For not being able to attend a party 96
4.Reference expressions 97
5.Exercises 98
ⅩⅢ.Letters of Making Reservation 99
1.Booking a train ticket 99
2.Reserving seats in a plane 99
4.Reserving a room in a hotel 100
3.Booking passages on a steamship 100
5.Booking space for advertisement 101
6.Subscribing a magazine 101
7.Exercises 101
ⅪⅤ.Letters of Cultural Exchange 102
1.Visit programme of the Chinese scientists 102
2.Informing the arrangement of a world conference 103
3.Asking a favour for getting the opportunity of attend-ing a symposium 104
4.Asking for exchange of reference materials 105
5.Getting a foreign teacherto work at a university in China 105
6.Applying for giving lectures 106
8.Requesting advanced study and applying for an assis-tant’s position 107
7.Inquiring the procedure of application for enrollment and scholarship 107
9.Applying for study as a visiting scholar at a university 108
10.A letter of reference from a professor 109
11.Student’s academic degree certificate,diploma and academic record 110
12.Reference expressions 113
13.Exercises 116
Part Three Business Letters 119
Ⅰ.The Different Style and the Special Forms of Business Letters 119
Ⅱ.Letters of Inquiries and Offers 120
1.An enquiry 121
3.A non-firm offer 123
2.A firm offer 123
4.A counter-offer 124
Ⅲ.Letters of Order and Confirmation 125
1.A trial order 126
2.Confirmation of an order 126
3.Sending an order 127
4.Sending sales confirmation 128
5.Cancelling an order 129
Ⅳ.Letter of Credit(L/C) 129
1.Urging establishment of L/C 131
2.Requesting amendment to L/C 131
3.Granting amendment to L/C 132
4.Requesting L/C amendment 133
5.Requesting L/C extension 133
6.Granting extension of L/C 134
Ⅴ.Shipment and Delivery 135
1.Urging shipment of goods 136
2 Shipping instruction 137
3.Reply to shipping instruction 138
4.Shipping advice 138
5.Sending shipping documents 139
Ⅵ.Complaint and Claim 140
1.Complaints about quality 141
2.Complaints about delay 142
3.Replies to complaints 143
4.A claim for damage 144
5.Refusing the claim 145
Part Four Telegrams and Telexes 146
Ⅰ.Telegrams 146
1.Introduction 146
2.How to draft a telegram? 148
3.How to simplify expressions and save words? 149
4.Some points for attention in drafting telegrams 152
5.Exercises 153
Ⅱ.Telexes 156
1.Introduction 156
2.Advantages 156
3.Writing style 157
4.The basic forms of a telex 160
5.The use of punctuation marks and symbols in telexes 162
6.Exercises 163
Appendixes 165
Ⅰ.World Received Cable Abbreviations 165
Ⅱ.World-wide Business Telex Abbreviations 170
Ⅲ.Part of Telex Destination Codes 189
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